Split Personality - 35 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 35

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Split Personality - 35

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Sadan laughed loud and said “You were so much obsessed with his fucking and thought about it all the time. So you have been subjected to a hallucination like that.”

“When a paranormal freak like you said it like that I cannot take it any other way.” She kissed. “It is getting up again!” she was feeling the bulging of his penis in her right hand.

“Any penis gets up after having the touch of the hand of a beautiful girl like you.”  This time her touch on his thing was enjoyable to him and it was getting reflected in his face also. “Tell me how many cocks tasted your count other than that Prathap and I.”

“Not many of course. One or two other than that Manoj.”

“That chartered accountant! He indeed has a handsome personality.”

“Not much handsome when it comes to fucking. He hardly could keep his thing in that before getting his discharge. Anyhow I would have preferred to have it for some more days if he did not do such a horrendous thing and tried to cheat me.” After remembering that once again her face was filled with an angry expression.

“What that much horrendous thing he did?” Sadan’s face was filled with surprise.

“In fact that was what made it happen between me and that Prathap.” Then she explained to him how Prathap tried to blackmail her, how she came to know about Manoj’s cunning idea and how she ultimately decided to have it with Prathap as she did not want to have it with Manoj anymore. “On that day itself I swore that I never would let his thing near to my cunt however much unbearable the urge in me.”

“But it is surprising to me that you still prefer to have him in your organisation!” Sadan frowned. “Why did not you sack him out immediately?”

“Even he has cunningness like that in him, he is very capable in his profession and very much knowledgeable about all our business affairs. Not just that he has most of our business secrets with him. I just cannot afford to lose him.”

“Alright, alright understood.” Sadan said “Anyhow I sensed a sort of envy in him when you introduced me to him yesterday. I think he already guessed that you have been getting your fuck by me also.”

“If he did not guess it like that, he is a dumb guy.” She kissed on his lips and said “Now see your thing is completely ready for business again.”

Then with a force he got onto the top of her again and it continued like that for half an hour or so before they both were completely satisfied.


“I must be frank. Still I am not completely convinced in this paranormal and thinking that psychiatrist would do the best than anyone else. But....” Viswanadh paused before saying again “........providing your involvement not going to impede the treatment of that psychiatrist, I have no objection.”

“Absolutely my approach would not interfere or impede with the treatment that Dr.Rose provides.” Sadan’s voice was firm. “Slowly you can understand how important what I said to you.”

At that time Sadan and Prameela were in the chamber of Viswanadh in his office.

“Certain things are making me feel that there is paranormal involvement in this matter dad.” Prameela said. “It is quite ironical indeed that we both who never believed in any paranormal now have to believe that there is paranormal involvement in our lives.”

“You are right.” Viswanadh nodded his head and leaned back in the chair. “But I don’t think that psychiatrist never does agree to this. And I am not liked in doing anything without her knowledge.”

“I want to meet her and talk with her. I can convince her that whatever I may do would not hamper with her treatment and moreover it would be helpful also.”

Viswanadh and Prameela looked into each other’s faces.

“If she does not like my interference in this matter I do stop. Without her agreement also I don’t do anything.” Sadan said. “I am confident that I can convince her in this regard.”

“Then its the best idea dad. We take Sadan to her and tell her about his idea. We shall see what she would say to that.”

“Okay then.” Viswanadh smiled. “Anyhow Sadan what you are going to do? May we know about it?”

“I don’t have any idea yet what to do with it yet. But I can assure you people one thing whatever I may do, it would not harm but only be helpful. Only to help Prameela from danger I resigned to my job in USA and came here. And I am quite thankful to you people that you are giving me a chance to help you.”

“I cannot understand what you are saying!” Viswanadh’s face was filled with a confusing expression.

“Yes, dad. He felt subconsciously that I am in danger and his presence is very much necessary to save me. So he resigned to the job there and came here.” Prameela laughed and leaned back in the chair. “Whether I do believe in paranormal or not, I do believe in what he said. He has such love and affection on me.”

“However much love and affection he has on you, how it is possible to know that you are in danger?” this time there was an amusing and surprising expression on the face of Viswanadh.

“While I was in close proximity with Prameela, I made subconscious contact with her. So I can know certain things of her without being told. Because of my subconscious link with her, I can know even those things which she does not know.”  Sadan said.

“I don’t believe in such type of things but I don’t want to comment any on them.” Viswanadh said. “We go to that Dr.Rose as soon as possible and let her know about your idea. We shall see what she would say.”


“Sometimes I do feel surprise..........” while Swaroop cruising all over her body and kissing her everywhere, Liza said “..........you are the same guy who wanted to commit suicide thinking you are an impotent.”

