Split Personality
A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller
Kotra Siva Rama Krishna
“You don’t like her being fucked by an office boy.” Evalla felt regret as she mentioned it at him.
“It is not that. With whom she has to have it is her choice. I don’t interfere with her choice of men to have sex.” There was fear in the face of Viswanadh which was making Evalla feel uneasy. “That Prathap is the best boy in our organisation and he committed suicide in most suspicious circumstances.”
“My god! Is it is true?” suddenly Evalla’s face also was filled with fear and she also sat straight on the bed.
“Why do I try to concoct something like that?” Viswanadh said with little irritation. “He was just twenty five years or so aged and with a six pack sound body. I don’t feel surprise that my daughter has sex with him so.”
There was some painful silence between them both and it was Viswanadh who broke it first. “Anyhow tell me what that Sadan told you both about.” He felt quite upset after knowing that his daughter used to have sex with that Prathap thinking that it has anything to do to his committing suicide. He thought that listening about what Sadan said to his daughter and Evalla might give him some mind diversion.
But when he started listening to Evalla the uneasiness which was already in him started increasing even more. By the time Evalla finished his forehead was creased with deep frowns. “That is what Sadan opined in this regard?” he asked her.
“Yes, of course. In his opinion that Amsara is very much dangerous and powerful bad angel. Its main characteristic is; to increase the sexual urge in the people around to an unnatural degree. They do any type of bad things with that unbearable sexual urge.”
“I just don’t know what to say. I just can’t.....” with a helpless expression in his face Viswanadh nodded his head.
“Prameela and I are also thinking that taking Sadan’s help would be very much helpful. It will be so much good that you too do agree to this.”
Viswanadh was about to say something but there came sudden change in him. He looked down at his thing which was erected to its might. Just half an hour or so back they both had vigorous sex in between them both. It was not just his thing erected to its might; he was feeling terrible urge also in him.
“Oooch...what is this?” when Viswanadh fell on her heavily she exclaimed with pain. “I would be with you in the way you want. You need not at all be violent with me like this.” She pleaded with groans.
But he moved on the top of her as if he did not listen to her pleas at all. By the time he completed with her, her body was a painful moss. It was not so that she did not enjoy sex but this time the pain she felt then was dominated it.
“It is the very first time you made me feel hurt.” Sighing heavily and gasping for air Evalla said letting Viswanadh slid on the left side of her.
“I am sorry. I am absolutely sorry. I just don’t know why I behaved like that.” With a sorrowful expression in his face Viswanadh said. “I cannot understand why I felt sexual urge suddenly like that. It is quite unnatural..........” he was about to say something but his face suddenly filled with a horrifying expression and he paused for a second. “........it is just because of that Amsara. Otherwise I don’t think..........”
“I am feeling happy.” Evalla turned towards him and said looking into his face. “That you are convinced about what I said. It is good that whatever has taken place that made you believe in paranormal.”
“Not just this time; After our marriage, every time I have been feeling burning desire in me and I felt lot of surprise on myself for that. If that desire was so all the time in me, I could not have maintained my life like that until you entered into my life.”
“What does that mean?” Evalla knitted her brows together.
“It means that Amsara has something to do with it. As that Okatho in you is a devotee of Amsara, we are all in his consideration and he is making the sexual urge in us like that. I think you are also feeling the sexual urge just like that.” Viswanadh said looking straight into the face of Evalla.
“You are absolutely right.” Then Evalla remembered her going to the old proprietor of the orphanage for sex. Not just with him, the burning urge in her made her to have sex like that with some other guys also. “I am also feeling in the same way and Amsara is behind that.”
Without saying anything Viswanadh got off from the bed and dressed himself completely. He slumped himself in the nearby chair, leaned back in it and closed his eyes. After dressing herself completely Evalla went back to his chair and put her both hands around his neck.
“It is all because of me. If I have not entered into your life, you would have been so happy on this day.”
“The only one thing which makes me so much distressed is your talking like this.” Viswanadh got off from the chair, hugged her strongly and kissed on her both cheeks. “Please don’t talk like that.”
“But why, I just cannot understand, why?” looking straight into his face Evalla questioned him. “I never can give an explanation to myself why that strongly I wanted to marry and live with you. As I am so happy like this with you, I stopped thinking why I have felt like that for you and am still feeling like that. But there is no reason for you also to feel like that towards me.”
