Split Personality - 21 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 21

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Split Personality - 21

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Mom, you are very much worrying for something.”

Malathi startled on hearing that voice, turned back and found her daughter just behind her.

“You are doing things so absent minded at the gas-stove and it is quite dangerous also.” Coming near to the stove and taking the ladle from the hands of her mother, Nalini said again.

Malathi went near to one of the chairs at the dining table and slumped herself in it. As the cooking was over at the stove, Nalini switched it off, came near to her mother and slumped in the chair beside her. “What happened mom? Why are you like this?” she put her right hand around her shoulders and asked her trying to look into her face.

Malathi immediately covered her face with her both hands and broke out into weeping. “I cannot come out of that bad habit. I am not cured of that disorder.” Amidst her weeping Malathi said.

“That means you have it with him again!” trying not to show her disgust in her voice Nalini said.

“Not just that” Malathi controlled her weeping and removed her hands from her face but not looked into the face of her daughter. “His nephew Pramod also fucked me on this day. No, no, I let him do that to me.”

“Mom what you are saying!” as if she received a current shock Nalini got off from the chair she sat and her whole heart filled with shock. “I just cannot understand what you are talking!”

“I don’t want to keep anything secret from you dear.” Malathi said still without looking into the face of her daughter. “And I am not sure I ever can be cured of this disorder.”

Nalini did not say anything, in fact she did not know what to say at all.

“You are the best daughter in the world, so you understood me. But no one else can understand something like this. I am really feeling very much worry what happens if ever Sanjan knows about this. However much good guy he may be; I don’t think he is that much good to respect his mother in law once he comes to know about this.”

Still Nalini did not prefer to say anything but her heart filled with fear as she knew what her mother said was absolutely true.

“I am seeing only one way to this, one remedy to this...........” Malathi paused a second before saying “............my death. My committing suicide is the only solution to this problem.”

“No mom, please don’t say like that.” That immediately caused concern in Nalini and she once again slumped in the chair she sat before. In whichever way her mother might behave, she could not let her do something like that. “Rose said that it is not possible to cure this with one hypnotic session. We are going to continue that treatment and you just be confident! You sure can be come out of this disorder hundred percent.”

“I cannot feel like that dear. Whenever I am feeling that urge, it is very much. My using self satisfying method is just increasing the intensity of it more.”  Then Malathi looked into the face of her daughter with an anxious expression. “You cannot understand my problem unless you are in my place.”

“I can understand mom, even not as much as you are sometimes I also do feel urge like that.” Sighing heavily Nalini said. “We do go to that Rose again on this day itself and get that treatment. But you don’t develop any foolish ideas in you. Just remember I also die as soon as you do such type of a thing.”

“Tell me one thing dear.” Malathi got off from the chair she sat and Nalini also got up. “Even after knowing what I am doing, still you can love me?”

“In the same measure mom, to be frank, even more.” Nalini hugged her mother and kissed on her right cheek. “I always remember how much you struggled to make me like this. Your suffering from a disorder does not change it at all.”

“I just don’t know whether to feel sorrow or happy for it.” With a worrying expression in her face Malathi said. “Anyhow one thing I want to say here, one thing. I don’t think I can refrain myself from having it again.”

Nalini sighed heavily and said “Alright mom, having it one or two times more does not change anything. If you cannot control yourself at all, let it happen.”

“But what happens if ever Sanjan knows about it?” suddenly her mother’s face was with full of worry.

“Try to be very much careful while you are having it. We shall see that you would be cured before Sanjan knows about it.”

Malathi nodded her head in resignation. “Okay dear. You go and put yourself in your work. I come to you after I finished the work in the kitchen.”


Prameela did not remember when she started feeling it that fiercely but by the time she decided to have it, she has not become a woman. She did not know it would not be complete until she becomes a woman and the guy Sadan with whom she has it occasionally afterwards also said when his thing stuck in the middle of her thing “You are not a woman yet. So it would not go beyond this.”

“What’s the bloody hell that means?” with irritation she asked him.

Still keeping his thing half way in hers like that he put himself completely on her body and explained to her in her ear what it was to become a woman.

“So this means you cannot fuck me full until I become a woman.” The irritation in her was increased even more.

“That’s it.” He kissed on her right ear and said.

“What we are going to do now?”

