So friends we were talking about gravitational attraction and how it do life destination shorter!!
So answer is ,there two side of gravity, one positive is, gravity only thimble is which can able to produce energy,,but negative side is,this gravity only is bring Depritiation,
How !! Let's take look.
So some how, we do state of non gravitational zone, then we will never get produced of energy, and that's why we will never get do work there .
And where is no living work there nothing come like Depritiation.
In fact ,we do state of non gravitational zone, we could live there like amotel.
Some .how we come sent on moon then,,we could be longeval of 400 years, but our working capacity would near to zero.. but. On there we could younger age a long some of 200 years.
Our brain will run there very slowly.
In this oppose , om Jupiter our brain will run faster a thousand, then earth.
And our energy and working ratios will extreme higher.
But .may, we come there a preemature old age too.
So ,gravity is good for fast life, but .this gravity just produce energy and this energy brings work a lot and once doing work .a lot .and once Depritiation come brought..
So ,these are these are deeefrabmt problems of .other solaars to .ha habitat there.
Any way, we were in discus of sagittarians.
That how much they tempering them By sunlight!!
And, from. What degree they start of absorbing sunlight.
To .know these things, we .should have take proper knowledge about black. Holes.
That what are these black holes exactly.
And what are function of of their im universe!
So .if ther made asks to. Me .I. must like to .say, that these sagittaria are nothing .more then .a grinder.
How and why!!
So let's take a look!!
First thing is that,these sagittarias ware not existed from produced of galaxy's first.
But. After the spin of galaxy a mom stop, its pollution took shape of black holes.
And if we think .of but,all super nova scrape(kaat maal) nothing goes any other where, but it start to .move to the central of galaxy and at the end of it ,they space rocks and stones come .grinde there.
Your Will be surprise but, black holes are .above of 60 percent is moisture and only 40 percent is surface of rocks and stones, whiches has still remain to be in a moisture.
So it will not call exaggeration ,that black holes are just only grinder, a great grinder of uiivarze.
In fact we .beliefs that black holes are burning and sparking and. Firing .and what not, we .don't .know that how .being .they .black holes are .there.
So .just be with .me ., we all to gather find out the answer .of that questions.
And now surprising and most unbelievable paragraphs are going to start.
We think of black holes many things, but all that things are just traditional pop talks, just nothing more.
So what are these sagittaria exactly!!
They are nothing burning, nothing firing, nothing sparking, and of course not even a great graviting.
In fact if this grinders are suppose not massive, then they don't have gravitionmal power too.
Then what they hold in them self im the centre of gexy.
Pls fox ,just take breakfast and come return fast.
We all to gather with all answer im in further round