Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 23 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 23

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Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 23

Love is dangerous with a Stranger

(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“I have grief for that David Carter and I also wish that his murderer must be caught and punished.” Isabella said. “But we both well know it is the work of some of our competitors and whoever did that, did that very carefully and catching him appears impossible. In fact catching his murderer is the work of police and if police think that they are not capable of it and left it better you also do leave it. That David Carter is aged more than sixty five years, suffering from heart disease and going to die soon anyhow. Why do we put an innocent girl like Jasmine into distress for it?”

“I never have thought that you do talk in this way!” Stuart said with the same surprising and angry expression.

“You are not trying to see the point what I am trying to make you notice.” As if she did not care his anger Isabella said. “The only one person David Carter loves a lot is his niece. Are you thinking that his soul feels happy even if his murderer is caught if Jasmines worries in this way?”

“Jasmine already came to know that her uncle was murdered and she is also very much determined that the murderer to be caught and punished. As we have come this far, I just want that detective to do whatever he wanted to do and come out with the truth. I inquired about that detective and he has very much successful rate.”

“Alright then.” Nodding her head in resignation Isabella said. “I wish that he comes out with the truth and get the murderer punished. I also don’t like the murderer whoever he may be go scot free.”

There was some silence between them both as both of them did not think of what to talk and it was Stuart who broke that silence first. “I just cannot guess what that has been stolen from that David Carter’s house.”

“Nothing has been stolen from there, I am sure.” Isabella said. “The lock of that cupboard might have been broken for some reasons and that detective is assuming it like that. He is spoiling all people minds in the same manner.”

“It is not so. I am not thinking………….” Stuart tried to say something.

“Oh, Stuart! Why should we break our heads in this way?” she hugged him and kissed on his lips straight. “That detective is going on with his detective work. In your opinion he comes out with the truth. Then why do we quarrel ourselves with pretty things like these? Whether that cupboard has been broken by someone to steal something from it or the lock of it was broken just naturally is completely immaterial now.”

“I agree with you.” He also kissed on her both cheeks and in other situations he would have got the mood and do it to her again but for the present his mood was not good. Jasmine was too much devastated because of the murder of her uncle and he did not know how to console her.


“I am doing everything you asked me to do.” Inspector Nicholas said with a smile looking into the face of Smaran who sat before him in his police station at that time. “So half of the credit you get must be given to me.”

“Not just in the credit I am going to get, I give you half in the fees also I am going to get.” Leaning back in the chair Smaran said. “Thank you very much for the help you are doing.”

“Never say such thing Smaran. I never do accept anything monetarily from you.” Nicholas also leaned back in the chair and said. “In fact it is our duty to catch that murderer. But you know as we are busy with our present schedule, I asked that Stuart to appoint you. I know very well that you never disappoint anyone. Your success rate is like that till this moment.”

“I agree with that and one thing always makes me deplorable all the time.” Smaran said. “In almost all the cases, the truth I unravelled made the people appointed me sad rather than happy. Those truths are such type it would be better leaving them like that rather than taking them into light. I am feeling strongly in this David Carter’s issue also whatever I am going to unearth certainly would not make that Stuart feel happy.”

“However much distasteful it is, truth has to be found out. At the same time however much delicious the falsehood is; it must not let stay. Unravelling the facts is your duty and don’t mind how those facts affect other people.”

“It is a difficult to thing to do but I try.” Smaran laughed and said. “Anyhow did you people find out anything noteworthy?”

“Yes, that Alex met a girl in a cheap hotel. That girl was no one else but one of the employees of Gaama and her name was Rita. She is a married woman and has a family also.”

“Ask your people to continue watching that Alex and Rita also until I say that there is no necessity to do that.”

“It sure shall be so, you don’t worry.” Nicholas laughed. “Anyhow I did something even before your asking to me.”

“What that is?” Smaran knitted his brows together with a curious expression.  

“I put a man at Rita’s house also to observe every moment of her. And that person found a strange thing.”

“I am very much eager to know about it.”

“Stuart’s personal secretary visited her house on yesterday and they both spent lot of time together.”

“Alright. I am expecting something like this. I am suspecting that this Isabella is behind all of this and it is happening just in that way.”

“I just cannot understand Mr.Smaran.” with a surprising expression in his face Nicholas said. “Rita and Isabella both have been working in the same organisation. What would be the surprising in this that they both to become friends and visit each other’s houses.”

