Love is dangerous with a Stranger
(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
“Once coming out of that organisation, my mom never let that David Carter come near to her. She managed to talk with your dad through phone and tell him everything.” Tears started flowing down on Namita’s cheeks. “Your dad was very much kind hearted and understanding! Even he forsaken the idea to marry my mom after knowing about the truth, he came and see me and my mom. He has given lump-sum amount to my mom which in fact made her to get me educated in a beautiful way. He managed her to join in some other job also when my mom did not agree to join in Gaama again. When my mom came to know about your dad’s death, she very much felt worried. She quite often used to say to me, how nice and good your dad was.”
“It is all very much difficult to me to believe! I never have thought about David Carter like this. My dad used to respect him a lot. He was a good friend to Dr.Peterson also.” Still it was all very much shocking and distressing to Stuart.
“Your dad respected him like that before he coming to know about the truth. For a long time he could not be known anything about him and once he has seen him so with Natasha, he understood the truth. When all these things took place, Dr.Peterson also was in abroad just like you so he too could not know anything about that David Carter. One other thing………..” Smaran paused for a second before saying again. “…………the main thing for his disagreeing to be tested and treated by Dr.Peterson was, he never suffered any heart problem. He was very much hale and healthy and he knew that truth would come out if Dr.Peterson checked him out and it might create suspicion in you. So, he that strongly denied any check up or treatment by Dr.Peterson.”
“I just…..just…..don’t know how to take this all.” Stuart’s voice shivered while saying that.
Smaran started again as if he did not hear Stuart. “I have no doubt that your dad wanted to talk with you about David Carter on that day Stuart. But you too can understand it was not something that could be talked over phone. That was why he asked you to come to India fast. Anyhow because of that incident, he suffered too much and died with heart attack before your coming to home.”
“You are right Mr.Smaran, it must be like that.” Stuart nodded his head and suddenly his face was filled with a horrifying expression as if he came to notice something very much unbearable just then. “Then what about his sister and niece? Who is this Jasmine?”
“Here you need to be more courageous Mr.Stuart. This is something you just cannot expect even in your wildest imagination also.” Smaran said sighing heavily. “Honey trapping was not new to David Carter. If he comes across beautiful women, he would try to use them in some way or the other. He has got acquaintance with beautiful Natasha Chaplin and he tried to use her with your dad and it was backfired like that. Then he came across a beautiful high class prostitute Eva Marrison and while he was having his regular dose of sex with her, he got a wonderful idea! He knew that you are particularly interested in beautiful women and when he discussed that with Eva how they could use that for their both advantage, Eva readily agreed. Do I need to tell you here that Eva Marrison is no one else but your wife Jasmine?”
“No, I never can believe it, I never can!” Stuart got off from the chair and yelled loudly. “My Jasmine never can be so. She never can be that much mean, that much ruthless, that much cheating.”
“But truth is that Mr.Stuart, you need to understand.” Smaran also got off from his chair, went near to Smaran and put his right hand around his shoulders. “I know this will be scorching like this to you. I let you know about this not because of it is part of my job but because that you should know the truth atleast now.”
“I never believe this Mr.Smaran, I never believe this.” Stuart threw Smaran’s hand off from his body and said angrily looking into his face. “I don’t know what benefit you want but you have just concocted this.”
“When the police raided on the house of Isabella’s friend Rita, they got hold of dangerous chemical thallium and a pen-drive also. In fact it was this pen-drive that has been stolen from David Carter’s home on that day. I really don’t want that you see what is in that pen-drive and not intended to show the content in it but as you cannot believe what I have said, I am thinking that it is important you do see it.” Smaran paused for a second before saying again. “Will you please give your laptop to use for sometime?”
Stuart just like a robot went into his room and came there with his laptop and switched it on. Then Smaran put the pen-drive to it and opened it. There was a folder with the name private and Smaran opened that folder also and there were several video clippings in that folder. “You must be very brave Mr.Stuart. All these will be very much intolerable to you.” After saying that Smaran opened one video clip in that pen-drive.
Stuart’s mouth dropped open while he was watching the video. Jasmine and David Carter were fully naked and were having wild-bear sex together in that video. “No……..I can’t see that.” After seeing that video clip for few seconds, Stuart yelled closing his face with both of his hands.
