Trembling Shadows

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Are voodoo, witchcraft, black magic and shadow world, etc. things are true and in existence or are they just the creation of the human mind? Would there be any change in the behavior of the human mind in faraway, odd and lonely places? Are the souls are separate from the human bodies and would they go on journeys leaving the bodies somewhere and come back into them again? Can human mind memorize things and reproduce them with the same clarity and clearness even after fifty, sixty years also?


Trembling Shadows - 1

Are voodoo, witchcraft, black magic and shadow world, etc. things are true and in existence or are they just creation of the human mind? Would there be any change in the behavior of the human mind in faraway, odd and lonely places? Are the souls are separate from the human bodies and would they go on journeys leaving the bodies somewhere and come back into them again? Can human mind memorize things and reproduce them with the same clarity and clearness even after fifty, sixty years also? Almost an answer to all these questions, ‘Trembling Shadows’, a suspense, romantic ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 2

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Why the climate suddenly turned like this? It quite bright and shiny until we entered into this village” Rajesh said as it was to himself than in particular to anyone. He stood up from the chair and walked a little forward near to the rain as he had got bored being seated like that for more than half an hour or so in it. “This rain started just from the moment we entered into this village and did not stop till now.” “Something wrong with something, in ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 3

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Anyhow Sameera was feeling happy that Sunanda preferred talk with her so. Considering the recent incident that took place between them, Sameera did not think that Sunanda would talk with her again. No one talked for sometime. The wind rippling through across them was quite cold. “How it would be if we go and examine our grandmother again?” Malathi suggested. “I am not thinking there comes that much of a change just in one hour. As per Ratnam’s information she has been like that for ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 4

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna She made her hair as two plaits and one back and one front. She was as much taller as she has to be for her twenty one years of age. There was a gold nose ring to her left nostril. But it was not conspicuous easily as its color mixed with the color of her skin. She and Sunanda got their nostrils pinched on one day to put nose rings. In fact it was Sameera’s idea that a nose ring would give more glamour to their faces and ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 5

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Even shocked, guessing Nagaraju’s intention, another servant along the one who opened the doors went across him to stop. Without mercy, without even a second thought, Nagaraju hacked them both with the sword. They both unarmed, could not give much of a fight. They died instantly. After killing them so, Nagaraju again started walking towards grandmother’s room through the blood flowing on the floor from the sword in his hands. By then grandmother’s parents as well woke up. However shocked they might be, they could understand everything in ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 6

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “What then? She did a wrong and got pregnancy a marriage and then got rid of it with the help of your mother. Is it is not a sin?” not averting her eyes from Sunanda’s face Sameera asked. “People do wrongs. Just for simple wrongs or mistakes we should not hate them. Your mother might be quite young by that time. Sexual offences were quite natural at that age.” it seemed Suananda’s explanation not at all satisfied Sameera. “But the abortion. How could she kill her own child? She ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 7

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “As if made for someone important” Sameera said. “How would be if we go and sleep on that” going near to that Sameera said again. “Don’t rush to it. I am getting an ominous feeling looking at that” observing the bed with suspicion, Sunanda said. But by that time itself Sameera went near to the bed and sat on that. “Oh…” Sunanda hissed out impatiently. “Nothing happened. Come here and enjoy this” testing the smoothness of the bed Sameera said. As there was nothing to do then, Sunanda went ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 8

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna There was not much difference in the climate. The was lore with black clouds and the environment was gloomy with small drizzle. Aravind and Anand went into the middle room downstairs and sat on the carpet there. They talked sometime and did not know what to talk more and remained in silence. They spent time at all the places available in the house, got bore, came into this room and settled here. Tanuja was taking rest in old woman’s room itself. Rajesh, Tanuja and Sameera were settled in that ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 9

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “There were a lot many things that I cannot about my grandmother. She is a very surprising thing on the earth.” There was little irritation in Rajesh’s voice. “Then why did you want to suddenly come here like this?” Vinod asked him again. “Did not I say anything about that to you?” “Not to me particularly. I want to hear. Why did you want to come here this suddenly?” Vinod asked once more. “A sudden feeling. It is like someone urging me to come here. I just cannot remain ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 10

