English Quote in Blog by Purva Mehta

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Kindness is abundant……

This is a tribute to all those amazing strangers who came out to help a distressed family recently.

Despite all that we believe, about the world turning in to a cold, cynical place, Someone Up There is doing His job well.
We still live in a beautiful place. Surrounded by beautiful human beings. The world is still full of kindness and helpfulness. What happened the other day reiterated all of this.
It was a busy market place. Buzzing with the sound of people who had come out to enjoy the balmy evening after a sweltering afternoon. All of a sudden there was a dull thud as a young teenage girl fell to the ground in a dead heap as she fainted. It was a shocking thing to witness. As the young girl’s distraught family panicked and rushed to help her, the scene that followed was nothing short of amazing. Of course a small crowd had gathered but there were a dozen voices, a dozen helping hands, so many anonymous people who came forward and got down to help. There was somebody hunching down to untie the girl’s shoes, another vigorously scrubbing the soles of her feet. Someone was calling out for water, yet another was bringing it in a jiffy. Someone else was sprinkling it on her face and mercifully as she came around yet another was helping her to take a sip. Soon someone was helping her up. Another was asking if the family had a car and yet another was offering to take her to a hospital. Someone had rushed forward with a stool for her to sit on. And there were so many more people who were coming forward to ask if they could help in any way and yet so many more who were simply offering reassurance to the shaken family. Soon someone was escorting the girl to her car, helping her in, handing a bottle of water to her mother, “pl take it. She might need it.” Yet another person came forward as the car started to pull away to hand the girl a plastic bag explaining to her mother, “She might feel nauseous.”
Witnessing all this in a time period of not more than 5-10 minutes, it was a hugely humbling experience. The wave of human kindness, the generosity of spirit of so many strangers rushing forward to help was astounding. Proving so firmly once again that God’s grace is infinite and His people are nothing less than angels. They exist right here amongst us. Ready to help in a heartbeat.

English Blog by Purva Mehta : 111044283
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