Quotes by Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy in Bitesapp read free

Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy

Sanjaya Kumar Tripathy Matrubharti Verified


The way I am walking upon...
is close to my loved ones staying!

everything has a end
so does the badTimes:)

f r e e W i n g:)

a burden that walking along with my brittle soul...
I have thrown out.

a paralysed mindset that always been a obstacle...
I have crossed out.

a not worthy people-circle that pulled my way of exploring new world...
I have left out.

a thought that diverse my range of imagination...
I have burnt out.

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m Y m o t h E r

Seeing the happiness
on my mother's face
I forgot the pain & the miserable
workout that I had to do.

With the relaxing &
emotion full words of her
I feel like my soul
is in the utmost heaven.

The soft cuddle of her,
in my forehead is like
a worry vanishing magic tool that
I always love to have with me.

The sad horizon that she wears
on my returning journey
is still the big and sad thing that
I never be wanted to experience:)

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i n t i m a c y

Intimacy has no caste no religion &
no condition of unseen restrictions lines.

It's the smooth feel that
the heart utter to the other's heart
while the eyes saw each other's core.

It's the collision of
the too young souls those merged intentionally without the agreement of the body

It's the unsaid words
that need no medium to
being conveyed between
the two love birds.

It's the utmost heaven of
the world free feeling
that has no certain premises
of burden or worry.

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I have the dead vibes
on my live full blood flow
of the heart 💓

t h a TG i r l:)

The perfect collision of love and compassion

He has seen many times from her dark beautiful eyes.

She has a very strong desire not to show

her inner thoughts, though.

He has crossed many times from her doorstep

collecting the sweet moment of her glance.

she has her rhythm with the home going sun,

that he always notice while

seeing her on the village riverside.

yet, he is unable to know

the core thoughts of her heart but

the outer symptom speaks::

Its the unspoken love.

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don't consider me alive
seeing the moving body of minë
the soUl has died..
long years agO:)


l o v ë:)

Following the unknown footsteps
of your
I lost somewhere in the middle
of the heedless desert.
Oh ...my love
The bone of our intimacy
has witnessed a lot...
including the unwanted
forceful separation of us.
Though I haven't seen you
till the moment of my life
my everything,
I wanna spend rest
golden moments with you.
seeing the night moon
drinking the soil breaking wine
and enjoying the life-full
drops of pure love:)

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Being wrong by telling the truth
in a discussion
sometime feels like the right one:)