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “That Sameera is little better. But my wife is and spoiled” there was sorrow and anxiety in his voice. “Why are you saying so? She is appearing quite nice to me.” Making himself more comfortable on the bed Anand said. “Appearances sometimes deceive. If you are thinking that she is so good by her appearance, you are mistaken. It is not so.” Aravind breathed deeply and said. “I am afraid you are jumping to conclusions” “I never jump to conclusions. I am a very thoughtful man. At the same ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 11

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I have seen that room. Sat on the double there as well. But……….” he stopped. “What but? Tell me” Sameera realized that he was hesitating to say something. “Either that room or the bed in it is not appearing good to me” “I cannot understand. What that means ‘not appearing good’?” “It seems to me that the bed was made like that for someone particular. In my opinion, we should not have gone into that room first thing. Second thing, we should not have used that bed.” In a ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 12

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Anand was not a very handsome man. But he tall, strong and with muscles and Sunanda expected that he would have the ability to satisfy her urge to the maximum. Luckily Anand was to her expectation. On the first night itself he made fierce and terrible love making and left her exhausted with complete satisfaction. She thought in herself without prior experience that type of love making was impossible. But considering her own wrongdoings she was not in a mood to think about that. There was another bad habit ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 13

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna It had taken Malathi a little earthwards. But the of her studying medicine was still making her elated. She herself prepared for a little worst. But she could not guess what it would be. “You are my mother. You want my good always. You are working very hard with your sickened body all the time mostly for my welfare. Whatever you may say would not make me angry. Just spit that out.” Cupping her mother’s face in her hands Malathi said. “You have to sleep with a man” in ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 14

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Alright, no problem” it was indeed very first time him to become completely naked before anyone. He felt really embarrassed when he removed the last garment also from his body. He really wondered while Tanuja observing him naked like that with a joy in her. He did not know women would enjoy nakedness of men. But one facility he had got that she did not object him observing her naked body fully while she was observing him so. Then once again he went near to her and hugged her. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 15

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Oh, Rajesh I am sorry. I did not mean lower Aravind in any way at all.” She well knew how Tanuja and Rajesh did love and like Aravind. Rajesh had got that type of help from Aravind’s father. He would not bear anything criticizing Aravind’s parents or Aravind. “I just said it casually. As you have said it is just a variation of interest in liking places like these. It shall make Aravind special but not queer at all.” “That is right” Vinod said. “Some people like lonely and ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 16

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Oh, you are here?” Sunanda opened her eyes when had heard Aravind’s voice. “So you too liked this room to come and stay like this.” Aravind said as his charming smile playing its part again on his lips. “Who doesn’t? It is quite a neat room to come and stay.” Observing him minutely Sunanda said. She felt a flash of current gone through her while observing him so. Aravind was indeed a handsome boy. He was not too tall but having enough height. His small eyes in his round ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 17

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna She carefully took the book into her hands and that. At first she thought it might be an entertaining book. But as she was going through it page after page, the pictures in it created a disgusting feeling in her. Naked women with beards, wolves and several other pictures which were creating fear also in her. There were some writings also under the picutures which she could not understand. She closed that book impatiently as she could not see the pictures in it for long. Very soon she had ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 18

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna They all thought that they could enjoy atleast the even the old woman would not let them stay in her house. But it has turned out like this here. If there was no rain, it would have been to some extent enjoyable. They could atleast go out and see the village if there was no rain. The rain not only appearing ominous and bad but it was creating a lot of inconvenience also. There was no sight of rain until they entered into the village. Why it had started ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 19

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna As Malathi and Vinod were discussing in themselves so, remaining people fixed themselves in the upstairs middle room. Some of them sat on the bed there and the remaining settled in the chairs. They took some of the chairs from downstairs into there. “For whom this beautiful bed laid here like this” Rajesh said in a curious tone “is indeed a puzzle to me” “If it is a puzzle to you yourself who is a grandmother’s direct relative” his own daughter said “who else can be expected to know ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 20

