Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 24 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 24

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Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 24

Love is dangerous with a Stranger

(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

As if he did not hear what she has said, he started exploring the gap between the two buttocks. While he was enjoying the smoothness there like that, he found his thing fully erected. Slowly he downed his hand even more until his palm reached her vagina and cupped it with it. It was still dry and the warmth of it was making the urge in him more and more.

“Oh, god......god.....god!” she hugged him even more tight and whispered in the same ear while he was gently rubbing it with his palm. “It is better than the real fucking.” 

“I want a child Stu.” After few seconds she said. “Fuck me now.”

Then he fucked her in such a way as he never fucked anyone before like that.


“I want to talk with your secretary Isabella.” On that day when Stuart and Smaran were in his chamber in the usual way, Smaran said.

“Now a day she is staying with Jasmine most. We can go straight to my home and talk with her there. Or I can ask her to come straight here and you can talk with her here also.”

“No, Mr.Stuart.” Smaran smiled and said. “I want to talk with her in her home itself. Can you manage it like that?”

“I just cannot understand ...........”

“Please do it in the way I asked Mr.Stuart.” with firmness Smaran said.

“Alright then.” Stuart nodded his head and dialled the number of Isabella.

“I am sorry I did not go to Jasmine yet. I do start in ten minutes.” Isabella said when she came onto the line.

“No, Isa. Stay at home itself. I am coming there along with detective Smaran. He wants to talk with you.”

After saying that without waiting for her response Stuart cut the call. “Can we start now?” he looked into the face of Smaran.

Smaran nodded his head and got off from the chair. Then in Stuart’s car both of them reached the house of Isabella.


“I am sorry that I have to create inconvenience like this to you.” As soon as he settled in the chair in Isabella’s house, Smaran said. Stuart sat in another chair beside Smaran.

“Never mind Mr.Smaran.” both Smaran and Stuart understood that the smile on her lips then was forced. “Sir said that you wanted to talk something with me.”

“Where are your other family members?”

“My fourteen years aged daughter Georgiana is staying in a hostel and is studying ninth class. You cannot see her until she comes home on her vacations. My husband is out visiting on some of his clients. He is a practicing advocate.” There was such an expression in Isabella’s face that those details were quite unnecessary to him.

“When you joined in Gaama?”

“Six years back.” After saying that Isabella looked into the face of Stuart.

“I think these details are quite unrelated and unconcerned with the present task Mr.Smaran.” with an irritating expression in his face Stuart said.

“Mr.Stuart..........” Smaran paused for a second before saying again. “..........please don’t make me to say about the conditions between us time and again to you.”

“What’s wrong if he asks questions like that sir? I am just ready to answer whatever questions he may ask.” There was firmness in the voice of Isabella.

“That is indeed good Isabella.” Smaran leaned back in the chair. “So far you and Jasmine have become close friends.”

“Yes, we became close friends.” Isabella also leaned back in the chair. “Our mindsets and characteristics are matched. As such the huge gap between our ages also does not restrain us from becoming very intimate.”

“Then you both would have shared lot many things between yourselves, is it is not? Close friends share many of their things to each other.”

“You are absolutely right sir.” With a smile Isabella said.

“Then Jasmine would have told you what she studied, where she studied.........” Smaran stopped in a meaningful way.

“She said that she completed her graduation with business administration. She has joined for her masters’ program with the same subject in a college but did not continue. She came here to her uncle.”

“Stuart told me why she has come like that.” Smaran laughed and said. “But he did not supply the information where she studied her graduation and in which college she joined for her masters’ program. Did she tell those details to you?”

“No, I think she did not.” With a confusing expression in her face Isabella said. “I too did not ask her about those details.”

“What did she tell about her uncle to you?”

“Her uncle was a great person in her opinion. In my opinion also he was just like that.” Isabella said. “She loved and still loves him a lot sir. You just don’t know how much she affected after his death. Moreover knowing her uncle was murdered so, I really cannot say what type of feeling she has now.”

“Do you have much acquaintance with David Carter?”

“I know him well. He worked in the same organisation I am working now and he is the uncle of my close friend. Many times Jasmine and I visited his house and I talked with him in his house also.”

“Can you guess how he has been poisoned like that?”

“He is not limited to the office quarters and office. He quite often visited the outside places for office work and for his personal works also. That poisoning could have been attempted to him anywhere. I cannot guess anything about it.”

“Are you sure that poisoning was not in his house or in the office mess?”

Isabella’s face filled with shock on hearing that. “Whenever he was at home, he used to cook his own food. I don’t think he would have poisoned his food himself. And in the office mess, I am not thinking that there is some black sheep in the office and poisoned his food.” She paused for a second before saying again. “I am not sure sir. There was a possibility that poisoning of his was done either in the office mess or in his home itself. But I cannot say how it could have happened.”

