English Quote in Poem by Mark Barecki

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In your nostrils will blow ashen bones.You will feel the touch of the abyss.And you will not be like Alice untouchable in the land of the dead.Anyone who comes from across the street will not say who he is verily.You will be able to eat or believe blindly.And where you will see the streets and alleys also falsehood will omit eyes sensitized to mercy.
Into your spirit will ascend someone who will tangle the senses precariously balanced.
In the labyrinth of the Faun, every attempt will one day not be duly appreciated.
You will not be on a pedestal forever elevated.
Someone will enter your ego.He will reveal the truth full of bestiality and hellish evidence.
You will go mad as prophesied in the books of the oracle.
And you will pass out.Nothing will remain in form as it was before.

English Poem by Mark Barecki : 111910824
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