just Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

just bites

Can you stay with me,
Just like moon with sky,
Just like fragrance with flowers,
Just like colours with rainbow,
Just like you with me

- Kinjal Patel (Kiraa)


Love is just a power
which bring life
between two soul
which give breath
to blue earth
which force humans
Learning humanity
which mean of
two side mystery

Mansi patel "meh"

Just as despair can come to one from other human beings, hope too can be given to one only by human being.


j u s t

If want argue with me
If interested fight with me
if love then hug me after all
don't stay away
or behave like
the Unknown

j u s t

just like now
I have left all
on the bank of yamuna
with in a hope of
ancestor's deliverence:)

Just one moment of life i want to with you, because that moment is my entire life.
