Love is dangerous with a Stranger
(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
“Now business.” Isabella suddenly got off from the bed and started dressing herself and Rita also followed her suit. “That rascal has got that much nerve to blackmail you like that?” after slumping herself on the edge of the bed Isabella asked.
“I don’t feel much surprise.” Rita slipped herself into a nightee and slumped in the chair there just opposite to Isabella. “It is not easy to forget once tasting my sweet ass. Moreover I too did a mistake.” She sighed heavily.
“What that mistake was?”
“I have given him the chance to enjoy me in the way he wanted and showed him the heaven. I too became an active partner. If I were just conservative in my approach then, he would not have longed for it this much.”
“Why you did so?”
“As it has become inescapable, I also want to enjoy that. I did not have it with any other man except my husband for a long time and I thought it would be a different taste. Moreover that Alex was longing for me for a long time and he gave me the file also I asked. But I did not think my cooperation like that would make him ask for it again and again.”
Isabella laughed on hearing that. “I cannot blame you. If I were in your place, I too would have done in the same way.” But suddenly her face became serious. “Anyhow he has become a potential danger to us. If he does in the way he said, it shall creates lot of problems to us.”
“What should we do then?”
“Getting him off from our way in the same way how I got off that David Carter. And this time it is you who has to do this. I think that you kept that chemical substance carefully with you.”
“I have kept it quite carefully and you don’t feel fear.” But suddenly there was uneasiness in the face of Rita and fear in her voice. “I am thinking that you may suggest this. But I am feeling very much fear. If anyone gets doubt...…….”
“No one gets any doubt. You don’t feel any fear and just do in the way I say. If he has not been removed from our way as soon as possible, all our plans will be spoiled. You are not just my real partner in sex but a good friend also and whatever I get I do give half of that to you.”
“Alright then.” Rita nodded her head. “Just tell me what should I do?”
“Invite him to the same hotel and be there even before him. Order some food by the time he comes and mix that in that food. Making him eat that food is very much important you know.” Suddenly there was a warning expression in the face of Isabella.
“I already invited to that hotel again expecting that you do say like this.” Rita said. “But what if he gets doubt that I mixed something in the food?”
“He would not get any doubt. That cannot be found while eating. It has no taste, smell or odour. Moreover he is very much blind to do anything with the desire to have you again.”
“You are absolutely right, I agree with it.” Rita laughed and said.
“You do have your reward for what you are doing, never forget that.”
“You are the big reward to me you know.” Suddenly with a happy smile on her lips Rita said. “I don’t want to have anything than having it with you occasionally.” Suddenly Rita’s face was filled with a startled expression. “I almost have forgotten to say something to you.”
“What is it?” Isabella knitted her brows together.
“Stuart along with some other person came into our department on this day. They went into the record room along with Alex.”
“That other man was no doubt that detective Smaran. They both want to be confirmed themselves that David Carter’s file was not there.”
“No, it was not so.” Nodding her head in negation Rita said. “I saw a file in Stuart’s hands while going away from that place.”
“Do we have another file also on David Carter? We have destroyed one file of him so far.” Frowns gathered on the forehead of Isabella.
“No it was not that of David Carter’s. Some Natasha I think. That was what Alex heard while he was with both of them there.”
“Natasha Chaplin. Personal secretary to Richards, Stuart’s father.” The frowns on Isabella’s forehead were intensified even more. “Why did they want her file now?”
“Do you know about that Natasha Chaplin?” Rita’s face was filled with a curious expression.
“Yes, Stuart told me about her. She went away from Gaama after the death of his dad. But his dad used to fuck her while he was alive.”
“Just like Stuart is fucking you now.” Rita laughed and said. “It seems no female personal secretary is safe in the hands of her male boss.”
“Female secretaries are not safe in the hands of female bosses also if they are lesbians.” Isabella laughed but her face suddenly became serious. “This is something we need to put our attention. It is not without any reason that they both wanted to have that file. They were so desperately trying to find out the murderer of David Carter.”
“How their probing into that Natasha Chaplin will be proved dangerous to us?” Rita knitted her brows together.
“Natasha Chaplin was recommended by David Carter to Richards. On one day David Carter said about this to me. David Carter and Natasha have good friendship between them both. Natasha also just like David Carter intelligent, clever and has all the qualities of him. I don’t know what type of dangers may sprout if this darned detective meets her.”
