Love is dangerous with a Stranger
(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
Isabella did not say anything but was still looking at Jasmine angrily.
“You took away that thing from my uncle.” After few seconds silence, Jasmine said again. “I know very well what you want to do with it Isa.”
“That thing is in police custody. Probably in the hands of detective Smaran now. If it has been exposed, you know what would be the consequences.” There was full rancour in the voice of Isabella. “I did not do anything without your knowledge. Without your consent. You know very well that I have been planning for our bright future. But you are still immature Jas, you did not learn yet to think in a right way. You have phoned to the police to ride on the house of Rita and they got hold of that poison and that thing I have stolen from your uncle also.”
“I don’t know how they got knowledge of that Isa. I did not phone to them at all.” Suddenly there was innocent expression in the face of Jasmine. “In fact I don’t know anything about that Rita also.”
“May be you are right.” Isabella sighed heavily. “But that does not make any difference in the matter. Once those things are exposed, you also very well know what is going to happen to us.”
“Of course, I know.” Jasmine nodded her head and said. “But there is another thing my uncle always kept quite carefully with him and I took that with me. That certainly shows a complete solution to our problems.”
“What is that?” Isabella knitted her brows together and her face was filled with a curious expression.
“This is.” Jasmine put her right hand into her handbag and took a revolver form it. “He taught me how to use it. He might have thought a situation like this would arise.” Then she pointed it at Isabella.
“What the bloody hell you are going to do now?” Isabella hurriedly got off from the chair she sat.
“We both cannot live without each other. There is such a bond between us both.”
Isabella turned back and started running from that place but Jasmine squeezed the trigger of the revolver three times with perfect aim before aiming the same at the left side of her head and squeezed the trigger two times. Jasmine could see the bullets perfectly lugged in the back of Isabella before she fell on the floor there without life.
“Thank god! Jasmine and I have not been poisoned in anyway at all. Anyhow after considering Alex’s death like that, your suspicion so is not groundless.” Smaran said “But still it is very much surprising to me. Why anyone wants to poison us both also.”
“I am now here to clear all those doubts Mr.Stuart. These all connected with David Carter and along with knowing about his murderer, you can know answers to all your other questions also. To that purpose I have come to your home along with this woman.” Looking at the woman who sat beside him, Smaran said.
“You have not introduced this woman yet to me.” Looking at the woman who sat in another chair beside Smaran, Stuart said.
Just ten minutes or so back that woman and Smaran came to his home and Stuart invited them into his house and made them sit. That woman was appearing attractive and beautiful who probably aged twenty eight years or so but she has not been introduced yet to Stuart.
“She is Namita Chaplin the daughter of your father’s secretary Natasha Chaaplin. Natasha Chaplin died few years back and through the school address of Namita given in Natasha’s resume I tried to track Natasha down by going to that school and there through the maths teacher I came to know about that information. This Namita is a pet to the maths teacher in that school still, Namita and she are still very much close so she gave me the address of Namita after revealing that information and I took her here.”
“But for what purpose?” Stuart’s face was filled with irritation. From the beginning he was seeing some resemblance of this woman with someone but could not find that out until Smaran said. But once he came to know about it so, he could not refrain himself from being irritated. “I don’t want to meet either her daughter also. I never liked the relationship between my dad and her mom.”
“Mr.Stuart.........” for the first time after coming there Namita opened her mouth with a serious expression in her face and firmness in her voice. “..........detective Smaran requested me to come here and let you know certain things to convince you about the truth. Otherwise, there is no necessity to me to come here.”
“Yes, she is going to reveal certain important things here and they are very important to let you know about the truth and help you in understanding how the murder of David Carter took place. She is a very honourable lady now working as a dignified bank manager and has a family. I indeed requested her to come here to talk with you as I thought that it is very important. ”
“I am really very sorry for my talking like that...........” Suddenly with a regretful expression in his face Stuart said “............and thank you very much for your taking trouble to come here all the way.”
“Its alright Mr.Stuart..........” Namita smiled, nodded her head and leaned back in the chair. “ mother has lot of respect, love and affection on your father. On hearing what she has said about your father, I also developed a lot of respect on him. Mainly because of that I came here to talk with you even I can guess how your feeling would be towards me.”
“I don’t want to waste anymore time. If you are ready now itself I start revealing certain secrets which ultimately led to the murder of David Carter.” Smaran said.
