Split Personality

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When twenty two years or so aged Evalla felt too much for Viswanadh who was not only a widower, has a twenty six years or so aged daughter but also aged more than double to her; and wanted to live with him, she did not know the reason why. She was so happy a girl after her marriage with Viswanadh except with the only one problem ‘Okatho’ in her. For a long time, she was also just like Dr.Rose, of the opinion that it was just her ‘split personality’. But when she remembered her past, when she remembered the promise she made to her sister Okatho while she was dying, she understood it was not the split personality in her but her natural sister Okatho herself. Her remembering her past cleared all of her doubts which included why she has attracted that much to Viswanadh and wanted to live along with him. How Dr.Rose, a psychiatrist in her own way and Sadan, a para-psychologist in his way tried to solve the problem of Evalla is the story of the book ‘Split Personality’, a maga psychological and paranormal thriller.


Split Personality - 1

When twenty two years or so aged Evalla felt too much for Viswanadh who was not only a widower, a twenty six years or so aged daughter but also aged more than double to her; and wanted to live with him, she did not know the reason why. She was so happy a girl after her marriage with Viswanadh except with the only one problem ‘Okatho’ in her. For a long time, she was also just like Dr.Rose, of the opinion that it was just her ‘split personality’. But when she remembered her past, when she remembered the promise ...Read More


Split Personality - 2

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna It was ten in the morning Rose entered into Black Ant Mental Care just then and went straight into Charles chamber. Charles was not there in his cabin and with little bit of irritation she slumped in the chair opposite to his chair putting her hand bang on the table which was in between the chairs and picked up a magazine on it. It was a magazine relating to psychological matters and she threw it on the table resignedly as she has already gone through that. ...Read More


Split Personality - 3

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I tried dear Rose but they did understand. They are very much adamant that the psychiatrist has to attend on them. Unless I have got that much of help from the father of that Viswanadh, I would not have bothered about like this. You just please, one of you.....” Sahamooti tried to say something more. “I myself go and see that girl sir, you don’t worry about it.” Rose cut him off and said. “She is going to receive the best treatment in my hands, you just ...Read More


Split Personality - 4

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I want to say something sir.” Rose for a second as she felt some uneasiness to mention it so to him then but she wanted. “My husband Williams knows you. He is the managing director of Mammoth Enterprises. He knows about you to some extent.” “Williams! I know him. We have business connections, we talked with each other on more than one occasion and I can say he is my friend. But it did not happen to know about you through him. It is indeed wonderful to ...Read More


Split Personality - 5

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I see” Rose nodded her head “By I have heard from you, I came to the primary opinion that your wife has been suffering from split personality. Anyhow it has to be diagnosed even more deep to come to the conclusion that she has been suffering from split-personality or from some other psychological disorder. Even it was the first time she has been exposed like that before you on that day, she might have been suffering from it for a long time.” “I agree with you Dr.Rose, ...Read More


Split Personality - 6

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “How fortunate I am!” suddenly there was gleam in her eyes and happiness in her face. “Such a good person should never be unhappy because of me. Please doctor! Make me my usual self as fast as possible.” “I certainly do it like that. You don’t worry. Your acknowledging yourself that you have been suffering from a psychological disorder and agreeing for the treatment in this way made the thing more than half easy. You just be relaxed and I make a plan to turn you perfectly ...Read More


Split Personality - 7

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I also don’t like it much but can do? I have to go to BAMC and need to go to your office. There is no one in the house to look after our baby.” Rose sighed heavily. “You also came there and saw everything with your own eyes. You also satisfied with those people. They are especially to look after the small babies like our Emily and we also have been paying beautiful amount to them every month. Don’t worry about it at all.” “But sometimes I ...Read More


Split Personality - 8

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “What madam was doing by the time reached the car with the mechanic?” “She was sleeping in the car leaning back in the back seat. I have to wake her up?” “Was there a chance that she went somewhere, came back and started sleeping like that?” “Yes, there is such a chance also.” Anand nodded his head “But it did not appear to me that she went anywhere in my absence.” “Alright. You can go now.” After hearing from Rose like that, Anand went away from that ...Read More


Split Personality - 9

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “It takes four years or so more. just entered into my first year medicine. You know it and still asks like this. ” He laughed and said. “If you wait two minutes, I refresh myself and come back. We are going to take our supper together on this day.” “I am sorry. Not on this day. I came here long time back and I need to return now.” She said with a smile. “On some other day we both do have together not only supper but lot ...Read More


