Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 26 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 26

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Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 26

Love is dangerous with a Stranger

(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“I don’t know but on occasion he maintained his thing in me until it leaves it seeds fully in that and the result was my beautiful daughter now.” Isabella also laughed and said. “If it is not for that Stuart, I would have died with sexual starvation.”

“But you have been having it with Rita regularly and you both are lesbians particularly. What would be the problem even you don’t have it with a man?”

“We both related to a specific category and there are women like us also. We do want it most from women but we want it from men also. A woman cannot get her gape filled by other woman and sometimes that gape also has to be filled and explored and do I need to say a cock is important for that?”

“I agree with you and all the times I need a sack to put my thing rather than rubbing it with some other man’s. I must say..........” he said looking into the face of Rita. “........... Rita’s lips are quite tight always as if she is having it for the first time. I never can enjoy it with any other women in such a way.”

“God..........god........god..........what is this talking?” Rita angrily said. “You both know very well these types of things should not be discussed in this way.”

“I agree darling, I agree.” Isabella suddenly hugged Rita and kissed on her right cheek. “I really have forgotten the matter which I want to discuss with you both now.” Then she left her hold around Rita became straight in the sofa and looked into the face of Michael. “I want you also to be with us and know about it.”

“I am also with you now and curious to know about it.” Michael smiled and said.

“I am on a very important mission and it is going to yield fruits to us very soon. I cannot say the details of it to you both now itself but you both contributed to it a lot so you do have half of the share I am going to get in it.”

“Thank you very much for that Isa.” There was sudden happy expression in the face of Michael. “In fact it was Rita who contributed for it more. I did nothing.”

“No, Mike.” Isabella nodded her head in negation. “You never have questioned what she was doing and gave her all freedom. She knew very well that you don’t feel angry on her and object whenever you come to know the things she was doing, so she carried out every mission I have entrusted to her.”

“And I have enjoyed that also.” Rita laughed and said. “Sleeping with that Stuart and this Alex also were not bad exercises for me. Even they have not done it as much better as Mike, I got some different taste.”

“I am feeling happy that you enjoyed what you did. The experience in the hands of Alex might be dismal but I know very well that you did enjoy that with Stuart. That is why once I am having it with him so, I don’t prefer to have it with anyone else.”

“That Alex was not very much skilled in that but he was like a hungry dog! It seemed that his wife is making him starved for it for a long time and how he pounced on me and has me really shocked me! In fact there was no place in my body that he did not enjoy with hands and mouth.”

Hearing his wife like that Michael found his thing strongly erected.

“But he did not come for the third time Isa. I think I have given the heavy dose the second time. He might be suffering a lot and die at any moment.” Suddenly there was fear in the face of Rita.

“That is what we want, don’t we darling?” Isabella hugged her once again and kissed on the same cheek. “We have to feel happy that it is happening in the second time itself.”

“But what if police found that I did it?” the fear in Rita’s face was increased even more.

“Did any one observe you both together anywhere?” Isabella knitted her brows together.

“I was quite careful Isa. No one observed us both at any place.”

“Then you stop feeling fear for it.” Isabella left her hold around her and made herself once again straight on the sofa and leaned back. “Both that Stuart and that detective are pulling their hair but they cannot find out I killed David Carter in such a way.”

“But why you have to kill that David Carter?” Rita did not want to ask that question but could not remain without asking that. “He is a very good person and good friend to Stuart also. Anyhow you love and like Stuart.”

“There are some matters I did not tell you yet dear.” Looking into the face of Rita, Isabella said. “Very soon this matter shall come to an end and then I tell you everything.”

“Alright then no problem.” Rita smiled

“The main reason for my coming here......” Isabella paused for a second before saying again looking into the face of Michael. “ .........I guessed that Rita is feeling fear for what she did and would  have told you everything. I know the relationship between you both is very nice and you both don’t keep secrets with each other. You may also start feeling fear hearing what Rita said.”

“Of course, Rita shared everything with me but I am not feeling any fear.” Leaning back in the chair with a smile on his lips, Michael said. “I have ample trust on you Isa. You don’t let us sink. You take care of everything.”

“I am feeling very happy that you have trust like that on me Mike.” Isabella said but suddenly her face has become serious. “But this is the time we need to be very much careful! Don’t you both let anyone get doubt on you. You go on your business journeys in the usual way and you Rita.......” then Isabella looked into her face. “............just behave in a natural way. Very soon we hear the news of that Alex’s death.”

Rita indeed has to put an effort not to show her fear in her face. “It shall be just so.” She nodded her head.

