4. Little Manhattan: A child is always living in us, somewhere. We just need to talk. to him regularly. This is one of the most wonderful phases in which nature gifts us with so many new emotions. In science, this transition phase from child to teen, in which lots of hormonal, physical, and mental development occurs, is called adolescence. And in this phase, every one of us must have felt something new, something strange, something confusing but pleasant towards someone. We all must have felt the opposite attraction at this stage: who can be your classmate, your friend’s sister, or even your school English teacher? At that time, what is the mental state of any teen? How do they perceive the outside world? What do they think about the people around them at their level of maturity and understanding? All these wonderful feelings are beautifully portrayed in this film, where a teen (Gabe) finds his first crush in Rosemary and, for the first time, experiences some basic emotions like affection, embarrassment, joy, jealousy, and anger. And all these feelings, reactions, and thoughts are shown to us via Gabe’s self-talk. If you haven’t visited your childhood on a big screen, just grab this movie from somewhere.