“David Carter has a fear that Jasmine might change her mind and stop cooperating with him once she became your wife. So even before telling her about his idea to manipulate you, he got video-graphed his sexual adventures with her and saved them in this pen-drive. He would have said to her he liked to video-graph his sexual intercourse like that and she believed him. But his intention was to blackmail her with these video-clips if she ever would go against him. Jasmine really has got a change in her and she thought it would be so nice to her if she remains as your wife rather than a concubine to that David Carter. But she knew what would happen if she said that to David Carter. While she was worrying a lot what to do, Isabella, your secretary came to know about this all and gave her the wonderful idea to kill him with food poisoning and she supplied the dangerous chemical thallium to Jasmine and it was not very much difficult to Jasmine to mix that in David Carter’s food and killed him.”
“Isabella also was in this?” Stuart knitted his brows together. “After knowing about such infidelity, such deception, nothing on the earth surprises me but how it has become possible to Isabella to know about it and what benefit she was going to get by killing David Carter?”
“One other thing you don’t know about at all is; both your secretary Isabella and Jasmine are lesbians. They are such lesbians they enjoy most homosexuality but they can enjoy sex with male also. I suspected this when we found Isabella’s brassier in the bedroom of David Carter and by observing the books there. Those books were about lesbians. My suspicion turned into confirmation when we found Jasmines inner clothes in Isabella’s bedroom and the same type of books there also. I don’t know how they come to know about each other’s lesbian nature but that made them both good friends and Jasmine gradually shared everything with her and her desire to continue her life with you as your wife. Isabella thought she can use Jasmine in the way she wanted by using the same method David Carter intended to do and so not only supplied her thallium to kill David Carter with poisoning but has stolen the pen-drive that David Carter so carefully kept in the kitchen. She wanted to blackmail Jasmine with the video-clips in that pen-drive if Jasmine would not do in the way she asked.”
“How she came to know about that pen-drive and it was kept there? Did Jasmine tell her about it?”
“Might be. Or David Carter himself.”
“What David Carter himself? He himself told her about it to be stolen like that?”
“No, of course.” Smaran smiled. “Here there is another thing you need to know. Isabella can understand if anyone is starving sexually and she understood that David Carter was in need of it. In that course, they both also became good friends satisfying each other’s sexual urge and David Carter would have told her how he is thinking to use you through Jasmine and what he has got with him if Jasmine would go against him and where he has kept that pen-drive. However much big cheaters they both, David Carter and Jasmine both believed Isabella without knowing the other person’s dealing with her. David Carter did not get any doubt on Jasmine as she was very much careful so he could not find out her poisoning his food. Even before Jasmine denied the wish of Isabella, Isabella foresaw such an eventuality and has stolen the pen-drive from there to blackmail Jasmine with the video-clips to get done whatever she wanted.”
“What that Isabella exactly wanted to be done by Jasmine?”
“I don’t know what exactly she wanted to be done by Jasmine but being the wife of a rich-man like you Jasmine can be useful to her in many ways.” Smaran paused for a second before saying again. “But we can assume one thing here. Removing you from the earth. David Carter thought making Natasha Chaplin widow of your father was making her the owner of his properties then he could get benefit from her. In the same way, making Jasmine your widow means making her the owner of all your properties as you are the only son to your dad. David Carter and Isabella also might have thought in the same way. Once Jasmine became the owner of all your properties as your widow and such pen-drive is in their hold, what they cannot make her to do?”
Stuart leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes and Namita and Smaran also could not say anything as they did not know what to talk. After few seconds of silence Stuart said. “May I tell you something here? Even after hearing all this, I am not getting anger on Jasmine. Is she is really that much bad-girl?”
“She was a high-profile prostitute might be forced into that profession by someone. She might not be that much bad but lured into the trap David Carter made. But it was quite evident that she did not like to do in the way David Carter suggested and wanted to remain to be your wife. There was no surprise that she found the suggestion given by Isabella was worth following.”
“It is not surprising that Isabella behaved like that. I saw sort of greed in her eyes all the times. But I never have thought that she is a lesbian and Jasmine being a lesbian also is very much surprising to me.”
“Isabella is a first rank lesbian and she has another woman-mate also and it was Rita. That was why she got that Rita into your organisation so. The other things I have to mention here are; it was Isabella who directed Rita to make Alex, HRD chief to give the file of David Carter to her. If David Carter really has a niece and was looking after her, it should be mentioned in his file. Moreover he never married and was a bachelor and his wife and son dying in an accident also was a lie. There was no mention of his niece in his file and he has been mentioned as a bachelor in that. Isabella felt fear that we would come to know those facts if we read that file. If we come to know that David Carter has no niece and he lied to us, we immediately doubt Jasmine and eventually the whole story shall come out. So Isabella planned that file to be stolen in such a way.”
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)