hard Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

hard bites

it is hard to love someone because it gives you pain, you will get cry but that all things makes your strong bond of relationship. ♥️ #hard

When you feel that the time is not in your favour...
When you feel that it is #Hard to turn the situation in your favour...
When you feel that your efforts are going into vein...
Read SHRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA...with all your faith and belief...
I guaranteed....you will find the way to handle all the hardship and difficulties...

✍- Khyati Soni "લાડું"

Don't make your Heart ♥ hard otherwise you will never find peace in your life

It's hard for me to live without you, But even that idea is futile.