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પરમ કૃપાળુ પરમાત્મા રાજકોટના ટી આર પી ગેમઝોનમા લાગેલ આગની દુર્ધટનામા મૃત્યુ પામેલા તમામ મૃતકોના દિવ્ય આત્માને ચિર શાંતિ આપે.
ઓમ શાંતિ🕯💐 😔🙏


સામાને સુધારવા માટે તમે દયાળુ હો તો વઢશો નહીં. એને સુધારવા તો માથું તોડી નાખે એવો મળી જ જશે.- દાદા ભગવાન

વધુ પ્રગતિ માટે અહી વાંચો:

#quoteoftheday #quotes #spiritual #spiritualquotes #selfimprovement #DadaBhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation


यूँही रहने दो मुझको गुमशुदा
न उकेरो मेरे किरदार को
मेरे ना होने से आजतक क्या
फर्क पड़ा है संसार को



એને રાખવી તો મારે જ પડશે




Good morning


Beauty is not mathematics; Beauty is not a mathematical equation where the sum of all our body parts determines our worth. It's not just the symmetry of our faces, the curve of our hips, or the color of our eyes. We are more than the sum of our physical attributes.

We are the kindness we show to others, the love we give, the dreams we pursue, and the flaws we embrace.

Our beauty lies in the uniqueness of our stories, the resilience we show in difficult times, and the strength we possess to overcome challenges.

We received training in subjects, but we lacked the motivation to delve deeper into them. Our training focused on achieving high scores, but it didn't inspire us to appreciate the nuances of understanding them. We received training to earn high degrees, yet we lacked the drive to navigate the depths of science. Our training focused on following the process, not the heart. Our training only focused on achieving targets, not on exploring our personal passions. Why can't I study something that I love? Why is it difficult for certain "metal" heads to understand:
“Unique beauty captured by some genius mathematician in Integral Calculus is no different than beautiful geometrical ‘curves’ calculated by some passionate photographer!”

Summer Bliss:

Sleeping in an AC is not completely risk-free luxury. It takes something very organic out of body and soul, which we can only realize while sleeping under the stars on our terrace and chatting along with our families. It’s something priceless.


Good morning


छोटे शहरों के लड़कों का
पहला सपना होता है
'कैंची साइकिल' चलाना,
और जब वो सीख जाते हैं
साइकिल सीट पर बैठकर चलाना
तो उनकी साइकिल सीधी जाती है
उस 'लड़की' की गली में
जिसे वो मन ही मन चाहने लगे होते हैं
अगर हैंडल छोड़कर चलाने का हुनर
आ गया हो तो फिर बात ही क्या है!
दाढ़ी मूंछ की हल्की रेखाएं आने के साथ ही
उनके कंधों पर जिम्मेदारियां अपने आप आ
जाती हैं,
मिल में गेहूं पिसवाने से
जो जिम्मेदारी शुरू होती है
वो जल्द से जल्द 'सरकारी नौकरी'
ले लेने की जद्दोजहद में बदल जाती है,
ग्रेजुएशन के बाद भी अगर नौकरी
न मिली हो तो बेरोजगारी के ताने
उसे हर जगह अलग अलग तरीके
से लोग दे जातें हैं,
अगर कुछ साल और रहना पड़ा बिना नौकरी के
तो फिर
तुम्हारी शादी कैसे होगी...?
का डर भूत बनकर हर समय डराता है,
अगर किसी छोटे शहर के लड़के ने
देख लिया कोई बड़ा सपना
तो हो जाता है 'मजाक का पात्र'
हरेक 'नुक्कड़' का,
छोटे शहर के लड़के
छोटे-छोटे कदम ही चल पाते हैं
जीवन भर...


अगर थाम सको तो आकर मुझे थाम लो,
कही हम ढल ना जाए शाम के सूरज की तरह........