“I thought at this crucial stage, you also need to know about it.” once again Isabella looked into the face of Mike. “And you came to know about it. You should not have surprises and your behaviour should be natural and according to the situations.”

“It shall be just like that and you don’t worry.” Michael once again smiled and said.

“Then the main purpose for my coming here has fulfilled.” Isabella sighed heavily and looked into the face of Rita. “The other reason you can easily understand.”

“I am just waiting for that.” Rita got off from the sofa. “Mike wait here and we both go into my bedroom.”

“Just a moment!” while Rita and Isabella were moving into the bedroom in that house, Michael said and they both at once turned and looked into his face.

“I always have a desire how you do both do it.” he paused for a second and there was a pleading expression in his face. “May I also present with you both while you are doing that?”

“Mike.........” with a serious expression in her face Rita said. “.........James also expressed similar wish while we both were having it in his home on one occasion. But I did not allow him to see us. I just cannot bear if anyone sees my having it whether it is with a man or woman.”

“Oh, darling! Why don’t you make a little change in that? While your husband is cooperating with you in everything, why don’t you let him fulfil his small wish?” Isabella hugged Rita and said.

There was some furious thinking in Rita with gathered frowns on her forehead and after few seconds she said. “Only for this time and never again.”

“Alright then.” Michael laughed and said with a happy expression in his face.

“But with one condition Mike.” Isabella said with a serious expression. “I too want to have different taste and see how good you can do it. You have to fuck me. I want to see how much good you are fucking Rita every time.”

“I have no objection to that.” Now there was smile on the lips of Michael. “Providing Rita does not object to it.”

“Why you are thinking that I do object to that, you silly fellow?” Rita pretended an angry expression in her face. “Just prove her to also that you are a man.”

Then the three of them were entered into the bedroom and there along with them both Michael also shed all his clothes and became absolutely naked. He observed standing little yonder with an interesting eye while they were hugging, kissing and doing lot many things with each other on the bed and nearly twenty minutes or so it continued like that. Michael’s thing was erected strongly and became ready to business while watching them both so.

“Now your turn Mike.” Relieving herself from the hold of Rita, Isabella said looking at Michael extending her both hands.

Then Michael came near to her and Isabella hugged him strongly when he put on the top of her. He started his business with a small straight kiss on her lips.

“You are indeed very lucky Rita.” While Michael’s thing was moving furiously between the tightly closed lips of her vagina, Isabella exclaimed. “Even Stuart also did not do it this much better to me.” It went on like that for a considerable time and she yelled a little with uncontrollable pleasure when he discharged himself forcefully into her with big thumps of his hips and let him slide on the right side of her after few seconds. He knew women wanted it like that and remained on the top of her in her tightened hug even after discharging himself into her so.

After half an hour so, after their spending time doing several things with each other naked bodies, those three came out of that room.


The news that the HRD chief Alex died with food poisoning was like a shock to Stuart. He just could not believe that at all.

“David Carter and Alex both died with food poisoning, are you suspecting any connection between these two deaths?” Stuart asked Smaran in his office chamber.

“I am not suspecting anything now. I know who are the culprits and I am going to unravel everything before the promised time Mr.Stuart.” Smaran said.

“You are indeed great, Mr.Smaran.” Stuart laughed and said. “Now tell me who are they and why they did such things?”

“Before I reveal that to you Mr.Smaran, I want you and your wife Jasmine to be tested thoroughly for any food poisoning. There is a pretty chance that you both also have been poisoned by the same people.”

“My god! Why, why you are thinking like that?” suddenly there was fearful expression in Stuart’s face.

“I tell you later why I am thinking like that. But you and your wife have to be tested immediately to know if you have been poisoned.”

After saying that, Stuart moved hurriedly from that room and Smaran also went after him with the same speed.


Isabella and Jasmine both sat facing each other in two chairs in the hall of Isabella’s home.

“You are considering yourself rather smart I think.” Looking angrily at Jasmine who was with her at that moment Isabella said. “You did not do in the way I asked.”

“It is just because I love him Isa.” Jasmine laughed but there was a pathetic note in that laughter. “I never loved anyone but him in my whole life.”

“You are quite incapable of loving anyone Jas, you too know about it.” still looking at the side of Jasmine, Isabella said. “All the time you are just immature not knowing what to do and why to do. It is I who changed you. It is I who is trying to give you life, future.”

“There is no future to me without Stuart.” Tears were flowing down on the cheeks of Jasmine. “Are you thinking that I can be happy without Stuart?”

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)