“She left Gaama ten years back and the address, phone numbers etcetera which she has given in it might be changed. Moreover she would not have any dangerous information to divulge it at that detective. You don’t feel fear much.” Taking Isabella’s right hand into her both hands and squeezing it gently Rita said while looking into her face.
“We cannot take chances!” Isabella’s voice was with full of uneasiness and deep frowns were gathered on her forehead. “Before it all turns out dangerous, we need to do something.”
“Alright. We think about it. You just stop worrying about it and relaxed. Concentrate on what we immediately need to do.”
“It has to be done immediately by you, not by me.” Relieving her hand from the hands of Rita, Isabella said. “I am going to tell you how everything should be and you just follow word for word of it.”
Then Rita listened very carefully while Isabella was talking and interrupted her only when she thought necessary.
“I never have expected this from you. I thought you were a gentleman and forget about everything once that was over. But you got a copy of that and blackmailing me like this.” Looking into the face of Alex with a little angry expression in her face, Rita said.
By the time he entered into that same room in the Neel Garden hotel, he found Rita sitting in a chair and eating something.
“I am sorry I have blackmailed you like that.” With a regretful expression in his face Alex said. “I thought you never would agree to it if I have not blackmailed you so.”
“Really I never would have agreed to this if you have not blackmailed me in this way.” By then she finished her eating and threw that trash in the nearby dustbin. “But why did you get the idea of copying that file so?”
“I thought unless it is very much important you would not have asked for it. It appeared advantageous to me to keep a copy of that so I did.” He could not refrain the forced smile onto his lips.
“I don’t think that you do stop blackmailing me like this to have it again and again having a copy of that file with you, is it is not?” Rita came near to him and looked straight into his face.
“I cannot gainsay that.” Continuing the same smile, with a mischievous expression he said. “Forgetting the taste of your beautiful ass is not easy.”
“But I cannot accommodate you every time like this. It is not fair.” With an angry expression in her face Rita said. “I have a husband at home and if ever he comes to know about it I just cannot say what happens to my life. You too should understand.”
Alex did not say anything but was just observing her with the same expression in his face. He was feeling very happy for the way things turned. He indeed did a very nice thing by taking a copy of that file on that day.
“We are going to have it three times from now on. After the third time you have to forget about the whole thing and shred the copy you have into pieces. I don’t come to you after the third time and I don’t care whatever may happen. You understood!” with a serious expression in her face she asked him.
“Yes, I understood.” He has to put force to refrain the smile which was jumping once again onto his lips. If she was thinking that he really would abide that condition, there would be no big fool than her.
“Now take your tiffin.” She took a packet on the table there and put it in his hands. “I ordered for us both and finished mine just before. You eat yours.”
“I have my tiffin at my home and not feeling hungry. I just want to have it straight with you.” In fact he did not have his tiffin and feeling hungry. But the desire to have sex with her then and there predominated any other desire in his mind.
“Your face is saying that you have not eaten anything yet. To do it better to me, you must maintain strength. You may have the mood if I make you eat this.” She opened the packet and put the tiffin into his mouth in tiny morsels. Just in five minutes or so, he finished eating the whole tiffin through her hands like that in which she mixed thallium chemical in abundant measure.
“Now is the fucking time.” Once he finished eating he hugged her strongly and kissed on her lips straight.
From that moment everything was just like in the previous time. Once it was over and they both were relaxed side by side absolutely naked on the bed Rita said. “I don’t want much gap in our issue and you are going to have it with me for the second time tomorrow itself and the day after tomorrow the third time. I tell you now where and how do we meet for the next two occasions.”
Then he listened to her carefully while she was explaining to him the venues and times. ‘After the third time, I decide the venue and time.’ He smiled in himself. After having her one more time furiously on the bed there, he started from that place.
“I did not think I still have to come to you like this even after Jasmine became amicable like that. If that David Carter has not been murdered so, how nice the situation would have been to me now.” He just slipped himself on the left side of Isabella after discharging himself furiously into her.
“Ever it has occurred to you that you are the main reason for Jasmine’s condition?” Isabella said with an angry expression in her face. “If you have not told her………..”
“How you can take the murder of him that easily is still very much puzzling to me!” with a surprising expression in his face Stuart exclaimed. “A good man like him was brutally murdered and you have no grief at all for him. You are not even thinking about his murderer to be caught and punished.”
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)