Split Personality - 19 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 19

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Split Personality - 19

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“May be you are right.” Prameela nodded her head. “Did she say anything about Okatho? Did she know anything about it at all?”

“That is the greatest irony of all!” Prameela said. “She does not at all know that she has been occasionally behaving so. She does not know that there is a character with a name Okatho in her. When she is Evalla and free of that character and people ask her about Okatho, she used to feel lot of discomfort and uneasiness. She just did not know anything about it.”

“It is just the same with her now also.” Sighing heavily Prameela said. “It is the main characteristic of split-personality disorder. The subject does not know anything about the other character in it.”

“So in you people opinion that she has been suffering from split-personality disorder.” Prameela said.

“It is not just our opinion. It is a fact.” With firmness in her voice Prameelas said. “Evalla has been suffering from split personality disorder which needs systematic treatment to be cured off completely.”

“I am sorry. I am not as much educated as you are and cannot think in a rational way like that.” With a regretful expression in her face Madhumathi said. “In all our opinion there is something paranormal for her odd behaviour like that occasionally.”

“Its alright. No problem.” Prameela smiled and got off from the chair. “Anyhow I keep my promise and see that your orphanage does have enough funding from our side. I do give you my visiting card and tell me if you come to know anything knew about her.”

“Sure madam! Most of the information I said to you is secondary which I came to know from my uncle. ” Madhumathi also got off from the chair and said. “You also keep my card. You can call me at anytime and visit our place whenever you want.” Then she gave a visiting card to Prameela and Prameela put it in her handbag before coming out of that place.


“It is quite surprising! She was aged twelve years or so by the time she entered into that orphanage? She reached almost adolescence by that time.” After hearing what his daughter said Viswanadh said with a surprising expression.

On that day Prameela met her father in his office to discuss the matters freely with him. In the house, as Evalla was always present, it has become little difficult to the daughter and father to discuss about her in such a way.

“Yes, I too did not expect that. She was aged twelve or so by then. As per the saying of the woman there who is the present proprietrix of that orphanage, all her memory before that day was wiped off completely. She did not remember anything of her childhood.”

Viswanadh got off from his chair went to the middle of the room thinking something furiously and suddenly turned and looked into the face of his daughter. “How it is possible? How anyone can lose memory of his or her life to such a large extent?”

“Dr.Rose may give a better answer to this.” Prameela smiled but suddenly her face became serious. “The other surprising thing here is; her suffering from that split personality disorder. It is not recent in her and she did not expose to it for the first time on that day. She has been suffering from it for a long time and in fact the people there used to feel fear because of her eccentric behaviour. That was one reason why she could not make many friends.”

“Is it is so? She has been suffering from that psychological disorder for a long time?” with gathered frowns Viswanadh asked her.

“It is just so.” Prameela nodded her head. “In all of their opinion there is something paranormal for her behaviour so.”

“I never have heard anything more absurd than this Pramee.” With an irritating expression in his face Viswanadh said. 

“My opinion also is exactly that and I said so to that woman there.” Prameela said.

“Anyhow I am thinking one thing dear!” Viswanadh once again came near to his chair and slumped himself in it. “Her life upto the moment entering into that orphanage has something to do with her split-personality disorder.”

“Exactly my thinking dad!” stooping forward in the chair and balancing her arms on the table in between them both Prameela exclaimed. “And if we know about it I think we can have vital information which will be helpful to treat her split-personality disorder.”

“I am thinking that it is better we discuss about this matter with that Rose. We shall see what she would say after hearing all of this.” Viswanath suggested.

“Dad, then may we both go to that BAMC or ask that psychiatrist to come here to discuss about it?” leaning back in the chair and still looking into the face of her dad, Prameela asked him.

“You may please go and discuss about this with that Rose dear. You know very well how much busy I am for the next few days.” With a requesting expression in his face, Viswnadh said.

“My schedule also is very busy for the next few days but I do manage, you don’t worry.” Prameela said and got off form the chair she sat. “I go now.”

“Sure you can.” Viswanadh smiled and said. “And thank you.”

“Please dad. Don’t thank me for anything I do for you, I already told you.” Imitating an irritating expression in her face Prameela said.

“Sorry dear. I do remember this and never say thanks to you again.”

“There should be no sorrys also between you and me.”

“Alright....alright....” Viswanadh laughed.

“Okay then. I go.” Prameela prepared to go away from that room but turned back. “Dad I want to ask you a question.”

