न स्वयं स्वस्य नान्यश्च नान्यस्यात्मा च हेयगः ।
उपादेयो न चाप्येवमिति सम्यञ्मतिः स्मृता ॥
आत्मप्रत्यायिका ह्येषा सर्ववेदान्तगोचरा ।
ज्ञात्वैतां हि विमुच्यन्ते सर्वसंसारबन्धनैः ॥
रहस्यं सर्ववेदानां देवानां चापि यत् परम् ।
पवित्रं परमं ह्येतत् तदेतत् सम्प्रकाशितम् ॥
नैतद् देयमशान्ताय रहस्यं ज्ञानमुत्तमम् ।
विरक्ताय प्रदातव्यं शिष्यायानुगताय च ॥
ददतश्चात्मनो ज्ञानं निष्क्रियोऽन्यो न विद्यते ।
ज्ञानमिच्छन् भवेत् तस्माद् युक्तः शिष्यगुणैः सदा ॥
The sound of silence is a concept that can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the context and perspective of the individual.
From a literal standpoint, the sound of silence refers to the absence of any audible noise. This can be experienced in quiet natural environments such as a forest or a beach or in a soundproof room. It can also be achieved through the use of noise-cancelling technology, which actively cancels out external sounds to create a silent environment.However, the sound of silence can also have a metaphorical meaning. It can represent a sense of stillness, calmness, and inner peace that can be found in moments of solitude and introspection. It can also symbolize a lack of communication or a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. #technology #communication #environment