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LifeCoach Quotes, often spoken by influential individuals or derived from literature, can spark motivation and encourage people to take action. Whether it's facing challenges or overcoming obstacles, reading or hearing a powerful LifeCoach quote can lift spirits and rekindle determination. LifeCoach Quotes distill complex ideas or experiences into short, memorable phrases. They carry timeless wisdom that often helps people navigate life situations, offering clarity and insight in just a few words.
આપણે હિંદુ ધર્મનાં આધાર તરફ આગળ વધીએ એ પહેલા સનાતમ ધર્મ વિશે જાણવું અનિવાર્ય બને છે. સામાન્ય રીતે લોકો (ખાસ તો આ ઈન્ટરનેટ ને આકાશવાણી માની લેતા લોકો!:))સનાતન ધર્મ અને હિંદુ ધર્મ એક જ છે એમ માનતા હોય છે. ખરેખર બંનેનાં અર્થ જાણવા વાંચો.. લેખ વાંચી, આપનાં કિંમતી પ્રતિભાવ આપવાનું ભૂલશો નહીં... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐📲✍️ - - - #series #religion #culture #religious #india #articles #lifelessons #emotions #indian #spiritual #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
સંબંધોનું ખેતી જેવું છે, ખુબ મહેનત, દરકાર અને જાળવણી માંગી લે છે અને આટલું કર્યા પછી પણ ગમતું પરિણામ લણી શકશો એની કોઈ ખાતરી ન આપી શકે. લગ્નો ભાગ્યથી નક્કી ચોક્કસ થતા હશે પરંતુ,નીભાવવામાં નવ નેજા પાણી ઉતરે એ પણ એટલું જ સાચું છે. 😇💁♀️ Please rate, share and comment on the posts without fail! ✍️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐📲 - - -…/ #relationship #relations #emotions #lifecoach #life #articles #lifelessons #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
Trust and faith can give any relationship strength and security we keep looking for....😇 #articles #emotions #indian #lifecoach #experiences #lifelessons #life #relationship #relations #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #parenting #parenthood #swatisjournal
Elon Musk, the billionaire and brilliant mind behind Tesla and SpaceX and other large scale game-changing companies,🚀🚘🚛 somehow also seems to find time to read a lot of books when he’s not working towards building is this small list of books recommended by Elon Musk. You wouldn’t want to miss it, would you?⏳📒📕📗 So, tell me which one has grabbed your attention the most? Don’t forget to mention it in comments below. 🤔✍️👇👇👇 - - - #books #recommended #Booklist #recommendations #inspiration #Great #ElonMusk #Elon #learning #reading #lifelessons #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
#lifecoach #life #acceptance
Do you know who's the first woman writer from India that contributed in English literature? She is Krupabai Satthianadhan (1862-1894). Female writers have come a long way since than and have surely proven their worthiness and importance through their works. 👩📝 This article about woman authors and their contribution to literary world is my tribute to all the creative women out there... 🚶♀️📈 Please read, rate n post your views on the post! 📖⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✍️ - - - #books #recommended #Booklist #recommendations #inspiration #Great #sandeepmaheshwari #learning #reading #lifelessons #indian #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
Someone once said that you can't buy happiness, but you can buy books and that's kind of the same thing! Reading helps in opening our vision and allows us to see the world we can't perceive with our eyes. Can you name any particular book that has widened your perception and helped you change the life? 🤔🤗 Please read, rate and comment on the post without fail.. 📖🌟✍️ - - - #books #recommended #Booklist #recommendations #inspiration #Great #sandeepmaheshwari #learning #reading #lifelessons #indian #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
and living. 📚✨ Good books hold that power that can change our lives... 💪 Read which books helped Steve Jobs to become Steve Jobs!! 👈👈 Get motivated, Rate the post n please don't forget to comment! ✍️👍 - - - #swatisjournal #books #Great #stevejobs #learning #reading #lifelessons #indian #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
Mahatma Gandhi said, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony!" Now, to bring all the three in harmony needs some serious efforts. This is the era of smart solutions where we humans have found ways rather easy ways to achieve anything required for a good life and living... So, here are some quick fixes we can work on to reach the most essential HAPPINESS! ☺️👍 Please read, rate and write me your views on the post! 📖✍️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - - - #series #wellness #happy #happylife ##longlife #Strategy #life #living #lifecoach #experiences #writersnetwork #goodreadsindia #goodreads #indianauthor #writer #swatisjournal
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