“You don’t need my permission to ask anything.”

“After knowing the problem of Evalla, do you feel any regret that you married her?”

Viswanadh got off from the chair, came near to his daughter and looked into her face. “Absolutely no.” The firmness in his voice was surprised Prameela. “I agree my marriage with her was only because of her asking me so. I cannot give any explanation for my later on feeling on her. I don’t know whether my feeling now on her is love or something else but I am not at all feeling worry that I married a girl who has been suffering from a psychological disorder! In fact I am feeling quite happy that I can be helpful to her like this.”

“That is indeed nice dad.” With an appreciating expression in her face Prameela nodded her head. She was about to say something more but then Manoj who was the auditor in that office entered into that room.

“I am sorry. I don’t know that you both have been in a discussion. I come later.” Manoj turned back and tried to go away from here.

“No problem. I finished talking with my dad. You may do your talking.” Prameela smiled and said. “After finishing with my dad, don’t forget to come into my chamber also. There are matters I need to discuss with you.” After saying so without looking back she went away from that place.


“Excellent! Indeed good work. The best video I have ever seen. And....” Prameela was saying looking into the face of Manoj who sat opposite to her then with a confusing expression in his face. “..........I don’t say your idea is right! You thought in the wrong way and even if it has not been spoiled by your disloyal friend Prathap, it would not work out with me at all.”

“I just don’t know what you are talking!” Manoj said. Whatever she was saying was sinking into his mind but not digested yet.

“No surprise in your feeling confusion like this.” Prameela laughed and leaned back in the chair. “I am talking about your wonderful idea of video-graphing of our having sex together to blackmail me at a later date. That apple phone you gave to your friend for that purpose came into my possession. I am sorry to say to you that you have no opportunity to blackmail me.”

“No, no. It must be the idea of that bastard Prathap. We did the mistake by putting him in charge of most of our affairs including that guest house. Why do I think to make video of our own sex and blackmail you? If that does go into public, not only you but I also do have lot of damage. Why don’t you use your logic and think even you don’t trust me?” his face was with full of anguish and shock.

“A fifteen thousand rupees salaried person like him could not buy one lakh rupees apple phone Manoj. You know very well that damage to my reputation would be more than it is to you if that video does go viral and I never can afford to happen it like that. Anyhow I cannot blame you completely for that and if I were you in your place I would have done something like that.” She paused for a second as if to reiterate whatever she was going to say. “I do appreciate if you be frank with me Manoj. If you tell me the truth, you don’t lose the job even I never let you fuck my ass again. But if you don’t own up your mistake, even we cannot afford to lose you now I throw you out and find another auditor for our business. Think yourself and be quick in your answer.”

“Yes, it was my idea.” After few seconds’ silence Manoj hung his head and said. “I should not have done it like that. I did a mistake. Pardon me.”

“Its alright. No problem.” Prameela laughed and said. “Your professional life here would be just as it is and as it should be. The only difference the mistake you did caused is; we don’t have it together again in whole of our lives. Just remember this and get out.”

Manoj got off from the chair and turned back to go away from the place.

“Just a moment.” When she said it he turned back and looked into her face. There was a painful expression in his face.

“If you try to do something with that Prathap just because he exposed you to me so, it shall make a lot of difference in the matters. Your place will be replaced by a new auditor in no time and I mean it hundred percent. Now just get out.”

Suddenly there was a raged expression in his face which disappeared instantly. He nodded his head and moved out of that room but he appeared to her as if some twenty years or so of age suddenly got on to him.

Prameela yawned heavily and leaned back in the chair. Suddenly she remembered her having sex with that Prathap. Pleasure waves passed all through her body while she was remembering how his bulged thing made fierce movements through her tightly closed vaginal lips. Bastard how he could know such type of tricks in sex she did not know but the memory of that pleasure itself has become unbearable to her.


“I am happy to see you and talk with you again.” This time Prameela took the appointment of Rose and met her in her chamber in BAMC at four in the evening. “There are some important matters need to be discussed with you regarding that Evalla’s split personality disorder.”

“I am all ears to hear that.” With her charming smile on her lips Rose leaned back in the chair and said. “Anyhow, before saying anything else, just tell me how is Evalla’s psychological condition? Is it is worse?”

“Of course, no. It is not worse.” Nodding her head in negation Prameela said. “That split-personality character once again exposed in her and she talked in the routine way just like in the previous times. Her desire to get the grace of bad angel Amsara, taking revenge on her enemies.”

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)