Hindi Quote in Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA

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व्याघ्रबुद्ध्या विनिर्मुक्तो बाणः पश्चात्तु गोमतौ ।

न तिष्ठति भिनत्त्येव लक्ष्यं वेगेन निर्भरम् ॥

अजरोऽस्म्यमरोऽस्मीति य आत्मानं प्रपद्यते ।

तदात्मना तिष्ठतोऽस्य कुतः प्रारब्धकल्पना ॥

प्रारब्धं सिद्ध्यति तदा यदा देहात्मना स्थितिः ।

देहात्मभावो नैवेष्टः प्रारब्धं त्यज्यतामतः ॥ Oh, darkness, my cradle, my source,

You hold a deeper love than any flame's embrace.

Fire, with its circle's bright force,

Only illuminates a familiar space.

Darkness draws all, a vast, welcoming well,

Shapes and light, creatures both fierce and tame.

It gathers power, stories yet to tell,

Whispers of lives whispered in its gentle claim.

A hidden current stirs within my soul,

A secret strength, a mystery untold.

In the hush of night, my spirit takes its role,

Embracing darkness, where faith takes hold.

Hindi Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA : 111926826
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