The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 7 in English Science by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 7

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The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 7

so ,hello.

how  are you!!

mitro ,yah Brahmand bahut hi badi chij hai Magar koi bhi chij hoti hai vah Chahe Chhoti ho ya Badi sabse pahle use Vastu ka Nash (antimatter)utpann Hota Hai Uske bad hi vah Vastu utpann hoti hai aur vinash Keval Uska Hi Hota Hai jo simit hai Matlab Ki Jo Anant Nahin Hai dhanyvad.

so , we ware talking about speed of Galaxy ,that where from this high speed is comes!

Traditional Scienc  says from conservation and some part of relative too. .our science here .is. made a large discussion and many Logics too.!!

so ,before .we .move to  our  science should have take knows that what relative and conservation wants say exactly!

So mostly  and  common ly reliutivet y  believe that, until  the objects  come in  relation, to others gravitational  attraction.

Its .soeeds shape and. Entire  ohisiucs lives ad how .it was. At its produced. 

Some .how .we .looking  our earth's  spins  like 24 hours

May be .this speed would been then of just of two or three hours.

Because we .looking  now earth's  spins  ,that actually  is gravited speed.

May be before of relation  with other solaars, earth was spinning  more faster then now. 

Any way, this was talks about reletiviuty. 

But now what is conservation  law says!!

That our natural  giants., like ocean forests rivers hills  planets stars and grlexys  ofcourse  are not. Made for .destroy.

This giants  are call permanent  IN  this world.

Any way now,  let's move to the our science 

That what is our science want say exactly.

Most ly reliutivety  is based on gravity  .

And this traditional  science has  give us like e= mc2.

But. We .never  tried to .find out that where .fro. this e energy  Is  comes!!

Friends, when two gravitational  halfs do .positions  to each other, then  between of They both energy. Will .come produce. 

Some. How we .come. sant  on moon 

Then what should be happen  there!!

We .will .come. able of .produce energy lower.  As sufficient  .of earth.

Because moon  haves graviuty   little  bit lower  then  earth. But what would happen  to our life longs !!

Let me tell you but  pls  stay just  few paragraph s

And now what will happen  when we start go on Jupiter!!

Then, on Jupiter  our energy ratio  will be extremely  high. Some how how much work we doing hear on earth within 70 years by our energy,  that much works we can do on  Jupiter  in  only three or four hours.

We will realise  self esteem energetic there.

But we will look there our life longs, then it would be of just 10 to 13 days 

no more .then this much days we could  live longer. 

How and why ,so pls just few stances.

Some. how .we .come. sant  on  Jupiter  at the age of just  only  20 years .

Then,  at the day of 13 only  on  there we will  become aged  of 70 year old. 

But within  this 13 days we will  live  there most higher energetic. 

Energetic  like fast forward. 

But .our .life long destination  will call .closer  to zero.

And  in  this oppose we go .to .moon. 

Then our .life .long will be approx of .400 years.

But we will never wind up our work soon. 

Because we will not get sufficient  produce of energy.

Because moon  does not having sufficient  gravity.