असुर सेन सम नरक निकंदिनि । साधु बिबुध कुल हित गिरिनंदिनि ॥ संत समाज पयोधि रमा सी। बिस्व भार भर अचल छमा सी ॥
In the vast canvas of existence, we craft our unique narrative,
Exploring diverse hues, tones, and contours, we're inventive.
With each thread of experience, we unearth inner depths,
Unraveling life's intricate beauty, where our journey intersects.
अखण्डानन्दमात्मानं विज्ञाय स्वस्वरूपतः ।
बहिरन्तः सदानन्दरसास्वादनमात्मनि ॥
वैराग्यस्य फलं बोधो बोधस्योपरतिः फलम् ।
स्वानन्दानुभवच्छान्तिरेषैवोपरतेः फलम् ॥
Life is akin to a blank digital screen, ripe for creation,
A realm to innovate, to probe, to spark conversation.
We blend with pixels, light, and codes,
Animating our aspirations, as our story unfolds.
The world serves as our digital palette, our tools, our compass,
A perpetual voyage, one we navigate with purpose.
We design with fervor, with intention, with soul,
Manifesting our dreams, as we pursue our ultimate goal.
Our opus, our digital masterpiece, a testament to our essence,
A mirror reflecting our identity, our resilience.
We cherish this boundless affection,
For the ever-evolving canvas, we embrace with affection.