English Quote in Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA

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In twilight's hush, when worldly cares did sleep,

One starry night, a clock did solemnly keep

Its watch, a beacon in the heavens high,

Proclaiming time that knew not "goodbye" or "bye".

Its chimes did ring out, clear and bright,

A melody that pierced the night's dark might,

And though the hour was neither wrong nor right,

It spoke of time's mysterious, ethereal flight.

The clock's steady tick-tock, a rhythmic heart,

Kept pace with stars that twinkled from the start,

Their light, a dance of celestial art,

A cosmic ballet, wild and smart.

And though I called, my voice did not reach,

The clock's high perch, where time did teach

Its secrets, whispered in the breeze,

A language known but to the trees.

And so I stood, in awe and wonder,

The clock's silence, a challenge to ponder,

A mystery that time and stars did weave,

A tale of love and light, forever to be saved.

English Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA : 111924306
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