Trembling Shadows - 1 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Trembling Shadows - 1

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Trembling Shadows - 1

Are voodoo, witchcraft, black magic and shadow world, etc. things are true and in existence or are they just the creation of the human mind? Would there be any change in the behavior of the human mind in faraway, odd and lonely places? Are the souls are separate from the human bodies and would they go on journeys leaving the bodies somewhere and come back into them again? Can human mind memorize things and reproduce them with the same clarity and clearness even after fifty, sixty years also? Almost an answer to all these questions, ‘Trembling Shadows’, a suspense, romantic and psychological thriller


The concept, plot, story, characters and everything in this novel are only fiction and emerged only out of the imagination of this author. If anything in this novel even a small part of it resembles, similar or identical to any living or dead or to any literature, anywhere in the world even remotely it is only coincidental and this author has no knowledge whatsoever of it and cannot take any responsibility for the same.

About me

I am an Indian English writer write mostly fiction books and so far I have written forty five books out of which twenty eight books are romantic, psychological thrillers and the remaining two are non-fiction books, Body, Mind and You and English Grammar Simplifier. The word count of my books range from 15,000 to 3,50,000 and the total word count of all my books is more than 40,00,000 (Forty Lakhs Words). I have a weakness, I don’t get the feeling that I wrote the book if someone else edits the same, so I am my own editor to all my books. As such there is a pretty chance that you may come across grammatical, verbal mistakes, incongruities and inconsistencies while going through my books, then please pardon me and go ahead. I am always open as much as possible when it comes to sexual narrations in my books as I think sex is very main and natural characteristic not just in human beings but in all other creatures also. So you can find sexual narrations in my books graphical, absolute and complete. My heart-felt thanks to all those who have been purchasing my books all along, encouraging me and supporting me.

Trembling Shadows

A romantic, psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

9 a.m. 12th March, 1959:

There were four adults and one child present in that big house then. The climate there was quite gloomy and cool. Dark and dense clouds clothed the sky completely. Cool wind rippling through cutting their bodies across. Except the sound of it there were no other sounds. The silence then prevailed there was painful and fearsome.

 The sky suddenly thundered and a small drizzle ensued.

            “Why did you have come here? I have told you not to come here at all, was not I?” It was the old woman who might be aged sixty five years broke that unbearable and painful silence first.

            “I also told him not to come here however much compelling the circumstances may be. I said I would attend any type of necessity he may have. Why he had come here like this I too can’t understand” the person who said that was appearing as having thirty or so years of age.

            The person who was subjected to that conversation remained silent and he was appearing having thirty two years or so of age. The woman who stood beside him was appearing like his wife and there was a boy in her hands then. The boy might have four years or so of age.

            “Vasanth, you did not answer my question” looking into the eyes of that person the old woman said.

            “Why should not I come here?” Vasanth suddenly opened his mouth and curtly asked her. “I am your flesh and blood. Is there any surprise that a son visits his mother?”

            The same painful silence followed again. The old woman hung her head for some time. “Tell me mom, why should not I come to my own mother?  You have to answer my question first” with the same forceful voice Vasanth asked again.

            She perched her head up and looked into the eyes of Vasanth. “In our matter it is different my son. Either this house or I would not do good to you. Please try to understand your mother” her voice filled with anguish.

            “Why it is different to us? Why this house or you would not do good to me? You must explain to me” the anger in his voice was increasing. “You don’t know how much I am longing to see you, to speak to you, to get your love and affection” the increased anger in him turned into anguish.

            There was no response from her. She closed her eyes and hung her head once again. The woman with Vasanth was observing the old woman without any particular expression in her face.

            “Mom, you must tell me. Why should not I come here? Your silence is scorching me. Please answer my questions.”  he pleaded this time.

            “Sorry, Vasanth. I cannot answer your questions. But don’t think I am not having love on you. Because of my love, because I want your safety all the time, I am keeping you away from me always. But I am looking after you well. I have provided all the means necessary for your education and other needs.” She adjusted herself a little and said

            “That is not enough mom. I want you. I want to be with you. This is my wife, Saritha. You did not even come to my marriage. And he is my son, Rajesh. You did not come even to see him. I am feeling a lot for you. It is quite surprising to me how you remain without any feeling for us” the anguish in his voice was intensified.

            “It is not so that I am not feeling for you three Vasanth” she drew a long breath. “Please try to understand. It is ….”

