vanitathakkar Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

vanitathakkar Quotes, often spoken by influential individuals or derived from literature, can spark motivation and encourage people to take action. Whether it's facing challenges or overcoming obstacles, reading or hearing a powerful vanitathakkar quote can lift spirits and rekindle determination. vanitathakkar Quotes distill complex ideas or experiences into short, memorable phrases. They carry timeless wisdom that often helps people navigate life situations, offering clarity and insight in just a few words.

vanitathakkar bites

Wishing Everyone a very happy Janmashtami with a ....

Hindi Devotional Song (Hindi Bhajan) - Mann Mere Sun Le Gaur Se .... (मन मेरे सुन ले गौर से ....) - VANITA THAKKAR - LIVE

A beautiful Hindi Bhajan, inspired by the Twelveth Chapter of Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta - Bhakti Yoga .... It was penned by the lyricist, Shree Niranjan Thakkar (Vanita Thakkar's father) to assimilate the teachings of the Twelveth Chapter of Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta - Bhakti Yoga, as professed by Swami Chinmayananda (Chinmay Mission) in a 7-days lecture series in Vadodara in the late 1960s, which he had attended as a college student ....

Lyricist and Composer : Niranjan Thakkar
Singer : Vanita Thakkar

This is a live performance of the Bhajan in the programme organized to release the Audio Album - Soor Vandana (Omkaar Swar Vihar production) in April, 2008. The Album features studio recorded version of this song. To order the album, please write to us on :

Omkaar Swar Vihar

#vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar #happyjanmashtami #jayshreekrishna #bhaktiyoga #hindibhajan #hindidevotionalsong #krishnabhakti #krishna #krishnabhajan

भारत की स्वाधीनता, भारतीय संस्कृति की रक्षा का उत्सव रक्षाबंधन के शुभ दिवस पर मनाने का शुभ संजोग इस वर्ष रहा !!
सुरक्षा और रक्षकों के प्रति अहोभाव, सद्भावना और कटिबद्धता मानो दुगुनी करने को प्रेरित करता दुगुना हर्षोल्लास वातावरण में छा गया !!
कुछ सुंदर, प्रेरणादायी संदेश जो आज की स्मृतियों में चमकते रहेंगे ....

#happyindependenceday #happyindependenceday ?? #happyrakshabandhan #vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar

ॐ नम: शिवाय !!
Prayers to Mahadev Shiv Shambhu in the auspicious Shraavan month .... with Shiv Bhajans at the following link ....

May the Grace of Shree Mahadev enlighten the lives of the listeners and devotees !

#OmNamahShivay #vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar #ShivBhajan #JayShiv #ShraavanMahima

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy Guru Poornima !! Presenting ....
Guru Dattatreya Aarati – Gujarati : ત્રિગુણાત્મક ત્રિમૂર્તિ દત્તને જાણવા (Trigunaatmak Trimurti Datta Ne Jaanavaa) ….
Translated From Marathi To Gujarati …. Translation From Marathi To Gujarati : Vanita Thakkar

Singers : Vanita Thakkar - Chorus

Omkaar Swar Vihar

#vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar #gurupoornima #happygurupoornima #gurudevdatta #shreegurudevdatta #shrigurudev #jaygurudev

My third Hindi Essay / Article of the series Karmanyevaadhikaaraste (कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते) titled - Varna Vyavasthaa (वर्ण व्यवस्था) .... available at the following link ....
Feedback are most welcome ??????

#vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar #education #krishna #castesystem #modi #religion #spirituality

Enjoy And Share And Spread !!!

अखियों के झरोखों से .... (AKHIYON KE JHAROKHON SE ) ….
Beautiful Love Song …. Excerpts of Live performance - Feb., 2011 ….

Singer : Vanita Thakkar

Omkaar Swar Vihar

#vanitathakkar #omkaarswarvihar #hindisongs #hindilovesongs #hindilovesong

Celebrating 70+ videos on YouTube ! Enjoy the Music !!!
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A wide variety of music performances - classical, light, devotional, folk - in different languages ... Gujarati, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Bengali, Assamese, Rajasthani, Telugu, .... Many more to come !!
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Omkaar Swar Vihar

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