“Logic and reason don’t work where love is involved dear!” Viswanadh kept her face in his gaze. “I can have most beautiful women on the earth if I want at any moment I want after my wife left me like that but I never want. When you asked me looking into my face I just don’t know what happened. I don’t know and still I am in confusion whether the feeling I got then is love or something else. But......” he paused for a second “........that feeling is just so in me now also. From the moment I married you to till now, I never regretted that I married you.”
“How much lucky I am!” she hugged him and kissed on his both cheeks perfunctorily. “I hope and wish that feeling should be so in you all the time.”
“It shall be just so forever you don’t worry.” Viswanadh made her sit on the edge of the bed and dragged the chair opposite to her before slumping himself in that. “Now that Amsara and the rest. What Sadan’s exact plan to do anything with it?”
“He has no exact plan for the present. He is also thinking that it is very much important to know about my childhood, the character Okatho in me and the relationship between her and me.”
“One thing is worrying me here.” With an uneasy expression in his face Viswanadh said. “That Dr.Rose never agrees to any paranormal treatment to this matter. Even however much we are convinced about paranormal involvement in this matter, I don’t like remove Dr.Rose from this. I am feeling very strongly that Dr.Rose’s treatment also is necessary.”
“Sadan said whatever he does would not come across Rose’s treatment. She may continue with her treatment and he will with his.”
“I will talk about this with Sadan. After having an elaborate discussion on this matter, I do come to a final decision on this.” With a determined expression on his face, Viswanadh said.
“Please do like that” Evalla said yawning heavily kept her right hand across her mouth. “I cannot awake anymore.” She laid herself on the bed.
Viswanadh also did so pressing his middle part to her back. Then his penis under his fabric found place between her buttock and even through the fabric of her it could feel the smoothness of them and started getting erected again.
“So, he fucked you better than I also.” When his thing was fully into her, he laid heavily on the top of her and asked that. Before they put themselves into those sexual acrobatics she explained everything about Prathap.
“To be frank, better than anyone who fucked me till date.” When he heard her so it triggered something in him and he started moving his hips with a force. “Oh, don’t be jealous. After him you are the best one. Moreover he is not alive now.” As if he did not hear what she said, he furiously moved his hips and released grandly into her.
“You jealous pig!” she said and kissed on his both cheeks and restrained him with her both hands when he tried to slid on the right side of her. “Just remember! You are the person who fucked me first before I became a woman and after I became a woman. I still can remember how you did that to me in the available room before I got my womanhood.”
“And you were such hotty that you did not bother with the pain also.” This time he out-forced her and slid on the right side. “You have hot pants from that time itself. Really that Prathap must be a capable person, if he could make you feel satisfy like that.”
“I must agree with you.” She turned towards him and looked into his face. “But his death like that? I just cannot understand it even a little.”
“He may have his own reasons to commit suicide.”
“But he was very young and having no problems. Just remember I have sex with him and I knew him more intimately. He knew I help him in the way he wanted. And here I forgot to tell you something!” then how he felt pain when the last time they both have sex and how he had fled away from there.
“Now I can understand what you are thinking. You are thinking Amsara’s involvement is in this.”
“Not Amsara. It is Okatho who warned me with dangerous consequences if we try to expel her from the body of Evalla.” She said. “Even it is difficult to say whether it was because of Okatho or Amsara, there sure was the involvement of some paranormal.”
“Now you also started believing in paranormal!” Sadan laughed and said.
“Circumstances are compelling us to believe in it.” Prameela kissed on his lips and said. “It seemed Evalla was successful in making my dad agree to your involvement in this matter. He wanted to talk with you and asked me to tell you to meet him in the office on this day.”
“It is the second day to me in your organisation and anyhow I am going to meet him.” Sadan said. “Anyhow I am thinking it is not Evalla who made him to agree to it. It is the circumstances.”
“Shall we put that topic aside for a moment?” Prameela put her right hand down and took his thing into her hands. “I am feeling surprise that it is the very thing which was just like iron rod and fucked me like anything!”
“It just finished its business and don’t trouble it now.” With a painful expression in his face Sadan said.
“Oh, dummy! If it were that Prathap, he would have fucked me for the third time in this time.” Then she took the sack of his balls and squeezed it gently.
“His ghost has to come down and do it like that, I cannot!” his face was filled with an angry expression this time. “I just don’t know how he could but a man should have a thing made of iron to fuck a cunt like yours.”
“Until you say this I don’t remember it.” Then she suddenly remembered how she has got the feeling that she fucked by Prathap just before knowing about his death and she explained that also to him. “I just don’t know how to take it. Are you thinking that it is really his ghost who came and fucked me like that then?”
(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)