Courtesy Respected Shri Apoorva ji The Admin AOL Sri Sri Shots -II WhatsApp Messenger Group
In our body, the throat chakra is for gratefulness. Above the throat chakra is the ajna chakra, the seat of the Guru. So gratefulness is the way to reach the Guru Tattva.
And then where does the Guru lead you to? Bliss
(pointing to the top of the head), i.e, the Sahasrara
Chakra. So, Guru is sandwiched between gratefulness and bliss.
This Guru Principle is that which removes darkness, it is that which removes all suffering.
We chant, 'Bhishaje bhava roginam', which means, it is like the medicine for those who are stuck in small little worldly things; the disease of small mindedness.
It is called a disease because the mind wants to get out of the suffering.
Guru Tattva brings that absolute comfort.
- Gurudev Sri Sri ..
Happy Guru Purnima.. 🙏🏼