During the Battle of Dhaodrius and Wadsworth, The Hanuman discarnate transcendence relieves the Author Authority wielder of Transmundane humiliation, granting him his request to put Socrates' wisdom into practice. Stripping him of his present evolution and descending into a Home Erectus, succeeding the Inchoate hominid of the Monkey God's choosing. Severing his ancestral connection with the Pyrrhic Default Omni-creator through parturition time lapse, abandoning his discovery of the dichotomy affinity gentleman. Substituting the original deceased Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Hanuman spares him from his parallel current status and Dhaodrius' vengeance, unknowingly embarking on a veiled and unveiled process through the transformation of reality. Gambling with the probability to walk a distinctive path from his alpha identity or captured in the clutches of his origination's entertainment, the sealed signature in reference to his eminent quote.