The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 1 in English Science by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 1

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The Time Depritiarion, Evan Universe breaths by Sunlight. - 1

Ok friends ,wel come once again to the new episod of time depreciation.

Temperature s desision s are depend to days distance .

Ok ,forget this thing also but one surpriseing thing I missed to tell you.

That,a moon is having tampratures of its pik of aprox 230 degree ,but we don't know that what is actually ability of moon to absorb sun light.
All you will be surprised ,that moons capacity to absorb sun light is just only of a five to Sevan degree only.
Yet how and why moon become at the mid of its day ,this much tempered!!!
Moon s day is fiftyn time more longer then our earth.

UST like how we haves hear a day of 24hours ,moon haves a day of aprox 360 hours.

Yes moons one day is of 360 hours.
So ,that utterance is wrong that sun come on head and temprature become high.
This is wrong and absulutly wrong.
Then what is truth!!
Let's take a look.

How we all know that sun has any how nothing made to give us a sun light. Becouse we don't have avidance of that focus!!
So only one thing made remain that we and only we just absorb the sun light.
And only by this principal we have to move ahead on this topic route now.!!!

In last two y.d we discus that sollars become small and days and nights come shorts then before ,but,
Hear we have to discus that how sunlights's absorb after temprature come desided!!
That what pik at temprature has to stop for hige and when it has to low !!

This thing is nothing deep technical .
But just over all we think of to put a one pot on just only ten degree flame,and let it be there till six hours,
Then what will happen after six hours!!
That pot will be tempered of approx thirty to thirty-five degree.
Same thing our earth also doing,
It just absorbing sunlight till the sunset .

But at the mid of day earth pot become hit then it's morning and evening.

Becouse earth had started of absorb sunlight from fiftyn to twenty degree anly.

But till to reach,imean within that eight hours earth comming hit of fourty to fifty degree.
Here we did talk of twenty four hours pattern.

But if we imagine of sistyn hours day or thirty hours day then what could be here!!
Let's look,
Our gladiators rivers and ocens ,theae all thingas resest hit,which is has to come from actually sun lights.
If we diduct these all yjings from.our earth,then our earth also will be hit like other sollars.
I mean in temperature of more then seventy degree.
Any way ,we ware in imagine of some deeffrant petarn of day distance.

How if we imagr a pattern of sixtyn hours then what should going hear right now.

Nothing serious ,we just enduring here on rarth a prison of ice age.

Becouse our earth will not get sufficient time distance to absorb sunlight for forty to ftfty degree within of.

And but if here suppose is day of thirty hours then we will just suffer a burns of sixty to seventy degree tempry.
That's all.
Nothing will deefer.

So temprature s desision are do depend of day distance as a majermenns.