“I fuck you in the available gap.” He started moving his thing fiercely in her vagina and whenever he tried to thrust it down she felt utmost pain and asked him to stop. Even it was painful like that the pleasure she felt so in that first time fucking was so much good to her. She got him fucked her so more than three or four times before she became a full-fledged woman. She still could remember what really led to that premature fucking!

“Do you know why your mom divorced your dad and married another guy?”

Sadan was the son of her neighbours, both the families were almost equal in everything as such Sadan and Prameela became friends and they both used to talk many a thing. While talking like that, on one day he suddenly asked that question.

“She does not like my dad, so she went off and married another guy.” Prameela would feel lot of anger on her mother whenever she thought about her and she felt just in the same way then too.

“Why your mom does not like your dad?” another question from him.

“I don’t know.” She said ignorantly. She never even tried to think why her mother did not like her dad.

“He could not fuck her better. So she divorced him and married another guy.”

“What is fucking?”

Then he came near to her and explained in her ear in a small voice what was fucking. That was the very first time she came to know about it and while she was hearing her heart was filled with not only disgust but a sort of thrill also. Gradually that thrill has become more and more in her and led her to have it like that with him even before she became a woman.

In fact Sadan was the first guy who fucked her after she became a complete woman. Until that moment, she did not understand what she could not enjoy in sex without becoming a woman. Prameela turned out to be a beautiful and youthful woman while Sadan as tall and handsome man! It has become a very convenient thing also to them to have it like that as both studied together until they completed their M.B.As. They both continued to have it like that until Sadan completed his M.B.A. and got a job in a very big organisation in USA.  Prameela and her dad both of them asked him to do a job in their business itself. Her dad also very much interested in Sadan as he knew the relationship between her daughter and him and he wanted him to be his son in law. But Sadan wanted to prove himself in a different field in foreign country so he went away.

The only one thing both Prameela and her father also did not like in Sadan was his interest in paranormal. Prameela did not remember when exactly it started  in him but he used to read all the books in paranormal and attend seminars of it also. Prameela many a time tried to change his mindset but he never listened to her. She occasionally talked to him over phone and she understood by way of his talking that his interest in paranormal was increased but not lessened.

“What you are thinking, may I know?”

Prameela startled and came out of her thinking when she heard the voice of Evalla. She did not even know when she entered into her room but stood straight opposite to her.

“You are absorbed this much in thinking not even notice my entering into your room.”

“I am thinking about a friend who has interest in paranormal things.” Settling in her chair for even more comfort Prameela said.

“May be a very much close friend to put you into deep thinking about him in this way.”  Dragging another chair opposite to her and slumping herself into that, Evalla said.

“I must agree.” Prameela laughed and said. “We both are childhood friends and reside in the side by side houses. Not just that we have studied from our LKG to M.B.A. together.”

“Then there is no surprise in your thinking like that” Evalla also laughed. “What you said about him? Has interest in paranormal things?”

“Yes, of course.  That’s what I don’t like much in him either. He is in USA doing some job there and we both quite often talk with each other. He is a good friend to me always but that does not change my dislike in paranormal.”

“You not just does not believe in paranormal but dislike it also? Why it is so?” with gathered frowns Evalla asked her.

“Those voodoo, black magic, shadow world etc. things are invented only for the purpose of cheating the innocent people. So I dislike paranormal things like those.”

Evalla did not say anything but remained silent.

“Did I hurt you in anyway by talking like that? Do you believe in paranormal things like those?” looking concernedly into the face of Evalla, Prameela asked her.

“I cannot say whether I do believe in them or not” Evalla laughed and said. “It is just because I never have given a serious thought to it.”

“But you often say that your main aim is to get the grace of Amsara and become the queen of paranormal.”

“I said it like that? I never remember saying it like that at anytime!” with a confusing expression in her face Evalla said.

“As Okatho you often say it like that.”

“That Okatho is a complete different character in me and I don’t even know that it is existing in me.” With a distressing expression in her face Evalla said. “Her likes, dislikes and her characteristics are never mine.”

“I am sorry.” Taking her right hand into her both hands and squeezing it gently Prameela said. “I have forgotten that fact and said it like that.”

 “Its alright. No problem.” Evalla relieved her hand from the hands of Prameela. “But I want to be relieved from this Okatho as fast as possible. Why doesn’t that psychiatrist start something fast?” with an irritating expression in her face, Evalla asked her

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)