There are three types of kundalini experience.
One is dramatic. You start shaking. This is prana kundalini. It is the gross one. It is a lower level of kundalini, where there are lots of jerks and shakes.
Subtler than this is the awakening in you, which happens to you very gradually and naturally. And sometimes you don't even notice it. When the day breaks, it comes very gradually. The dawn comes, first it gets a little brighter, then red color comes, then the sun fully comes. But when lightening comes, it comes suddenly. In seconds a flash comes and disappears. This awakening that we are talking about in the Art of Living is chit kundalini.
In this, there is very gentle growth in you, which you suddenly find one day that you are so centered and nothing bothers or disturbs you and nothing can take away the smile from you. Whatever you wish, it happens.
- Gurudev Sri Sri..
courtesy Respected Shri Apoorva ji The Admin Sri Sri Shots -II WhatsApp Messenger Group