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “There is something we have to do with this In his small attractive tone Aravind said again. “What it is? What new ideas you are going to create in us now?” the irritation in Tanuja became more. There were occasions like this when Tanuja would feel irritation towards Aravind in this way however much she liked and loved that boy. They were mostly when he tried to make extraordinary things out of ordinary and paranormal out of normal. “Why did you have suddenly wanted to come here?” Aravind asked ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 21

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna She dropped herself in the nearby chair and sighed Why all of them came here in this way? she questioned herself. She did not like the environment. The dislike she had got on the old woman was intensified even more after she had seen her on the bed so. Rajesh told Tanuja all that as much as he knew about his grandmother. Then itself she had formed an opinion on her. She thought that it would be quite better that her family never visited the old woman. But Rajesh ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 22

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Please… Please…” he removed her hands from there started kissing her. When he kissed on her forehead, a sort of pleasure swept all over her body. She clutched him with her both hands strongly making it almost impossible to him to move. But her effort seemed quite inadequate as he started moving slowly down from the forehead. His lips lingered on her lips a little longer savouring the smooth cold touch before intruding his tongue into her mouth. How long they enjoyed that kiss she did not notice. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 23

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You are also talking just like our Vinod First let us know what it is. Then we shall decide whether it is agreeable or not” This Aravind was becoming a puzzle to Rajesh. He could guess that he was going to tell something connected with witch-cult. There would be no surprise if that as well be interesting to all these people. But it was not at all better let this boy involve himself in those matters much. “It is an exercise in which we invite souls and ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 24

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna His answer filled Sameera’s face with happiness. “It quite surprising to me that yours and Sunanda’s nature is quite the same. She is also appearing quite enjoying here. You both are made for each other” nothing revealed to Sameera in his face to that remark. He made his face expressionless and impervious to her scrutiny. But Sameera knew men like him were capable to inflict maximum cruelty on their innocent wives. Even she heard some, what type of torture Sunanda was undergoing Sameera could not guess. She had ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 25

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Certainly I do.” Then Anand explained about Sunanda’s with Aravind. Without showing any facial expressions Aravind heard all that very patiently. Sameera felt very much surprise as Anand explained the matter so to Aravind without any feeling at all. Aravind indeed could influence anyone, she thought. “Is there no wrong at all in her maintaining boyfriends like that and satisfying her bodily urge with them?” Anand angrily asked. “Certainly it is wrong! Adultery! She deserves a very big punishment for the grievous wrongs she has committed.” ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 26

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna He applied the same understandable mentality towards his too. He did not say anything to her when she brought her boyfriends to home. Malathi quarreled with him on that point. “If we ask her not to bring boyfriends to home, we cannot be known who are her boyfriends. In this way at least we can know who are they.” “Don’t talk foolishly. Ask her, demand her, not to make friendship with boys. Insist on her to cut her friendship with them immediately. I am asking you ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 27

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Even she had got all the beautiful features, was like a skeleton until her thirteenth year or so and even her mother made her eat more she could not be put on weight and became stout. She got her puberty on her thirteenth year and then slowly change started in her. She had noticed that on her almost flatten chest, the small breasts started bulging and just in one year or so they became proportionately big. Surprisingly she had started putting on weight and by the time ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 28

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “It seems his nature is like that. He be interested in these odd matters from his childhood itself. But Rajesh we have to see that it would not harm our daughter” now she was not bothering about Aravind as her full concern turned to her daughter. Aravind was a favorite boy to Tanuja too but she could not like and tolerate him if he affected her daughter bad in any way at all. “At his childhood he had been left with his grandparents. Until he reached his ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 29

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I cannot explain that. As I have said at first I have got a feeling of someone’s breath on my neck. When I turned abruptly back to see that person that feeling ceased and I started a feeling of hand on my hip. It was very cold and rough” Sunanda inhaled deeply. “It moved on my body also.” Her cheeks were blushed remembering how that hand moved on her body. “Could not you see any hand, except feeling it moving slowly on your body” Vinod asked her. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 30

