HEIRS OF HEART by Palak Sharma

HEIRS OF HEART by Palak Sharma in English Novels
DISCLAIMER All the characters and places described in this story and story itself is all fictional and imaginary. They d...
HEIRS OF HEART by Palak Sharma in English Novels
As the grand ballroom erupted in a flurry of congratulations and applause, Shruti's eyes widened in shock, her gaze...
HEIRS OF HEART by Palak Sharma in English Novels
As Shruti sat in her room, the letter still clutched in her hand, she found herself preoccupied with thoughts of meeting...
HEIRS OF HEART by Palak Sharma in English Novels
Shruti sat at her desk, her mind buzzing with thoughts of Siddharth and his letter. She had been pondering how to respon...