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DadaBhagwanFoundation Quotes, often spoken by influential individuals or derived from literature, can spark motivation and encourage people to take action. Whether it's facing challenges or overcoming obstacles, reading or hearing a powerful DadaBhagwanFoundation quote can lift spirits and rekindle determination. DadaBhagwanFoundation Quotes distill complex ideas or experiences into short, memorable phrases. They carry timeless wisdom that often helps people navigate life situations, offering clarity and insight in just a few words.
Happy Valentine's Day! Let's devalue expectations and vow not to hurt our loved ones. Know the reason of Expectations and its Reactions: #valentinesday #expectations #lovedone #valentinesdaywishes #DadaBhagwanFoundation
World Radio Day Surround yourself not only with music and news but spiritually by turning on the radio. Let's spiritually grow ourselves by tuning into: #RadioDay #WorldRadioDay #radiostation #radio #DadaBhagwan #dadabhagwanfoundation #DBF
Let's sail the boat of love with positivity and be each other's strength. How to see the positive in others and build relationships, visit here: #valentinesday #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals #positivity #love #DadaBhagwanFoundation
Do You Know that People usually say, 'this is mine and that is yours!' It is like a disease. Differences exist because of this disease. But when people depart from this world, is there any such thing as 'mine' and 'yours'? Once this 'disease' is eradicated, one will become a personification of love. To read more visit: #loveislove #valentineweek #valentinedayspecial #love #reallove #DadaBhagwanFoundation
प्रेम में अपेक्षा क्यों नहीं होनी चाहिए? Watch here: #love #purelove #prem #valentineweek #expectations #DadaBhagwanFoundation
यह ‘विज्ञान’ प्रेम स्वरूप है! प्रेम में कुछ नहीं होता। क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ कुछ नहीं होता। जब तक वे होते हैं तब तक प्रेम नहीं होता।- दादा भगवान अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ पढ़े: #purelove #lovequotes #quoteoftheday #love #ValentinesDaywishes #DadaBhagwanFoundation
कितने कवि और लेखक लिख कर चले गए लेकिन असल ज़िंदगी में शुद्ध प्रेम ढूँढना कोई सरल काम नहीं है। सच्चा प्रेम कैसा होगा? उसे कैसे पहचानें? और एसा प्रेम कहाँ मिलेगा? आइए जानते हैं इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर इस हिंदी पॉडकास्ट “प्रेम की परिभाषा क्या है?” में, अपने प्यारे आत्मज्ञानी से: #lovepodcast #definitionoflove #hindipodcast #podcasts #valentinespecial #DadaBhagwanFoundation
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