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna He knew that he was quite besotted with shadow world. It was quite disgusting to him in the beginning. He did not enter into that all by himself. It was not with his interest he pursued the shadow world. He was forced to know about the matters of witch-cult. He was forced to follow them. He denied doing that in the beginning. But could not help doing what he was commanded. But later he started liking it as he saw the value of it. Realizing how much useful ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 31

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna On many a time he had a strong of future events and later on they became true. On that day as well when his parents so tragically died in the plane crash he could be known about that in before itself. He had seen the falling plain onto the earth and turning itself into many pieces and eruption of flames in his vision. He had seen the mutilated bodies of his parents before they became like that in that accident. He tried all his level best not to ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 32

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I have expected this. As I said before, is the only one weapon here to you to use.” Meaningfully looking into the eyes of Sameera, Sunanda said. “I am just waiting for an opportunity. I have no objection at all to give that to him and make him completely my man.” There was firmness in Sameera’s voice. &&& Annad was almost getting mad staying in that house so. All his nerves were paining for the female touch which almost everyday Sunanda used to provide to him. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 33

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Just shut up! I don’t want to listen more from you now.” He yelled. He did not care with her feeling at all. He continued satisfying his urge as usual. But after three or four days of that conversation she had committed suicide. It jolted him like anything. A guilty consciousness swept all over him for few days after that. Most surprisingly, he stopped feeling the urge for a long time after that incident. Now, suddenly now, he did not know why Anand remembered Mallika. She ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 34

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Then what made you yell like this?” her came near to her and asked filling her voice with all the smoothness and love. “A snake ……… A very big snake………” Sameera said. “It was very black. Black like darkness. It created lot of fear in me. It was coming slowly into the kitchen through that window and I had seen it. When it disappeared I have not noticed at all.” looking into the eyes of her mother Sameera said. “No doubt you have imagined this” Tanuja ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 35

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Even in that disturbing condition as well Sunanda and felt quite happy noticing the change in Anand. Malathi and Vinod as well looked at each other’s faces with smiles on their lips. A big problem appeared to be solved. But conclusions should not be taken in haste. They need to wait some more time to see whether the change in Anand was permanent and real or not “No I will not go into that upstairs middle room again. I believe only because of my sleeping in that ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 36

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “We shall see whether you can be helpful not if that Ratnam takes his father in the evening to us. I doubt he may not take him here. It seems to me that he is not very much interested in getting his father cured.” Rajesh said. “You are right. I also felt in the same way.” Vinod said and nodded his head. “Now we may better think of what is the best time to hypnotise you” Vinod said. “Have you not forgotten about that?” Rajesh ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 37

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Both you stop quarreling.” Sameera said. “Father please to do in the way uncle asks you. I don’t want much time to be wasted in arguments.” There was silence for some time. All of them were present there except the grandmother in the downstairs room. They were all quite eager to see how this hypnotism would work. Rajesh was appearing quite comfortable in the chair he sat then. “You need not do anything in particular. Your organs obey whatever I am going to say. Leave your ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 38

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna There was no answer immediately from Rajesh. But fall into deep thinking. It seemed that he had become completely oblivious of the surroundings. “Oh, he is suffering. I don’t like this” looking at the deep frowns on his forehead Tanuja muttered under her breath. “Vinod, is it is good to stress him to such an extent?” Malathi asked him with a slow voice. “We have come a long way. It works out. Just be patient” looking at Rajesh, Vinod said. “Relax Rajesh, Relax. You ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 39

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Now how much truth could be there in father’s doubt? Did she really keep the dead bodies of her husband and Nagaraju in this house?” Malathi asked. She was trying to control her fear. In fact all the people there were trying to do that. “Uncle’s father mentioned ‘upstairs room’. Ratnam also said the same. That is one of the three rooms. The first two rooms are opened and there is nothing like that in them. So it is the last padlocked room” Aravind said. “We may ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 40

