The book "Poems by Sahaj Sabharwal" has been released worldwide on 20th July 2019 . It is written by Sahaj Sabharwal, 17 years old now ,a young poet student . He has been awarded many awards in poem writing at State level, National level and international level .
Released in both Paperback as well as an E-book in 10+ countries - India , United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Japan and other countries.
The book is available at just Rs.199 as a paperback, in kindle e-book is available in just Rs.75.
It is a collection of diverse poems. This is a book which will surely leave a mark on you. It will inspire you, the poems are impactful. The beauty lies in its crisp sentences and lucid language.
It is based on the social issues and the life of a youth . It contains poems , article, motivational quotes etc copyrighted by Sahaj Sabharwal.
ISBN: 9788194127413
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