“I am just waiting for Jasmine. It is she who mostly wants to know about the murderer of her uncle and want him to be got punished. I think she went to the house of Isabella. Cannot we wait for sometime?” Stuart said.
“Did she know that I am coming to your home now?” Smaran knitted his brows together.
“Of course, yes. When you told me that you are coming here, I told her that. I just don’t know when she went out of the house.” With little irritation in his face and voice Stuart said.
“I don’t feel surprise that her going away from here knowing about it. The things we both are going to say now are not bearable to her.”
“I just don’t know what you are trying to say!” with a confusing expression in his face Stuart said.
“Mr.Stuart.............” Smaran paused for a second as if to reiterate whatever he was going to say. “...............whatever I do say now is not going to be pleasant to you to hear. Not just that, it makes you shocked, dumbfounded and distressed to the maximum. But still I am thinking you should know all about this.”
“What you are saying is very much confusing to me!” The confusion in Stuart’s face was intensified even more.
“Your confusion will be over just in half an hour or so. Listen to me.” Smaran sighed heavily and leaned back in the chair. “That Mr.David Carter whom you always held with highest respect is a rogue, rascal and scoundrel of first rank. He has lot of intelligence and cleverness but he used them mostly to cheat the other people. It was not he who has chosen to leave the organisations like that, it was those organisations who threw him out once they came to know about his cunningness. Only it was your father who could come to know about his cunningness and cheating nature after a long time.”
“I just ....just cannot understand what you are saying to me!” deep shock was registered in the face of Stuart when he heard it like that from Smaran.
“Detective Smaran is absolutely right in what he has said Mr.Stuart.” Namita once again started talking “That scoundrel developed an illicit intimacy with my mom when she was alone and living along with me with difficulty after my dad’s death. After he has got a job at your dad, he made my mom also joined at your dad as a secretary. As my mom was educated to some extent, it was not become a difficult task to her. While they both were together, that David Carter pretended love to my mom and promised to marry her also and my mom really believed him. But that David Carter has a very big scheming and with a very nasty idea, he made my mom join at your dad as his secretary. Your dad not only started showing interest on my mom but went to the extent of marrying her, which that David Carter expected certainly would happen and then he revealed his nasty plan to my mom. That plan was; my mom has to marry my dad and once the marriage was over, she has to kill him. He said that he would tell her how to kill your dad without getting anyone’s doubt on her. His plan was after your dad’s death, as his widow my mom inherit all his proceedings and then David Carter also could share them by marrying her or in some other wasy. My mom was appalled on hearing that! On one hand she was very much perplexed and puzzled mulling over in herself how to tell your dad that she was in love with David Carter but not him. On the other hand, what this David Carter said just shocked her to the maximum as it was the very first time to her knowing about his cunning nature. Anyhow she told him curtly that she never could do like that.” Namita paused for a second looking into the shocked face of Stuart.
“I don’t know how he managed but there were photographs of my mom and that David Carter quite intimate physically with each other in the custody of David Carter. Moreover he has in his hold some of the letters written by mom to him when he was away working in some organisation and those letters just prove that both of them were in love. At that moment my mom completely depended upon the income coming through her job at your dad and she was not in a position to leave that at once. She felt fear if your dad came to know about her love with David Carter, he would immediately remove her from her job. The main reason for her not discouraging your dad in the beginning itself also was that; she could not afford to lose her job then. She resigned completely to her previous job and joined at your dad. It was not easy to her get another job again especially if she was ousted from her present job. Even that David Carter was using my mom, he was not giving anything to her to maintain herself. So she remained calm but determined herself to let your dad know about the truth at a convenient moment.” Namita paused once agian.
“I ....I just cannot believe any of this!” Stuart did not know how he said that. He never has felt that much of shock in his whole life.
“But something happened that changed everything! On one day, I cannot say how it has taken place then but your dad found my mom and that David Carter having sex together in her house. You can understand what took place next. He threw out both of them instantly, my mom and that David Carter, from his organisation.”
“So it was not that David Carter went out of my organisation all by himself if what I heard is true!” even he could not believe what he heard, Stuart came out of his shock a little.
“From no organisation he worked, he came out all by himself. He was just thrown out from every organisation just for the similar reasons.” Smaran said.
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)