You know here (Sumeru Mantap) ,on each month the sun ray will fall on one of these pillars. That’s how it is designed.
In the early morning sunrise, from 14,15,16 - these three days, every month, the sun ray will fall on any one of these pillars .So in the same way the raashi (zodiac) is also written see, like tula (libra) raashi, kanya (virgo) raashi etc.,
Also all the murthis (idols) are hindusthan’s speciality- devi, devata’s idols .So when people came and wanted to make the idols ,i said okay ,go ahead with them. Also the direction that the murti (idol) belongs to, in the very same direction the idols are placed. Like dakshin (south) direction has dakshinamurthy, uttar (north) has durga etc.,
- Gurudev Sri Sri..