DadaBhagwanFoundation Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

DadaBhagwanFoundation Quotes, often spoken by influential individuals or derived from literature, can spark motivation and encourage people to take action. Whether it's facing challenges or overcoming obstacles, reading or hearing a powerful DadaBhagwanFoundation quote can lift spirits and rekindle determination. DadaBhagwanFoundation Quotes distill complex ideas or experiences into short, memorable phrases. They carry timeless wisdom that often helps people navigate life situations, offering clarity and insight in just a few words.

DadaBhagwanFoundation bites

કોઈને કિંચિત્માત્ર દુઃખ ના થાય એવો અહંકાર હોવો જોઈએ. એ 'પોઝિટિવ' અહંકાર. - દાદા ભગવાન

વધુ માહિતી માટે...

#positive #negativity #staypositive #keepcalm #donthurtother #lifelesson #lifelearning #dadabhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation

Here are some images from the media coverage of Raipur's Gnanvidhi ceremony & other Satsang
activities organized for different age groups.

#MediaCoverage #DadaBhagwanFoundationInNews #FeaturedInNews #RaipurSatsang

जगत् के लोग अवस्था को ही खुद का स्वरूप मानते हैं। अवस्था हमेशा ‘बिगिन’(शुरुआत) होती है और उसका ‘एन्ड’ (अंत) होता है। - दादा भगवान

अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक कीजिये:

#facts #life #spiritual #spiritualfacts #spiritualquote #hindiquotes #quoteoftheday #quotesforyou #dadabhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation

The key to success is to maintain consistency while facing both success and failure.

Proud moment for every Indian! Congratulations ISRO and the entire nation for this historic achievement.

To know more visit:

#Chandrayaan3 #Chandrayaan3Landing #IndiaOnTheMoon #ch3 #isro #moonmission #DadaBhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation #DBF

New Vatsalya Opening On 76th Independence Day 2023

On the occasion of the opening ceremony of New Vatsalya – the heart of the AptSankul residence – an exhilarating and soulful celebration was done by all the Mahatmas in the presence of the present Atmagnani Pujyashree Deepakbhai Desai.

Let us read here the glimpses of New Vatsalya Opening:

#vatsalya #Aptasankul #NewHome #opening #pujyashreeDeepakbhai #unforgettablemoments #blogapost #blogoftheday #dadabhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation