nerd Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

nerd bites

We all are nerds in different roles, we do act in life,
Somewhere with a smiling face, somewhere in the strife.
Yet we act and win the race as we love to win,
Nerdy humans face the games with every global spin.
Earth has kept us playful nerds, loving each a day,
That's how we do play the roles, a million words we say.
Nerdy geeks we love to work and end a worthy life,
We are noble souls of grace, smiling in the strife.



इस lockdown में
घर मे रहकर भी संयम
और सावधानी बरते ,


कोई इस उम्र में
*" बधाईयाँ "* दे
तो अच्छा थोड़े ही लगेगा...!!!


N Nothing wrong
E Even then
R Reality makes
D Difference


we all One We are humans no fights With Our

We're all nerds,
On one subject or another!


Belive in yourself, people will say anything about you.. Don't believe everything they say.. 😡

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#Nerd મુર્ખ😊

Being a #Nerd
Just Means You're
about Something...


A nerd is a person who works with a purpose and is often misunderstood by society. But does it matter to them? No. They don't care if the society doesn't understand their genius. The only thing they worry about is their beautiful thoughts.
