utmost Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

utmost bites


what is the most utmost thing in life ?

Love to humanity.

खूप वेळ गप्प राह्यल की ती शांतताच
माणसाला बोलायला भाग पाडते .


The utmost thing in my life is your life.....


Love is the key to utmost happiness.


We are humans, utmost souls,
We breathe an agile air.
We are ones with precise goals,
Earnest with our share.

As utmost beings on planet earth,
We make some choices bright.
We dismantle those towers of mirth,
Which spoke of noble light.

We cut through woods to barren soil,
We build our foppish tombs.
We smile with causes in turmoil,
Roasting mother's wombs.

We are beings with utmost thoughts,
We have framed our ways.
We have made those contrived bots,
To make us savour the days.


Self help series #9


#Utmost can be possible only

if follows the soul voice always..!!!

My New Poem ,,,!!!

*जंगल जंगल ढूँढ रहा है..*
*मृग अपनी कस्तूरी...।*

*कितना मुश्किल है तय करना ...*
*खुद से खुद की दूरी....।*

*भीतर शून्य.. !*

*बाहर शून्य.. !*

*शून्य फैला चारो ओर है ..!*

*मैं नहीं हूँ मुझमें*...!!

*फिर भी "मैं - मैं"*...!!

*का ही शोर है*..!!

*भौतिकता की पकड़ में*...!!

*जकड़ा बंदा अंत:मन से*...!!

*खाली बाहर मचा शोर है*...!!


At utmost happiness we become humans, at utmost sorrow we become heroes...