“Something has been stolen from his house. Can you make any guess what it would have been?”

“Yes, Stuart said that to me.” Once again Isabella looked into the face of Stuart and said. “I can say he has lot of necessary and important information regarding Gaama in his hold. But what is the necessity to keep it like that in his kitchen I cannot understand! If that is something important related to Gaama, he would have told about it to Stuart. No I cannot make any guess of it.”

“Yes, Mr.Smaran. That is my opinion also.” Stuart said.

“This house is very much beautiful madam.” Smaran suddenly got off from the chair and said. “I think this is given by your office to you and quite identical to that David Carter’s house.”

“Yes, this quarters have been given by sir to me and I can reside in this as long as I am working in Gaama.” Isabella also stood and said with a smile. “David Carter also has been given quarters quite identical to this.”

“Do you object if I see your whole house? I am really very much interested in seeing this.”

As soon as Smaran said that Isabella’s face was filled with an uneasy expression.

“If you saw that David Carter’s house, you need not see it.” Stuart also got off from the chair he sat and said as if he understood the predicament of Isabella. But he could not guess why she was feeling uneasily for that.

“No Stuart. I just want to see it.” suddenly there was firmness in the voice of Smaran. “I hope madam Isabella doesn’t object to it.”

“I don’t object to it.” Isabella hastily said. “You can see every nook and corner of this house.”

“Very good.” Smaran nodded his head “Then you may please lead me.”

Isabella nodded her head and moved away from that place and both Smaran and Stuart followed her.

“This is our bedroom sir.” Isabella took them straight into her bedroom.

Then Stuart understood why Isabella hesitated to show their house to them. Her bedroom was fully disarrayed and all the articles in it were helter-skelter. There were some dress articles on the bed also and with a surprising expression in his face, Stuart went near to them.

“These are the petticoat and brassiere of Jasmine!” taking them both into his hands Stuart said with a surprising expression in his face.

“Yesterday she wanted to try my dress and went to her home in my dress itself.” With the same uneasy expression in her face Isabella said. “She changed her dress in this room and has forgotten to collect these from here.”

“Its alright. There is no problem.” Leaving that dress there on the bed again Stuart said. “I am sorry, I made you uncomfortable.”

“Never mind sir.” Isabella smiled and said.

“It seems you are also very much interested in reading books madam.” Taking the books there lying on the bed Smaran said. “I saw these types of books in David Carter’s house also.”

“Both Jasmine and I are bookworms.” Isabella laughed and said “We took these books to David Carter’s house also and read them there.”

“I think I have seen enough in this room.” Dropping those books on the floor there again Smaran said. “What about the rest of the house?”

“Come with me.” Isabella walked away from that place and both Smaran and Stuart followed her again.

“Thank you very much for your cooperation madam.” Once he finished seeing her whole house, Smaran said to her.

“No mention.” Isabella smiled.

“One last question before I move away from here.” Smaran said looking into the face of Isabella “Do you have any close friends other than Jasmine in this town.”

“Yes, I have one other close friend.” Continuing the same smile on her lips Isabella said. “Her name is Rita. She is working in the human resources department of Gaama. I know her from the time of our studying together and in fact Stuart took her into his organisation on my recommendation.”

“Yes, in so little time she has been proved herself quite efficient and skilful also.” Remembering Rita and the experience he has with her, Stuart said. Even Rita was not as much beautiful as Isabella and Jasmine, she has strange attraction in her and would appear youthful also. He found his thing slowly erected remembering his joyous experience with her youthful figure in his involuntary imagination.

“Thank you madam. I meet you again if necessary.” Smaran said.

“You are always welcome.” Isabella once again forced a smile.

Then Stuart and Smaran came out of that place.


“You are very much nervous dear. What happened?” taking her into his hands and kissing on her lips, Michael asked Rita.

Ten minutes or so back he entered into his home after a tour on his business purpose and he found his wife Rita moody. Rita always would be active and cheerful to him and finding her moody like that was not just unusual for him but that made him distressed.

After looking into his face for few seconds Rita put her head on his heart and hugged him strongly.

“I know that you have been worrying too much for something. If you told me what it is, I sure do help you in solving that problem. But I just cannot bear seeing you like this.” He put his right hand fingers under her chin, perched her head up and said looking into her face.

She nodded her head with a helpless expression, left her hold around him and relieved herself from his hold. “I just don’t know where my friendship with this infernal woman takes me Mike. First she turned me into a lesbian. Now she is making me do all the bad things.”

“But because of her you got a good job in Gaama and we are so much happy with the salary you are getting here. Our son is studying in such a beautiful school staying in the hostel because of your working here. If it was not for her, we would not have been allotted these good quarters also. She helped you in other ways too.” With gathered frowns Michael looked into her face.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)