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “He has come here as a devil Rajesh. asked me to come with him. I said I never can go with him. He said that he has the power to take me with him. He started coming near to me and then I have started yelling loudly” Tanuja said in one stretch. “I see” Rajesh said thoughtfully. “You did a nice thing by yelling so. Otherwise he would have taken you with him” “Rajesh…” Tanuja could not understand whether Rajesh was saying so seriously or sarcastically. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 41

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna The climate there stilled at once. The expressions all their faces turned into fear. They looked into each other’s faces and then turned their gaze again onto the face of Ratnakar. “Why it is dangerous so? What is here that would do damage to us? Why it would not do any damage to my grandmother?” knitting his brows together Rajesh asked. “I cannot explain all that to you. What all I can say is it is better as soon you people leave this place as possible” ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 42

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “She is not bedridden and there is illness in her” Ratnakar said. “She occasionally goes out leaving her body here. I already said that to you people. In one or two days she would come back into her body again.” There were murmurs suddenly around. All their gazes straightened at Ratnakar. “How anyone can go out leaving his body at some place.” “All people cannot do like that. But grandma can. She can leave the body here and go on her journey to somewhere else.” ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 43

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna She slowly approached Aravind and put her hand his shoulder. He felt as if he was touched by an electric pad and stood up. He looked into the eyes of Sameera and there was confusion in his face. ‘What she really intends to do?’ he could not understand. She slowly took his hand into her hands. Her both hands were so smooth and so good. Her breathing was even and he could see the rhythmic movement of her chest. Her thrust up big breasts under her tee-shirt ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 44

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Nagaraju and Semanthakam” Vinod said. “Both those characters appearing quite strange to me. As per the people saying your grandmother and Nagaraju loved each other. But when it comes to marriage, grandmother preferred Semanthakam instead of Nagaraju. Why it had happened so?” “I think you did not hear clearly what Ratnakar said” with an irritating tone Rajesh said. “He said why it happened like that” “Of course, I listened. But it appears to me that might not be true” closed his eyes Vinod thoughtfully said. “I ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 45

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Disrespect to the parents is not at all Not only doing a big mistake, you are blaming your parents also. It is not wise” he said with an anger filled voice. “How much you know about my parents? Why anyone particularly want to be disrespectful and disregard to his or her parents without any reason? My mother got pregnancy before her marriage. She got it aborted and married my father, is it is not a wrong? Has she any right to question me?” she too asked angrily. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 46

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna He nodded his head. “Alright. Then we shall into grandma’s room at once and search it thoroughly.” They entered into the room of old woman and looked at her. There was no change in her at all. She was on the bed as she was when they first saw her. Her lips were in such an extended fashion as she was smiling a little just as before. There was no change in her long white hair cascading on her face veiling some of her features. The white ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 47

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Don’t worry too much darling. It might not happened as you are fearing” with a small voice Rajesh said in her ear. “It happened Rajesh. Hundred percent it happened. That idiot spoiled our daughter. She foolishly has given herself to him” She paused a moment and said. “There is nothing we can do now. She fell into his trap.” “There is no necessity to him to trap our daughter. Still I prefer to know whether it happed as you are fearing so much or not” Closing ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 48

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna None of them talked afterwards. In fact they not know what to talk then either. Aravind and Anand both reclined in the chairs and closed their eyes relaxing themselves. Aravind felt a little relieved. He was not feeling that much of fear now but he was still feeling uncomfortable to face Tanuja and Rajesh. “On this very bed I had got that bad dream” Sunanda said. “I have decided not to come here at all after the dream but I have come as you both are here. ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 49

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “What is wrong in that? Why Tanuja becoming much serious on it?” looking surprisingly into the eyes of Rajesh, Malathi asked. “It is half an hour or so that rain heavily poured so. It is in fact enough time to two young people to do something wrong.” “Are you and Tanuja supposing that they might have committed any such type of thing in the upstairs room?” “Yes.” He said “Tanuja is thinking so.” “I am not thinking like that at all. Why should we ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 50

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Don’t play with me Sameera, I slap you again” at her daughter furiously Tanuja said with mounted anger. “What you really want to know?” Rajesh intervened. Rajesh as well was feeling fear to talk to his wife then. He never had seen his wife like this before. “Don’t come in between. I want to hear it from her.” looking again seriously at her daughter Tanuja yelled. “I just cannot understand what I am hearing” Sameera said indifferently. The commotion was that much, the other people as well came into ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 51

