Split Personality
A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
“It is not a simple problem even psychologically also. Split-personalities and multiple personalities are not easy to cure. I can give the best remedy to your problem to be frank.” Sadan said.
“Of course, Sadan is right.” Prameela nodded her head and said looking into the face of Evalla.
“Alright then.” Evalla said as if she has come to an agreement to the situation.
“Anyhow what you are going to do now?” Prameela once again looked into the face of Sadan.
“What else, putting me under hypnosis and trying to know about my childhood. And if Okatho exposes during that process trying to know about her.” Evalla smiled.
“Yes, exactly that.” Sadan also smiled. “On the night of this day I want to do that. I want to say this to uncle also before doing it. I am thinking that it is better that you and your dad also present while I am trying to know about the details of Evalla’s past keeping her under hypnosis.”
“We can say this to my dad in the office. I have to leave now if I want to be in the office at the correct time.” Prameela said, got off from her chair and moved away from that place.
“If you feel bore, you too can come to the office and engage yourself in something there.” Sadan said looking into the face of Evalla. “At present we do need as many extra capable hands as possible there to help us.”
“Viswanadh also suggested this to me but..............” Evalla also got off from the chair “.............I am more interested in looking after the domestic affairs. I am enough engaged in the work at home and left with no free time. Don’t worry unnecessarily for me.”
“Okay then.” Sadan nodded his head with a smile and left that room and Evalla also just went after him.
“Now my sister and her husband are coming to our home and you have to serve them also including your sister and her husband. It all may be quite pressure-some to you .” looking into Rose’s face Williams said.
“Both my sister family and your sister family also love me a lot. I just feel pleasure not pressure in entertaining them. What is life without loving and affectionate relationships like these?” keeping her hold with her hands around his neck Rose said and kissed on his lips. “And don’t forget how much those people do feel happy and how good they treat us whenever we visit on them.”
“You are absolutely right dear!” Williams hugged Rose even more enjoying the lukewarm touch of her body. “My love on her is always the same despite the point she is only my half sister.”
“What the bloody hell you are talking?” Rose knitted her brows with a shocking expression. “She is only your half sister!”
“If you are careful, you can see the resemblance between her and that rogue. I did not notice that before I saw the fucking between my mom and that Dibbu but then it came into my notice. That Dibbu fucked my mom enough and made her pregnant with my sister.” Williams said.
“May be you are wrong, may be yours is just a wrong assumption!”
“You do still remember that Dibbu?” Williams knitted his brows together.
“Cunning filthy bastard! How do I forget about him? I remember him enough!” with irritation and anger in her face Rose said.
“Then whenever you do talk with my sister, try to remember him and try to see if there is any resemblance.”
“I never do such a thing and there is no necessity at all to me to do so.” With same irritation Rose said. “You too forget thinking like that. Just remember how much she always loves you.”
“.........and I love her.” With firmness in his voice Williams said. “My thinking and opinion like that never change my love and affection on her.”
Rose sighed heavily and remained silent as she did not think of what to talk next. Surprisingly recently she was feeling lot of urge in her and she was just waiting Williams to start something on her. But Williams on this day engaged himself in talking rather than starting something as he was doing recently.
“What really is bothering you Williams? What you are thinking now?” putting her right hand fingers into his hair and looking into his face, Rose asked him.
“Sometimes I think that I am a sexual pervert. It started so early in my life.......” Williams tried to say something.
“I know about that Williams. It is because of that dirty girl Rita. She made you do it at such a tender age itself. There was no mistake of you in it at all.” Rose cut him off and said.
“But it was not bad.....it was not that much bad......” with a smile on his lips Williams said. “I really enjoyed it a lot.”
“You rascal.....scoundrel.........” Rose angrily said and tried to slap on his right cheek with her right hand but Williams thwarted that with his right hand.
“That is why I am saying that I am a sexual pervert.” He kissed on her lips straight. “I have enjoyed sex at a time at which I should not indulge in that at all.”
“Once you have been forced to have it like that........” Rose once again sighed heavily and said “........what you can do except enjoying it so?” Rose was feeling irritation.
The urge then in her was so much but all the time Williams was only talking. Why this unnatural and excessive sexual urge suddenly like this in her, she could not understand. However much she did not want, her mind was forcing her to believe what her sister Liza said. Was Amsara’s involvement in this?