            “Please mom, don’t say the same thing again and again” Vasanth cried out interrupting her. “I cannot hear it so”

            The old woman helplessly stood looking onto the earth again.

            “I should not come here. If I don’t come here for ever, you will feel happy. Alright. If it pleases you so, I will do so. I would not come here again. I never will come to this place in my whole life. Good bye” Vasanth turned back.

            “Vasanth…please” she lifted her face up and said feebly.

            “Tell me, mom. Is there anything you still want to say to me?” Vasanth once again turned towards her and asked her irritatingly while looking into her face.

            “Try to understand me my son” she said pleadingly.

            He remained silent since he could not think of what to say. “Give me answers to my questions mom. Then I try to understand you.” He gathered himself and said.

            She remained silent. She knew what he was going to ask.

            “You are a sorceress, a witch. You practice witchcraft. This house is full of evil. My father’s and that Nagaraju’s souls are still here. That is why you don’t want me to come here. Is it is not so?” with an accusing tone he asked.

            “That is all trash. How can you say such type of things?” her voice was full of distress.

            “If it is trash then tell me what is the truth?” he demanded.

            But there was no answer from her. She took refuge in the same silence again.

            “Answer atleast the question I am going to ask. I have heard something. After hearing that, I have become completely upset. I cannot become normal. You must clarify that to me” looking into the eyes of the old woman Vasanth said. The same empty expression in her face was irritating to him.

            “Ask it then” with the same weak voice she said. But it seemed she knew what it was and not much interested to give answer to that.

            “Are you still keeping the dead bodies of my father and that Nagaraju in the upstairs room?”

            Suddenly the old woman’s forehead creased with wrinkles. “Why do I do such type of a thing? It is just a rumor. Never believe in such rumors.” He too felt pity looking at the agony in her face. But the adamancy in her in telling the truth to him was making him more and more angry and irritating. He was also thinking whatever he heard so far about it was not just a rumor.

            “Then may I open the doors and look into it?” Vasanth asked stepping forward.

            “Are not you believing your own mother?” crossing his way she asked him with a depressive expression in her face.

            “You are not behaving like any other mother. So I doubt you. What would be the loss if I go and see into that room?” knitting his brows together Vasanth asked.

            “No. It is equal to insulting me. Insulting your father as well. I am not going to let you do that.” The old woman’s voice was quite firm.

            After that, half an hour or so passed with arguments, pleadings, accusations between that mother and son. All the time the other thirty years aged person, the other woman and the child remained in silence. As it was going so, the other thirty years aged person took the boy into his hands from the woman there. The boy even he could not understand anything, appeared listening everything quite carefully.

            “Now I am going out mom.” Vasanth said. “Even you don’t answer my questions as I have requested, I would not come here again.” He turned back. The woman with him took the boy from the other middle aged person and started with Vasanth.

            This time the old woman did not try to stop her son at all. For the last time the other woman turned back and observed the old woman from top to bottom with a feeling that she herself could not understand before following her husband.

            “You too move out and close the doors behind you Ratnakar” looking at the other person there the old woman said.

            Ratnakar obeyed her immediately. The old woman remained staring silently at the closed doors with the same blank expression in her face. She was sealed again in that big house to her fate on her own volition as it was for the last thirty years or so.


8 a.m.: 11th April, 2011          

            A small drizzle ensued after the dark and lour sky made a helpless groan. The falling rain was spreading evenly in the middle open place of that big house which has two portions with the said open place in the middle. If one stood in the said open place facing west, there would be two portions one on the right hand side and one on the left hand side to him. There were three rooms in the left hand side portion, the middle room of which was little small comparing with the rooms on either side of it and the top of it was a slab. There was a verandah before the rooms on the left hand side. On the right hand side portion there was a big kitchen and on the top of it were three rooms and the middle room of which was bigger than the other rooms on the either side of it. The top of upstairs portion was also a slab. On the side of kitchen, being a part on the right side were bathroom and toilet. If one stood facing the kitchen, on the left hand side, there would be staircase to go into the upstairs.  On the backside of the right side portion, there was a big garden with several trees and bushes. There was a way into the garden through the kitchen. There was entrance into the house through the middle room.

            There were eight people present in the verandah before the rooms on the left hand side portion excluding the old bed ridden women in the left side last room in downstairs. The eight people eyes glued to the rain which was falling continuously from the moment they entered into that village, faces expressionless while their bodies were getting relaxed in the chairs laid there. It was 8 a.m. but was appearing like 6 p.m.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)