English Quote in Poem by Gautam Navapara

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You kept on cutting trees and
MOTHER NATURE didn't scream
but now she is crying. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the cofee.

You kept on dumping waste in ocean
and she didn't object it
but now she is shouting. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the coffee.

You kept on killing animals
and she didn't even hitch
but now she is screeching. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the coffee.

You kept on polluting air
and she didn't even cough
but now she isn't breathing. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the coffee.

You kept on degrading soil
and she didn't even itch
but now she is scratching. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the coffee.

If you keep on doing it,
there shall come the day when
you won't have a water to drink,
you won't have a air to breathe,
you won't have a food to eat,
you won't have ground to stand.
Still there's a time. Oh Human,
wake up and smell the coffee.

English Poem by Gautam Navapara : 111441001
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