Love is Dangerous with a Stranger

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When thirty eight years aged Stuart, an industrialist and unmarried person, expressed his love to twenty one years old Jasmine, who was the daughter of David Carter, the chief executive of his company Gaama, she said that he was a stranger to her and love is dangerous with a stranger. When he said that she was more a stranger to him than he was to her and despite that point he was feeling abundant love on her and cannot wait longer to marry her. But only after their marriage, after the occurrence of certain unforeseeable incidents, he understood what she has said. A romantic, investigative and detective thriller ‘Love is dangerous with a Stranger.’


Love is dangerous with a Stranger-1

When thirty eight years aged Stuart, an industrialist and unmarried person, expressed his love to twenty one years old who was the daughter of David Carter, the chief executive of his company Gaama, she said that he was a stranger to her and love is dangerous with a stranger. When he said that she was more a stranger to him than he was to her and despite that point he was feeling abundant love on her and cannot wait longer to marry her. But only after their marriage, after the occurrence of certain unforeseeable incidents, he understood what she ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 2

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “It is not to be too much Stuart I just want work like this.” David Carter laughed. “In fact to keep myself busy with something like this I came to you again. I am ready to be helpful to you in as many ways as possible.” “That’s enough uncle!” Stuart said. “I am now feeling relaxed and happy! With your help also I can develop Gaama even more.” “But Stuart, as you are feeling that much respect and love on me, I want ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 3

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna One thing was much shocking and surprising to Stuart which he did not think at all! When he came to know that David Carter has a niece he felt surprise. When he came to know about her nature, he did not feel much surprise because some of the girls of her age would be like that. But on seeing her, he just could not believe himself at all. It was something, something he did not expect at all! He could not blame David ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 4

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Even you don’t that secretary course, I would have managed something to you in my company, you are a friend to me, how do I forget about it?” Stuart said. “Anyhow you studied your graduation with psychology, why did not you try to become a psychologist?” “That is not such an easy thing! I need to do post graduation in psychology and undergo training also before becoming a professional psychologist. Moreover psychologists cannot get patients that easily and there is lot of competition ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 5

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Then its okay.” just cooperated with her while she was making him undressed. “You idiot! Your cock is as big as your hand.” When his cock has completely came into her view she said looking at it straight. “My husband’s cock is not even half of its size!” “A man’s cock will be matching with his body size. Your husband’s cock is small matching with his body size. There is no surprise that you don’t feel the movements of it in you even ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 6

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Please sit Isa. came here to discuss some matters with Stuart and I wish you also be with us and listen to that. So far I came to know that you are not just a personal secretary to Stuart and playing a crucial role in this organisation.” Coming and slumping into the other chair opposite to Stuart and on the left side to Isabella, David Carter said. “Alright, sir.” Isabella filled her chair again with a smile on her lips. “Anything important and ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 7

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Even then too......” serious expression vanished and once again her mellifluous laughter was just like music to him. “ are not old Stuart, you are quite young.” “I am thirty eight years old Jasmine. If you are just twenty years old, I am eighteen years older to you.” “Next month I complete my twenty one and enter into twenty two.” Stuart did not know the reason but her cheeks were blushed. “Still the age gap between us is not less Jasmine. I am ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 8

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I never feel on this but I know that I am beautiful. It is not just my opinion but many people said it to me. I heard my mom is absolutely beautiful and I resembled her in all respects.” “You are right miss Jasmine. You are an absolute beautiful woman and I have attracted to you immensely.” By then Stuart came out of his shock and sighed heavily. “Just like you I also like to say things straight and hear them so. I ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 9

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Whatever you are is very much interesting to hear!” with an appreciative expression in his face Stuart said. “I understood her reluctant attitude towards sex in the beginning also but I did not try to probe into that and change it till now. But as a situation like this has arisen, I first try to see if there are any particular reasons for her disliking to sex. In case I find any such reasons in her past life creating such an attitude in ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 10

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna While he was what to say she said “Just hold me like this as I am your baby daughter” and crooned even more into him putting her head on his right cheek. “In this position I just cannot remember anything and talk.” Feeling very much uneasily Stuart said. He could not enjoy the warmth and silky touch of her body after hearing her so. “No, no, please.” There was pleading in her voice. “You just don’t know how much I wish always to ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 11

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I cannot do I am not a man.” There was an absolute guilty feeling in his face. “If you are not a man, you could not cause a daughter to me.” She once again kissed on his lips. “Never feel like that.” “A man who cannot make his wife feel happy in it is not a man at all.” The regretful feeling was just so in his face then also. “A man who allows his wife to satisfy herself with other people when ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 12

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna That was another between Jasmine and Stuart on the bed and on this night there was nothing to talk in between them. Jasmine kissed on his right cheek, put her head on it before hugging him strongly and wishing him to hold her as she was her baby. Stuart remembered what Jasmine said to him and he determined in himself strongly to implement that without bothering about her feeling towards him and his feeling at that time. Jasmine was sleeping keeping her head ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 13

