English Quote in Blog by Nidhi_Nanhi_Kalam_

Blog quotes are very popular on BitesApp with millions of authors writing small inspirational quotes in English daily and inspiring the readers, you can start writing today and fulfill your life of becoming the quotes writer or poem writer.

Thanx all of u who gave
me d reason of smile n carring
support till dis stage of life N yes
also thanx who gave me tears
hurt n ignorance, they make me
more strong n teach how to
fight wid evils. Would like to thanx
very heartly who always trust on
me, stands for me at any situation
n make my life sweetest. ''Nidhi''
with all of u, i'm going to next
level of my life and again b ready
to wellcome whatever comes...

English Blog by Nidhi_Nanhi_Kalam_ : 111331549
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