“If a beautiful woman like you came into possession..........” Swaroop laughed and said “.............even a real impotent person also becomes virile.” At that time he was between her thighs and kissing on her main thing.  

Liza always liked having sex with him but it was little difficult to her to have oral sex. It was surprising that a person who thought himself an impotent was so much interested in oral sex but Swaroop mostly wanted that. The most happy thing to her was he never coerced her to do oral sex.

“Just stop before it is flooded with juice.” Gripping his hair with both of her hands Liza said. “I am happy that you are enjoying sex like this with me but I don’t like this oral thing at the public parts.” But just like every time it was so much enjoyable to her while he pressed his mouth on her main thing and massaging it smoothly with it. She just did not like Swaroop’s doing such a thing.

“Most of the time yours is a rock like thing!” Swaroop laughed and came onto the top of her “Shall we both have our fuck now?”

“Just a moment!” Liza could not understand what suddenly was happening to her. There was sudden strong urge in her. “I want to suck yours.”

“I....I.....just cannot understand what you are talking!” Swaroop’s face filled with surprise. “You do want to suck.......”

“Oh, come on!” before he said anything more, he found his thing in her mouth and her gently sucking on that.

“It is so nice, so nice I must say!” he closed his eyes enjoying her sucking on that and just in seconds because of the lukewarm touch of her mouth around his thing, he released into her.

“Just stop! Just stop! It is so much painful to me now.” As she was just continuing it like that, he yelled with pain and shock. “I cannot bear it anymore.”

But it was as if she did not hear him at all and she held his waist with both of her hands and was continuing like that while he was groaning with pain. Once again his thing became rigid in her mouth and after few seconds once again he released himself into her.  

“My god! What is this? Leave me now.” He put his both hands on her shoulders and used even the last drop of his strength also to separate her from him. Once he freed himself from her, he got off from the bed and looked spitefully at her. “You devil, how could you do it like that? How you could become that much insensitive to me? My god! I am still feeling lot of pain.” His forehead was with full of frowns insinuating the pain he was feeling then.

Suddenly her face was with full of surprise and shock! She came fast and put her both hands around his shoulders and tried to kiss on his right cheek.

“Just, just go away from me.” He threw her away with all the force in him and she almost fell back but balanced herself  “Could not you understand how much painful it would be to me if you do like that?”

“I just cannot understand what got into me!” her face was with full of confusion. “Ever.........ever before I behaved in this way to you?” She was about to say something more but they heard the crying of their daughter. Liza ran towards her without bothering that she was absolutely naked then also.

“I never liked in oral sex. I don’t like even your doing it with my public part. As you are so much interested in that I am allowing you to do so. But why....why.....” her face was with the same confusion while her daughter was sucking vigorously on her right breast “...........I was interested in doing it like that to you.”

“I know the answer to it.” Swaroop started dressing himself. “If you think carefully, you too can understand why you behaved like that.” He said again once he dressed completely and slumped himself in the chair.

“You mean that Amsara....that bad angel caused such an interest in me?”

“What else? Otherwise why suddenly you behaved like that on this day?”

Liza did not say anything, closed her eyes and leaned back in the chair changing her daughter from her right breast to left breast. Monisa her daughter was sucking on her left breast as vigorously as before as she has no concern with anything.


“How the things are between you and Williams now?” when Liza and Rose were in Rose’s room, Liza asked her.

“As usual” Rose laughed and said. “You know how the relationship between us both. Need you ask.”

“I meant your sexual relationship at present.” Liza said. “How he is behaving in sex now?”

“He is behaving in the same way now also just like few days back.” Rose sighed heavily. “But there is change in the matters.”

“May I know what it is?” deep frowns gathered on the forehead of Liza.

“I am not minding his brutal way of satisfying it with me and in fact liking it also. Moreover I also interested in oral sex. Once I am finished with it, I am feeling so much disgust and hate but I am so much interested to do that and doing it.”

“Are not you feeling any surprise why it is happening like that?”

“Sometimes people do have such nasty wishes and desires. There is no need to feel surprise in it.”

“Are not you thinking at all that there is some paranormal involvement for both of your behaviour like that?”

Rose looked straight into the face of her sister. “Paranormal involvement? What does that mean?”

“Williams is a gentleman. He never behaved in such a way until few days back. Now you are also involved in those nasty things. But you don’t feel any surprise for it at all.”

“I said that happens sometimes in people and they want to do such type of things. No paranormal involvement is necessary for that.”

“You do say the same thing even I said I also suddenly got interest in oral sex and sucked his thing just like anything.” Liza said.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)