Hindi Quote in Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA

Blog quotes are very popular on BitesApp with millions of authors writing small inspirational quotes in Hindi daily and inspiring the readers, you can start writing today and fulfill your life of becoming the quotes writer or poem writer.

साधुभिः पूज्यमानेऽस्मिन्पीड्यमानेऽपि दुर्जनैः ।समभावो भवेद्यस्य स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥ विज्ञातब्रह्मतत्त्वस्य यथापूर्वं न संसृतिः ।अस्ति चेन्न स विज्ञातब्रह्मभावो बहिर्मुखः ॥

Like a favorite song, old dreams keep on playing in my mind

They've waited for so long, for their time to finally arrive

I do believe now's the time,

I've gone years and years without really living

Minding squeaky wheels just giving and giving

And dreaming,

Like wildflowers growing through sidewalk cracks

The weight of the world makes 'em change their tracks

To find, the sun, and shine

Now, now, now's the time

Hindi Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA : 111926525
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