instant Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

instant bites

people will instantly believe all the bad things they hear about you but will question all the good things...


Self help series #36

We humans are programmed for progressive evolution. The term "instant" breaks this process. And It's harmful for the process of evolution.

Instant money, Instant fame, Instant food..Etc.

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Instant Action Can Sometimes
Be Very Damaging.

Bad karma is like #instant food;
nowaday you can work bad karma,
tomorrow you will see bad result

Instant thinking can make a person achieve his goal and sometimes even lead him astray.

- Parmar Rohini " Raahi "


Now days everyone need everything instant , it is okay but take patience while you are loving someone be cause instantness is the most popular thing which can stop your relation in just a second. #instant

if there is difficult situation
never take instant decision

think twice before act
makes you perfect