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Don’t play with me Sameera, I slap you again” at her daughter furiously Tanuja said with mounted anger. “What you really want to know?” Rajesh intervened. Rajesh as well was feeling fear to talk to his wife then. He never had seen his wife like this before. “Don’t come in between. I want to hear it from her.” looking again seriously at her daughter Tanuja yelled. “I just cannot understand what I am hearing” Sameera said indifferently. The commotion was that much, the other people as well came into ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 52

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna There was no answer from him. Now he opened eyes and started looking into the emptiness before him, leaning back in his chair. “Get out yourself too” Tanuja yelled angrily. “I cannot bear anyone in my presence now. You all people cheated me” There was no movement in Rajesh. He did not try to say anything either. He could not say anything. “I have asked you to get out from here. Why you are still hanging?” she yelled again. Then he slowly got up from the chair and came ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 53

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Just because of the illegal intimacy your father has with Malathi you are saying that your family is rotten, is it is not?” Aravind asked her. “Not just that. My mother as well is so. She had got pregnancy without a marriage and got aborted the same. Killing an innocent child in the stomach is more sinful than getting pregnancy without a marriage” “Your mother got the pregnancy without a marriage of course” Sunanda said “But she intended to marry that person. He died with a heart attack. At ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 54

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Malathi sat up and looked at all of them surprise, shame and fear. She hung her head. “Mom, you need not feel like that at all. In all our opinion what you both did was not a very big wrong. It is excusable.” Sunanda said. Temporarily forgetting what she had seen in the grandmother’s room just before, Tanuja came near to Malathi and put her hand on her shoulder. “Yes Malathi. Everyone do wrongs. I too did wrongs. If we cover them not to be known to others we ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 55

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Tanuja and Sameera became silent trying to their level to hear that laughter then but they could not. Both their faces blushed with shame. “Sorry. We both have disturbed you people unnecessarily” Tanuja said. “It is all right. It seems we people here are subjecting to mass imagination.” Vinod said. “What is this mass imagination?” Sameera asked him “Most people imagine in the same way it is just like mass hysteria” Vinod explained. “But here only we two imagined like this” Sameera smiled. But her smile could not be ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 56

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “If you were alive I would have married only But you were dead. So I had to marry this man. Please leave me. Leave me with my husband and daughter. Go away from here” Tanuja started weeping with a low voice. “No. This time I would not go without taking you with me” Sasank clutched her right arm with his right hand. “Leave me. Go away from here” yelling so Tanuja sat up. “Why mom, what happened? Why did you have yelled like that?” Sameera as well woke up ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 57

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You people did not feel good when I came the afternoon. In fact I have decided not to come here at all again. But suddenly an unknown fear started in me. My subconscious started telling me that something wrong is going to happen to you people so I have come here to warn you again. It is midnight like this and I could not come before.” With a sorrowful expression in his face, Ratnakar said. “Thank you very much Mr.Ratnakar” Vinod said. “You have really taken trouble to come ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 58

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Malathi immediately took her hand off from the shoulder Sunanda as the intensity of the voice of her daughter shocked her. She did not know what to do. She dumbfounded and remained staring at her daughter blankly. She did not notice even that Vinod woke up and came near to them both. “Why you both are being seated like this?” looking surprisingly at both of them he asked. “Your daughter is talking very strangely” Malathi said with a shivering tone. “It appears she is not herself.” He immediately placed ...Read More


Trembling Shadows - 59 - (Last Part)

Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “How can you say with that much conformity that is Sasank?” keeping his sight straight into her eyes Rajesh asked her. “What that peculiar behavior in him made you to come to that opinion?” “Only he……only he……… used to kiss me like that!” Even in that condition also her cheeks were blushed with shame while saying that. Rajesh did not know whether to laugh or weep on hearing that. But he said “Its alright. Whoever it may be he left. Don’t worry about him now at all” She nodded ...Read More