Split Personality
A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
“I am still in confusion Sadan, I cannot say that I don’t have any feeling on you but I am not sure that the feeling I am having on you is love or not. But.............” a small smile was forced onto the lips of Prameela “.............once I have decided to marry only you if ever a feeling like that happens in me it happens only towards you but no one else.”
“Let that happen in a free and natural way. Feelings cannot be forced. And your decision to marry me is making me feel lot happy. Anyhow this is enough for the present.” Sadan sighed heavily. “We are pretty diverted from the main topic. Yes, my company has not become bankrupt and I have not been removed from my job. I don’t know why but my subconscious started feeling danger to you and I could not remain anymore peacefully there. I felt so strongly my necessity to you, so I resigned to that job and came here.”
“However much I do appreciate your concern for me Sadan, I just cannot believe in these paranormal things.” There was the same firmness in the voice of Prameela.
“You have forgotten the decision we took Pramee. We decided to hear Sadan completely.” Evalla said.
“I am sorry Sadan.” Prameela laughed. “Just tell me what you are thinking all about this.”
“Thank you very much that you gave me a chance.” Sadan once again sighed heavily. “I cannot say much about that Okatho. So far what I can think about that Okatho is; it is something real was in existence at one point of time and now also but as a spirit. But that Amsara, which grace Okatho so desperately wants to have, is a very cunning, calculated and powerful ! If we are against that bad angel, I do feel fear even to think about the consequences of it.”
It created intensive fear in both Prameela and Evalla also, Prameela managed to contain herself as she heard about it already from Sadan but Evalla could not remain without expressing it. “My god! What can be such horrible consequences!” she exclaimed.
“Oh, don’t make that poor girl feel fear like that.” Covering her inside fear and imitating an irritating expression in her face, Prameela said. However much she did not want, she too could not remain without feeling fear to that Amsara. The sudden suspicious death of Prathap has made her strongly suspect that bad angel’s involvement was in their lives.
“I don’t want to make anyone feel fear unnecessarily” Sadan said. “I know this makes Evalla feel fear but I am thinking that it is important she too knows about Amsara as Okatho in her is adoring that bad angel.”
“You are absolutely right.” Evalla nodded her head and said. “I must know about that Amsara in full as my life indirectly involved with it. Just tell me what it is.”
“Amsara is an angel with a snake head and human body. It is male and female both. It has a penis like a man and vagina like a woman. It receives power from gods through its vagina and gives it to its devotees through its penis. It likes mostly pregnant woman even though it likes some virgin women also. But the women either pregnant or virgin must have some special qualities to be liked by Amsara and to get its grace. If Amsara accepts the offering of the women and enjoys them, it fulfils all their wishes and provides them with wonderful power! Usually the babies in the pregnant women die after the women enjoyed by Amsara but whoever survives shall become the favourites of Amsara and Amsara gifts them with lot of power and they can do lot many things that the ordinary people cannot do. It is not just the pregnant women but other people also can have the grace of Amsara if they fulfil the nasty desires of it.” He paused for a second before saying again. “The most important thing; the main characteristic of Amsara; It makes the sexual urge in people unusual and unnatural. It makes the people do feel sexual urge to such an extent that sometimes they don’t take a back step to satisfy it with their close relatives also.”
“My god! That is indeed nasty to hear!” Prameela said with a disgusting expression in her face.
“Okatho....Okatho is such a gifted child! I heard it saying so.” Evalla said with surprise and awe. Even she heard she did not care what he has said in the last.
“As per its saying we may take it like that.” Sadan nodded his head and said.
“This is all absolute trash.” Prameela said adjusting herself more on the bed. “We are just damaging the psyche of Evalla more and more. Now she starts believing in all these paranormal also.”
“I am not thinking like that.” Evalla’s voice was firm. “In my opinion Sadan’s help is as much important as Dr.Rose’s. Anyhow I want to hear what would be the procedure if we link my problem with paranormal.”
“First we need to know what is the connection between Okatho and Evalla, why did she want to stay in her body to get the grace of Amsara. Once we do know about it, we may find a way to relieve Evalla from Okatho. If we can relieve Okatho from Evalla, we may be relieved from the problem of Amsara also.” Sadan said with a thoughtful expression in his face.
“I did not tell you about Evalla’s past. I think it is important that you do know about it also.” Then Prameela explained to him everything about Evalla’s past, her being entered into the orphanage at her twelfth year or so without any memory of her past, her father being accosted by a person and what he has said. She told even that also what happened when Dr.Rose try to make Evalla remember her past under hypnosis. While Prameela was explaining all that, Sadan and Evalla heard it without any disturbance in between.