निगाहों में साफगोई, जुबा परेशा है
दिलों की बातें, खामोशिया बेपनाह है।

रोज़ मुलाक़ात, गर मुलाकात का इज़हार है,
शिहर जाती हरेक धरकन, बेजा-बहार है।

शराफत या दिलैरी, बातों में कहॉं बयां है,
तालुकात ए जज़्बात जो मौसम बेज़ार है।

जिंदगी प्यार वफा, कदमों का इम्तेहान है,
रस्तों की संगिनी, दोस्ती का इखतयार है।

महकती राहों में, राह गुजारी का इंतज़ार है,
हकीकत बस, चमकते आसूं इज़हार है।

अक्सर लवाजिश, गहराई छुपी होती है,
पैगाम ए दरिया, गुज़रने का इंतज़ार है।

संजीदगी इसबार, बेनक़ाब ज़रूरी भी है,
राघव ए हुंकार, बस मजलिसे इज़हार है।


હૃદય મહીં કકળતો અવાજ આત્માનો હું નીંદરમાં પણ સાંભળી રહ્યો.
ઊંડાણનાં ગર્ભમાંથી આવતો ગેબી અવાજ હું ના સમજી રહ્યો.
અરણ્યમાં લાગતો અગમ્ય દવ જાણે એક એક જીવને દઝાડી મારી રહ્યો.
ઋષિ સંત સમા મૂંગા ઝાડવા વિના વાંકે પાશવી સજા પામતા મૂક જોઈ રહ્યો..
અરણ્યનું આવું કારમું કરુણ રુદન સાંભળી કોઈને ના પીગાળી રહ્યાં.
કહેવાતાં પોતાનાઓમાં રહેલાં એકલાં "દિલ આત્માનો" પોકાર ના કોઈ સાંભળી રહ્યાં.
દક્ષેશ ઇનામદાર."દિલ"..


🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 Lovely Morning 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳



जीवन गेम में इस बाँल की तरह है बिखरी ! कभी फुद्दकर एक से दूसरे पाले में खुद को इकट्ठा करने की जुगत ! कभी दुखी, कभी साहस, सफलता जुटाती है फिर इक्ट्ठी होकर अपनी सुन्दरता पर फूल जाती है । गेम समाप्त ! मगर अन्ततक वह करने में ही जीती रही होने का उसे पता नहीं ।।


Discover the freedom that comes with the knowledge of Non-duality. When we realize the unity of all things, fear dissolves, and we embrace true peace. 🌌🧘‍♂️ #NonDuality #SpiritualAwakening #InnerPeace #DivineGrace
By Divine grace, the enlightened come to know the Truth of Non-duality, realizing the unity of all things. This knowledge liberates the mind from great fear. The path to this liberating knowledge is through the inquiry into the nature of reality and the self, as taught by the ancient wisdom of the Upanishads.
The knowledge of Non-duality transforms fear into peace. Understand the unity of all things and transcend the limits of the finite ego. 🌟 #FearlessLiving #SpiritualJourney #Upanishads #InfiniteSelf
Fear is born of misidentification; it arises from assuming ourselves to be what we are not. The knowledge of Non-duality liberates the mind from fear by dissolving the false identifications that give rise to it. By realizing the unity of all things and the true nature of the Self, one transcends the limitations and vulnerabilities of the finite ego.
Embrace the unity of all things and liberate your mind from fear. The path to Non-dual awareness brings profound peace and eternal joy. 🌌✨ #NonDualAwareness #Liberation #SpiritualWisdom #EternalPeace
The knowledge of Non-duality liberates the mind from fear by revealing the unity of all things. This realization transcends the limitations of the finite ego, bringing a deep and abiding peace. The ancient wisdom of the Upanishads guides us on this path to ultimate freedom and enlightenment.
Transcend fear through the wisdom of Non-duality. Realize the true nature of the Self and experience eternal, infinite peace. 🌠🕉️ #NonDuality #SelfRealization #SpiritualFreedom #UpanishadicWisdom
Fear is a product of misidentification and self-ignorance. By understanding the unity of all things through Non-dual awareness, the mind is liberated from fear. The ancient teachings of the Upanishads show us the way to this profound realization and lasting peace.
Unlock the peace that comes from understanding Non-duality. By dissolving false identifications, we free ourselves from fear and embrace our true, infinite nature. 🌌🔓 #NonDuality #Fearless #Enlightenment #SpiritualGrowth
Fear arises from taking appearance to be real and identifying with the limited body-mind-ego entity. The knowledge of Non-duality liberates us by revealing the true nature of the Self and the unity of all things. This path, illuminated by the wisdom of the Upanishads, brings us to eternal peace and freedom.
These posts are designed to encapsulate the essence of the knowledge of Non-duality and its liberating power, offering profound insights and encouragement to those on their spiritual journey.


થોડા લાગણી ભર્યા સંબંધોની તરસ છે,
બાકી તો મારી જિંદગી બહુ સરસ છે

#_krishna 💞


tum meri kahani ho!