Split Personality - 10

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Without anymore talking he hugged her strongly kissed all over her face strongly. When he finished his kissing, she kissed on his left earlobe and said “I love you” and he did not know the reason why but those simple three words filled his whole body and heart with a sort of thrill which he could not understand at all. What he did not understand even more was how he was feeling that much of love towards a simple low class movie actress with whom he did ...Read More


Split Personality - 11

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You are quite right in your feeling that. You have every right to despise me.” This time Evalla looked into the face of Prameela. “Even you think that I have entered into your family like this only for your money, I don’t say you are wrong.” “Then you became the wife of my dad only for money?” Prameela knitted her brows together . “It is one of the reasons but not the main reason” Evalla once again hung her head “I don’t know how to convince you ...Read More


Split Personality - 12

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “For what?” Rose was puzzled on hearing Suddenly she remembered Viswanadh and his second’s wife problem and Prameela’s phoning to her the day before and took the appointment to meet her in the morning of that day. Then Rose remembered what Viswanadh said about the terms between Evalla and his daughter Prameela and felt surprise. In the morning two hours Rose usually see her patients and the patients of the other psychiatrists also and in unavoidable circumstances she would allot that time to schedule for new patients. ...Read More


Split Personality - 13

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I found her having sex. I found having sex with my neighbour.” Nalini said still keeping her face like that in her palms amidst her weeping. “I see.” Rose did not feel too much shock as it was what she was anticipating from the moment Nalini asked her opinion on her mom. “Yes, I found her having sex with my neighbour.” Nalini removed her face from her palms and now there was a serious expression in her face. “Hardcore sex! They both were absolutely naked and he ...Read More


Split Personality - 14

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Instead of answering that question Malathi got from the chair and went away from that place. &&& Viswanadh never thought that he could feel like that with another woman and do sex in such a way. Even he has no idea or no feeling on that girl until the moment she asked him to marry her, suddenly her asking so changed everything. Even he has it with her before also, while they both were on the bed absolutely naked he was in a state like euphoria! Despite ...Read More


Split Personality - 15

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Now you are acknowledging that having sex this age with other guys is absolutely wrong. You can control your body. You can go against your body’s terrible desire to have sex. You do feel happy in controlling yourself to not to have sex. Your self-satisfying method does give you the complete satisfaction.” Malathi’s face was absolutely peaceful and calm while Rose was saying like that. After two or more times saying like that, Rose said. “Now I count five. By the time I say five you wake ...Read More


Split Personality - 16

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Who said that I don’t have a in my life? Okatho has a specific goal in her life and she never fails to achieve it. She would do anything to get it in full.” “Okatho!” Prameela instantly became alert and her heart beat became speedy. So the split personality in her was exposed again. Knowing the details of this split personality was even more important than the details of this girl. “You are Okatho?” Prameela was feeling thrill and fear at the same time. “I am always ...Read More


Split Personality - 17

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “My assumption has hundred percent become true.” said but the easiness and calm expression in her face was troubling to him. He expected some agitation and anxiousness in her face. “May I have that holy thing with which you have got this much of courage and can blackmail me like this?” with a smile on her face Prameela asked him. “I am just waiting for that opportunity” he took his cell phone out, unlocked it and opened a video in that and gave it to her. “It ...Read More


Split Personality - 18

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Will you remove him from his job?” he completed his dressing he came to the bed and sat on the edge of it. “No, I am not going to remove him from his job.” She closed her both thighs which were opened till that second even after removing his thing also. “He is very much skilled and professional and I cannot afford to lose him. But he is not going to fuck my ass anymore! He could not satisfy me even a tenth of what you did.” ...Read More


Split Personality - 19

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “May be you are right.” Prameela nodded head. “Did she say anything about Okatho? Did she know anything about it at all?” “That is the greatest irony of all!” Prameela said. “She does not at all know that she has been occasionally behaving so. She does not know that there is a character with a name Okatho in her. When she is Evalla and free of that character and people ask her about Okatho, she used to feel lot of discomfort and uneasiness. She just did not ...Read More


Split Personality - 20

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Alright then. What’s more now you want discuss with me?” “I went to the orphanage where she has grown up and try to know about more of her and I came to know certain surprising things.” Prameela said. “You indeed did a wonderful thing!” Rose said with a curious expression in her face. “Just let me know what they are?” Then in a measured tone Prameela explained to Rose everything which she learnt at the orphanage from that Madhumathi regarding Evalla. “Surprising! She came into that orphanage ...Read More