“So this matter is more complicated than I think.” Once again leaning back in the chair Sadan said sighing heavily. “Then the first task on us is; to make Evalla remember her childhood.”
“Dr.Rose also is of the same opinion. Her trail to make Evalla remember her past under hypnosis only half-worked as Okatho exposed in between. She is of the opinion to try it just like that after few days.” Prameela said.
“With the same result as before. I don’t think Okatho in Evalla ever let it be a success. Unless we come into some terms with Okatha, we cannot know anything about Evalla’s past.” Once again there was a thoughtful expression on the face of Sadan. “But it is surprising to me that Evalla has forgotten her past like that! Why it has happened so to her?”
“Dr.Rose said that someone programmed me to forget about my childhood.” Evalla intervened and said. “Not just that, I am feeling difficulty to remember any of my past also.”
“It may be just because of someone’s programming or by some other reason I cannot comment now.”
“Alright Sadan.” Suddenly Prameela said. “If we take Evalla’s problem is because of some paranormal and we allow you to do something, are you sure that you can solve the problem? Can you relieve her from her split-personality Oktho?”
“I cannot give any assurance Pramee.” Sadan got off from the chair and said looking into the face of Prameela straight. “What all I can say is; I do try my level best.”
“Thank you very much Sadan” Prameela got off from the bed. “But the only problem is; Dr.Rose never agrees to treat this problem in a paranormal way. Just like dad and I, she also does not believe in any paranormal at all.”
“Whatever I am going to do that does not comes across her treatment and impede that.” Sadan paused a second before saying again “Anyhow clear one thing for me, do you agree wholeheartedly now for my doing something in my paranormal way to solve this problem?”
“To be frank, I still cannot believe in this paranormal. But as Evalla also has interest in it, I am thinking to let you do whatever you think fit. Now I have to see what dad would say to this.” Prameela sighed heavily.
“I wish and hope that your dad also does agree to this.” Now there was lot of concern in the face of Sadan. “I just don’t like that your lives would be in danger because of that Okatho and Amsara.”
“Are you thinking that there will be problem to us because of that Amsara also?” Evalla also got off from the bed and looked into the face of Sadan.
“If what Okatho said is true and we cannot relieve her peacefully from Evalla, our main problem is from Amsara. It does not like anything unwanted done to its devotees and it does not spare anyone who insults it or annoys it. As I said earlier, it is the most cunning, dangerous and powerful bad angel.”
Prameela and Evalla both exchanged anxious glances on hearing that.
“You don’t feel fear as I am here to deal with this problem.” Sadan laughed trying to make the situation easy there. “What all you have to do is; just allow me to do whatever is necessary.”
“I shall see into that.” Suddenly there was a change and determination in Prameela. “I shall see that dad also agrees to it.”
“That Sadan is indeed an interesting guy!” when Viswanadh and herself were in his bedroom each in the hands of the other after finishing having sex in a vigorous way, Evalla said. “I came to know very much interested things from him.”
“The only thing myself and my daughter don’t like in him is his interest in paranormal.” Viswanadh laughed and said. “Anyhow I can guess he talked about that paranormal at you to evoke interest in this way to you.”
“Assumption right!” Evalla smiled. “But it is surprising to me that despite both of your having dislike on his interest on paranormal , you both do like him also in the equal measure.”
“He is very clever and intelligent! From the beginning I think he can be of great help to our business and I am sure he would not disappoint me once he starts working with us.” Viswanadh sighed heavily before saying again. “But my daughter has additional reason also to like him like that. He gives her the best fucking.”
“My god! That means you know that he is fucking your daughter!” with surprise in her face Evalla asked him.
“He started fucking her long time back and after his leaving for US, she could not get it that best from anyone else.”
“You are making me feel surprise! You know about her getting fucked by guys but you did not say anything.” The surprising expression in the face of Evalla was just so.
“Is it is not so natural that people do want to satisfy their sexual urge in one way or the other? What is there in it to me to remonstrate her? What all I do want is she should be in her care not to get pregnancy or diseases.” With the same usual expression in his face, Viswanadh said.
“What an ideal father you are! Even it is appearing little odd, fathers behaving like you would solve most of the problems.” She paused for a second as if she was hesitating to say whatever she want to say “Anyhow it is not true that she did not get a guy who could fuck her as better as that Sadan.”
“I don’t think that one guy Manoj with whom she is having it occasionally has the capacity to satisfy her that much. Is there any other guy doing it to her?” Viswanadh knitted his brows.
“Prathap, she said the word Prathap. Unintentionally she slipped in her conversation while she was talking with me and Sadan that Prathap could do it quite better to her.”
“Prathap, that office boy in our organisation!” with a shocking expression in his face Viswanadh sat straight suddenly on the bed.
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)