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You both have good friends for a long time.” He did not want to say to her that he asked Isabella to counsel her. “Then why did not she counsel her till this moment.” “That was just because I did not give her a chance to counsel me at all till today.” Jasmine laughed but her cheeks were crimson red. “But what you did yesterday to me was indeed wonderful! I could not remain without sharing that to her.” “My god! You told ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 14

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “How much I to become a mom!” she said still holding him like that. “It is indeed wonderful to become a mom, is it is not?” “Yes, of course.” He nodded his head and she did not try to stop him when he tried to slide down on the left side of her. “But you tell me one thing! Is it is not better than that simple rubbing?” “Far better than that rubbing.” She turned towards him, put her right hand around his ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 15

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I did not this at all, I just could not!” finding David Carter dead on the bed Stuart said with a horrifying expression in his face. “I have no doubt that he is dead for a good time.” When Isabella expressed like that Stuart also started feeling uneasily and they both reached to the house of David Carter in no time. But as the doors were not opened however many times they pressed the calling bell, they have to make the doors broken ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 16

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna Stuart filed a post-mortem was conducted on the body of David Carter and it was proved that he died because of poisoning but not from heart attack. “Sir, we certainly do our investigation and try to catch the culprit. As per your information Mr.David Carter was at many places and it is indeed difficult to find out how, where and by whom he was poisoned like that. I don’t feel surprise even we never caught the culprit also.” Police officer Nicholas said to ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 17

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “You did not your opinion known to me yet.” Stuart once again leaned back in the chair and said. “If I agree to your conditions and cooperate with you in all respects, can you catch the culprit and how much time you do take for it?” “Mr.Stuart, in the hundred or so far of my cases the failure percentage is only one. My subconscious is saying to me it is not going to be difficult to catch the culprit in this case. If ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 18

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “That has to decided by me but not by you.” Smaran said curtly. “You agreed that you would not interfere with the process of my investigation and allow it to happen in the way I want.” “I was in a hostel studying my masters in a reputed college. My uncle made me joined in that after paying huge money for it. He so much wished that I should complete my masters’ degree.” “Then why did you come here and stayed with your uncle?” ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 19

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Perfectly.” He laughed got off from the bed. “I fucked you that much satisfying myself to such extent, I don’t think I do have that desire for one year full. Thank you very much Rita for giving me the chance to fuck your beautiful ass like this.” “No mention. But just remember the caution.” Once again there was that warning note in her voice. “But Rita..........” it was surprising that the always obedient, subdued assistant of his could be like this to him! ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 20

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I agree with It might have happened like that.” Nodding his head in agreement Dr.Peterson said. “Do you have any idea how she came into Gaama? Did anyone particularly recommend her to Richards?” “What all I know was she attended an interview conducted for that secretary post and was selected in it. Richards said like that to me.” “Alright doctor.” Smaran once again got off from the chair. “I shall probe into that Natasha and this information may be proved useful.” Then ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 21

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I cannot understand you are saying!” but she understood what he said and her face was filled with shock! “You heard it right Rita.” Alex got off from the chair with the same smiling expression in his face. “I thought unless there is something very important in that file, you would not have asked me for it. So I got made a copy of that and that copy is in my safe custody. If I want I can go straight and give it ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 22

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “Now business.” Isabella got off from the bed and started dressing herself and Rita also followed her suit. “That rascal has got that much nerve to blackmail you like that?” after slumping herself on the edge of the bed Isabella asked. “I don’t feel much surprise.” Rita slipped herself into a nightee and slumped in the chair there just opposite to Isabella. “It is not easy to forget once tasting my sweet ass. Moreover I too did a mistake.” She sighed heavily. “What ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 23

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I have grief that David Carter and I also wish that his murderer must be caught and punished.” Isabella said. “But we both well know it is the work of some of our competitors and whoever did that, did that very carefully and catching him appears impossible. In fact catching his murderer is the work of police and if police think that they are not capable of it and left it better you also do leave it. That David Carter is aged more ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 24

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna As if he not hear what she has said, he started exploring the gap between the two buttocks. While he was enjoying the smoothness there like that, he found his thing fully erected. Slowly he downed his hand even more until his palm reached her vagina and cupped it with it. It was still dry and the warmth of it was making the urge in him more and more. “Oh, god......god.....god!” she hugged him even more tight and whispered in the same ear ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 25

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “What I have and am still paying for that you just don’t know.” With an irritating expression Rita said. “First she turned me into a lesbian. I don’t know whether she has any other women mates or not but she likes to have it with me and to have that from me regularly, she managed this job to me in Gaama. As we are enjoying the income and this flat, I don’t mind sleeping with her. But recently she made me to get ...Read More


Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 26

Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thriller) Kotra Siva Rama Krishna “I don’t know on occasion he maintained his thing in me until it leaves it seeds fully in that and the result was my beautiful daughter now.” Isabella also laughed and said. “If it is not for that Stuart, I would have died with sexual starvation.” “But you have been having it with Rita regularly and you both are lesbians particularly. What would be the problem even you don’t have it with a man?” “We both related to a specific category and there ...Read More