“Do we have some intimate sexual talk between ourselves?” suddenly Williams looked into her face and asked her.
“It seems that you are having more pleasure in talking now rather than doing.” Trying not to show her impatience in her Rose said. “Just talk whatever you do want to talk?”
“Will you be frank with me in your talking? Give me the correct answers?”
“Why did you get this doubt Will? Why are you thinking that I don’t give you correct answers? Have you lost trust on me?” Rose knitted her brows together with irritation in her face.
“Of course, its not so.” Williams once again kissed on her lips straight. “But when it comes to sexual secrets, we want to keep them even from our very intimate one also.”
“But I did not do so at all. If I want to keep sexual secrets from you, I would not have told you about my sister’s giving herself to our neighbour to repay his debt. And I would have kept her being gang raped and forgiving those rogues as a secret.” The irritation in her face was just so.
“Your sister is a remarkable lady. I don’t think that I ever can understand her in full.” Williams sighed heavily. “My question will be straight. Am I the only person fucking you and fucked you yet?”
Rose laughed out on hearing that. “Every male does have this doubt in him and some ask this question early, some ask late like you and some may never ask.”
“I asked now and give me the answer.” Rose’s taking it easily like that gave more courage to Williams.
“If I say yes will it make any difference in the matters between us?” frowns gathered on the forehead of Rose.
“Never. It never does make any difference in the matters between us even if you are having your regular fucking from some other person beside me now also.” His voice was firm. “But I really do feel happy if you frank with me.”
“Even it makes difference in the matters between us, I do be frank with you.” Rose once again sighed heavily. “Yes, you are not the only person who fucked me till. I have some fucks before my marriage and just believe me that was only before marriage. I don’t know how to convince you but you are the only person who fucked me after marriage and you are going to be the only person who is going to do that to me in the rest of my life.”
“You need not convince me, I am convinced of course.” But the little jealous expression in his face did not go unnoticed by Rose. “But you are fucked before our marriage. May I know who was that lucky guy could taste my beautiful Rose first time?”
“You are feeling jealous, don’t you?” Rose looked into his face straight after kissing on his lips.
“How I should not?” suddenly there was an angry expression in his face. “As you are this much beautiful now itself, I can understand how you were in those days? Anyhow I am curious to know at what age of yours it took place and at whose instance at yours or that guys.”
“At my instance. I think I was just sixteen years or so aged at that time and it was four years or so after my becoming woman. On that day I suddenly started feeling the urge.........”
“It is surprising to me that you did not get the urge till that moment!” However much he was trying Williams could not get rid of the angry feeling in him.
“It is not so I did not get the urge till that moment. To be frank I want to be fucked from a long time back, from the moment even before I got my womanhood but not to such a high degree! On that day I just could not cope with it and have decided to get it over with. Then I went to my tuition teacher who was available lonely at that time even he was a married guy and having children also...............”
“He must have been quite older to you, why did you pick him particularly?” Williams cut her off and asked her.
“Assumption right! He is older to me more than fifteen years!” nodding her head Rose said. “The reasons for my picking him up. One, one of my best friends in those days said, if we do want best experience in sex we have to go to a married and experienced person! He can deal with our body with skill and make us feel the whole joy. Two, that tuition teacher was a handsome guy with a six packed body. Three, I understood that he was showing interest in me and fuck my guts out if I give him a chance. Four, on that day only he was available to me as his wife along with his children went somewhere and would not come back until some considerable period.” She paused for a second.
“Enough reasons! Just go on!” Williams suddenly found that his thing was strongly erected. His whole body was with a sort of thrill. He noticed with surprise that his previous anger feeling was vanished in him and he was feeling a sort of thrill to listen to his wife’s sexual experience with another guy.
“My expectation and my friend’s advice with experience did not go wrong! He just played with my body like that as if he did know about it more than I. I knew that there would be pleasure in sex but until that moment I did not know it would be that much. He fucked me inch by inch.”
“You both enjoyed it to the maximum!”
“Of course, yes. We both could manage to have it together on one more occasion with lot of difficulty as his wife was always like a hawk to him. Then with one or two guys whom I thought handsome and could give me the pleasure and my assumption did not go wrong. But once you have come into my life, you are the only guy I have it with. Whether you believe it or it, it is the absolute truth.”
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)