Split Personality - 21

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Mom, you are very much worrying for Malathi startled on hearing that voice, turned back and found her daughter just behind her. “You are doing things so absent minded at the gas-stove and it is quite dangerous also.” Coming near to the stove and taking the ladle from the hands of her mother, Nalini said again. Malathi went near to one of the chairs at the dining table and slumped herself in it. As the cooking was over at the stove, Nalini switched it off, came near ...Read More


Split Personality - 22

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I met that psychiatrist recently and talked her also.” Thinking furiously whether to tell her or not about her going to the Alambana orphanage and extracting information about her from there, Evalla said. “What that psychiatrist said then? Is she going to give me the hypnotherapy or something soon enough?” with a hopeful expression in her face Evalla asked her. “Before telling you about that I want to say something more. I hope that you don’t get angry on me as I did that without telling you ...Read More


Split Personality - 23

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I am thinking doctor that the life has spent till she entered into the orphanage has the answers to this question.” Prameela said. “We don’t know where she lived and in which environment she lived before she got the shelter in that orphanage but that may be the reason for her split-personality.” “It is indeed surprising to me that I have spent such a long time somewhere else and I don’t remember any of that.” with a shocking expression in her face Evalla asked. “I just cannot ...Read More


Split Personality - 24

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Relax my dear!” she kissed on his cheek smoothly and tightened her hold around him little when he released tremendously into her. “Just stay like that for few seconds.” “Whether you believe it or not, I did not touch a lady until you enter into my life again.” After few seconds sliding on the left side of her Viswanadh said. “But it is a surprise to myself that I can make you feel like that during sex.” “But it is just a fact. I did not bluff ...Read More


Split Personality - 25

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Alright. I do as you suggested.” with effort Viswanadh calmed himself. “But you have to tell me everything about that Evalla and Okatho. Then I do as you say.” “I cannot do that now.” There was a sudden helpless expression in the face of that person. “But I am your well wisher and want the good of you all.” After saying so that person started moving away from that place. “If you are really a well wisher to us.......” on the back of him Viswanadh yelled. “..........at ...Read More


Split Personality - 26

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I know that Rose is your good and you did a nice thing.” Nodding his head Sanjan said and then suddenly a serious expression came into his face. “You wanted to commit suicide? What you wanted to happen to me if you die? Did not you think I also would do the same thing if you commit suicide?” “Oh, Sanjan please don’t talk like that.” Nalini also sat straight on the bed, put her both hands around Sanjan’s neck and kissed on his both cheeks. “But you ...Read More


Split Personality - 27

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I don’t have any friends in that Evalla’s answer was quick and sharp. “Why did not you make any friends there?” “I always wanted to make friends.” Now Evalla’s voice was with sorrow. “But those people did not want to talk to me.” “Why so? Why it is like that?” “I don’t know. I cannot say.” Evalla’s voice weak. Rose looked into the faces of Viswanadh and Evalla. Their expressions were plain but inside they were thinking that Rose was asking unnecessary questions. But Rose knew very ...Read More


Split Personality - 28

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I don’t know why a person said to you but don’t believe any of that Mr.Viswanadh. There is no paranormal and that Amsara like things are just the sick imagination of the minds of some people.” “But doctor.....” Prameela remembered what that Okatho said and how Prathap suffered suddenly like that. How a healthy guy, who fucked her vigorously till that moment, suddenly started feeling that unbearable pain in his penis unless some paranormal caused something. “...........are you really sure that there is no paranormal at all? ...Read More


Split Personality - 29

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You have bad news madam.” Manoj was waiting in her chamber and as soon as she entered into it, he said. “Out with it fast.” While slumping in her chair she looked into his face. “Is our company’s shares tumbled even more down in the share market?” For the last one week their company’s shares were going down more and more for specific reasons and it was a concern to her. She knew sooner or later they do pick up again as such it was not going ...Read More


Split Personality - 30

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Except one, all the other cases at I am dealing are routine ones. This new one......”Rose paused a second and said “.............indeed very much challenging and I don’t know how much time it would take to be solved.” “For the first time I am hearing like this from you Rose.” Liza said “I am very much curious to hear what case it is that much challenging to you.” Then Rose explained everything clearly to Liza regarding the problem Evalla was facing then. “In fact that Viswanadh is ...Read More


