energy Quotes in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English | Matrubharti

energy bites

कभी #हँस भी लिया करो,
ये भी एक तरह का #व्यायाम है।
हंसने से #दिल मजबूत,
#याददाश्त#एनर्जी बढ़ती है।☺️☺️??
#40+ is really very difficult...
I get #tired .
Lost #energy .
#20+, even #30+ was #good .
But now everything looks so #impossible ...
All of us must be #facing the same #issues ...
Don't #misunderstand me.
Not #talking about #age ...
#It 's the #temperature ...
#Chill bro, it's cool........

#Age #won 't #affect us at all....