“You people cannot see the things as we detectives do.” Smaran said. “File on that David Carter was missed from Gaama’s office and that Alex is in-charge of that department and nothing can be taken away from there without his knowledge. Then Alex met his assistant Rita in a hotel. What was the necessity to him to meet her in a hotel? There is no surprise in Isabella meeting Rita like that on yesterday because of what you have said also is possible but it is hinting something else also to me.”

“Really I cannot see the things in the way you see and think in the way you think.” Making his hands up and down in a resigned manner, Nicholas said. “You are the boss in this matter and I do just in the way you ask me. I don’t want to break my head thinking anything about it. Just tell me what further has to be done and I am ready to follow your directions.” 

“I let you know.” Smaran got off from the chair and said. “For the present I am leaving and thank you very much for everything you are doing.”

Then Nicholas also got off from the chair and after shaking his hand, Smaran came out of that place.


    “You need to change. It is really very much bad that your uncle died. But what would be the use in becoming yourself more and more pathetic.” Stuart and Jasmine were side by side on the bed and he said to her.

“If my uncle died because of heart attack or for some other reason I would not have worried this much. But someone murdered him Stu, someone murdered him.” looking into his face Jasmine said  “He was such a good man never thought bad to anyone. Who has such necessity to murder him so?”

“There are such bad people in the world who can kill good people like your uncle.” Sighing heavily Stuart said. “I already told you that we have enemies like that who don’t want that your uncle being helpful to Gaama. They just wanted to make him away from us and became successful in it. Sometimes..........” Stuart paused for a second before saying “.............I felt it would have been good if he did not come here at all. If he has not come here and join in Gaama again, he would have been alive on this day.”

“That may be right Stu but one good thing has happened.” She put her both hands around his neck and kissed on his right cheek and suddenly there was change of expression in her face. “I got you. You just don’t know how much happy I am with you like this.”

“I am also.” He too put his both hands around her and kissed on her both cheeks perfunctorily. “I have no idea to marry at all until you entered into my life. Now I have several ideas; having children, raise them just like that.”

“Having a child is indeed a very good idea Stu.” The happy expression was just so in her face. “Whenever I am imagining myself as a mom, I am feeling so much happy and thrilled!”

“But do you know what is necessary to become a mom?” with a mischievous expression in his face, he looked into her face. “Unless we have it again and again you cannot become a mom.”

“It is necessary not just for that Stu. You also need it occasionally.” She kissed on his lips straight. “I am sorry I could not cooperate with you for the last few days.”

“There is no mistake of you Jas. Once you have been worrying this much, how can you think about giving that to me? Don’t worry unnecessarily. We do think about children and that thing once you become all usual.” He paused for a second and his face suddenly filled with surprise. “Anyhow how you can become this matured? You used to be quite ignorant of all these things.”

She laughed, crooned even more into him and put her head on his right shoulder. “My close friend Isa. She told me men want it a lot than women and if they cannot have it occasionally, they do become sort of mad. Isa is never forgetting to visit me and console me. You just don’t know how much more pathetic I would have become if she were not with me all the time.”

“Isa is indeed good. She is quite helpful to me not just in the office but in the house also. I asked her to take leave and stay with you until you become all normal and come out of your grief.”

“But Stu, I know it is very difficult to you without her in the office.” Suddenly she made herself little distanced from him and looked straight into his face.

“Even not as much capable and efficient as she is; there are substitutions to her in the office and I can manage. My first and foremost concern is; you should become all normal as soon as possible.”

“How much you think about me always? What would have happened to me without you?” She put her head once again on his shoulder and said.

“Is there any surprise in my doing it like this once I am with that much of love on you?” kissing on her head he said “What all I want is your happiness always. If you are happy, I don’t want anything else.”

Then it was quite unintentional on his part, he put her into a vantage position that her both buttocks were up and she just remained like that as if she did not notice it at all. Then he rolled her saree along with the petticoat upto her hips making her both buttocks exposed completely. Even he has seen them before, her gold colour buttocks were quite luring to him. Holding her with his right hand just like that, he put his left hand straight on the middle part of her buttocks.    

“You naughty! You want it now, don’t you?” as if she noticed his intention only then, she whispered in his right ear.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)