Split Personality - 31

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “When I heard your voice, I sensed for sex in that. I knew that you were coming straight here to me only for this.” Sadan still did not bother to get up and dress himself up and lied on the bed. Finishing its business and exhausted completely his thing was dangling down between his thighs. Prameela leaned back in the chair and yawned heavily. “You said that there is something you want to talk with me. May i Know what it is?” once finishing the yawn, she ...Read More


Split Personality - 32

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Not just that, you are interested in matters.” “This also Pramee told to you.” Sadan laughed. “One thing she did not tell you is she is not interested in paranormal things at all.” “I cannot be interested in the things which are not in existence at all.” Prameela said and looked into the face of Evalla who sat beside her. “It is just so with you also.” “I cannot say.” Evalla sighed heavily. “I cannot say whether I do believe in paranormal or not.” “It is rather ...Read More


Split Personality - 33

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I am still in confusion Sadan, I say that I don’t have any feeling on you but I am not sure that the feeling I am having on you is love or not. But.............” a small smile was forced onto the lips of Prameela “.............once I have decided to marry only you if ever a feeling like that happens in me it happens only towards you but no one else.” “Let that happen in a free and natural way. Feelings cannot be forced. And your decision to ...Read More


Split Personality - 34

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You don’t like her being fucked by office boy.” Evalla felt regret as she mentioned it at him. “It is not that. With whom she has to have it is her choice. I don’t interfere with her choice of men to have sex.” There was fear in the face of Viswanadh which was making Evalla feel uneasy. “That Prathap is the best boy in our organisation and he committed suicide in most suspicious circumstances.” “My god! Is it is true?” suddenly Evalla’s face also was filled with ...Read More


Split Personality - 35

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Sadan laughed loud and said “You were much obsessed with his fucking and thought about it all the time. So you have been subjected to a hallucination like that.” “When a paranormal freak like you said it like that I cannot take it any other way.” She kissed. “It is getting up again!” she was feeling the bulging of his penis in her right hand. “Any penis gets up after having the touch of the hand of a beautiful girl like you.” This time her touch on ...Read More


Split Personality - 36

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “My god! Is it is true?” Rose’s filled with surprise. “There is no necessity to me to lie to you.” Liza then explained to her what happened the previous night. “I just..........never have thought that I do behave in such a way. All the time Swaroop felt lot of pain also but I did not bother with that too.” “And I want to say something to you here.” Before Rose said anything Liza said and explained to her what they both found about Amsara in internet. “I ...Read More


Split Personality - 37

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Wonderful mom! It is just wonderful!” Maanav loudly “You have such a high opinion on a person whom you left him thinking not fit to be your husband.” “Just shut up! You rascal.” Yamuna yelled loudly. “I did not leave Viswanadh thinking he is not fit to be my husband. Your dad suddenly entered into my life again and we both were lovers such an extent before, so I came away from him so. You know all about it but are still talking like that.” “It is ...Read More


Split Personality - 38

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “It is not a simple problem even also. Split-personalities and multiple personalities are not easy to cure. I can give the best remedy to your problem to be frank.” Sadan said. “Of course, Sadan is right.” Prameela nodded her head and said looking into the face of Evalla. “Alright then.” Evalla said as if she has come to an agreement to the situation. “Anyhow what you are going to do now?” Prameela once again looked into the face of Sadan. “What else, putting me under hypnosis and ...Read More


Split Personality - 39

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I hundred percent believe you. There is question of my suspecting the truth in your saying.” Williams hugged her strongly and kissed on her right cheek. “But even now also, you do appear as it is very first time to you. I always do feel the same tightness with you. It is very difficult to believe that you did have experience before marriage.” “Almost all the girls do have experience before marriage and it is not that much of a big mistake either.” Crooning even more into ...Read More


Split Personality - 40

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Her real name is Evalla itself. She not been named like that by anyone.” Evalla paused for a second before saying again. “My mom not only gave birth to me after the gang rape by those bastards but conceived again after two years. Evalla and I were not only just sisters but good friends also. I was just fourteen years or so old and Evalla was twelve years when those bastards butchered my parents like animals and gang raped me. Evalla.....” Evalla got off from the chair ...Read More


Split Personality - 41

Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I can’t guess what you want to With a confusing expression in her face Prameela said. “We already talked a lot about my step-mom, her marriage with dad, did not we?” “Yes, you are right.” Yamuna nodded her head. “We have talked about her psychological disorder and her being treated by one famous psychiatrist Dr.Rose. I know about the BAMC in which she is working. I don’t know about her but BAMC is indeed famous.” “Mom, come straight. What you indeed want to talk?” with an ...Read More