Split Personality - 18 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 18

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Split Personality - 18

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Will you remove him from his job?” once he completed his dressing he came to the bed and sat on the edge of it.

“No, I am not going to remove him from his job.” She closed her both thighs which were opened till that second even after removing his thing also. “He is very much skilled and professional and I cannot afford to lose him. But he is not going to fuck my ass anymore! He could not satisfy me even a tenth of what you did.”

“That indeed would be a great disappointment to him. So far he is enjoying your ass a lot.” Prathap laughed and said.

“I don’t care and I don’t bother.” Then she also got off from the bed and dressed herself completely. Then she came near to him, put her both hands around his neck and once again kissed on his lips straight “As usual close the guest house and go to your home. I tell you when we both are going to have it together.”

Then taking the cell phone with her, she went away from that place.


“Evalla married and settled in her life. I am feeling very much happy to that.” The present owner of that Alambana, who was a lady at that time, said.

“But she married a fifty plus aged guy who is my dad.” Prameela laughed and said.

When Prameela went to that orphanage and introduced herself to Madhumathi who was the proprietrix to it then, she was warmly welcomed and received. After making her sit in her own room in the chair opposite to her chair Madhumathi started conversation. There was a table in between both the chairs and Madhumathi balanced her arms on that.

“Evalla told me. But I have to come to know about it only after her marriage. None of us here have been either informed or invited by her to that marriage.”

“Why so? Does not she feel friendship with anyone here? She has spent such a long time here.” With a surprising expression in her face Prameela asked her.

“I cannot say what her idea exactly was. She might have thought we would discourage her from marrying an old aged guy. That was why she did not invite any of us to her marriage.”

“How is her relationship with the people here? Did she make friendship with anyone? After spending such a long time in this place, it is impossible not to have friends.” Prameela still remembered Evalla’s saying that she has no friends but still she wanted to know.

“Evalla is an eccentric girl. She has no animosity towards anyone here at the same time no friendship either.  She used to be good with everyone at the same time maintains a distance. The only people she liked more and talked more was my uncle Suhasan. After his death, this orphanage has come into my hands and she is quite friendly with me and with one or two guys here.”

“When your uncle expired?”

“He expired two years before.  It was he who constructed this orphanage and funded it. Before his death he gave the responsibility of this orphanage to me and now it is I who is running it.” She paused for a second before saying again. “To be frank we have to expend our own money a lot to run it because public funding is very little to it and no government aid at all.”

“You need not worry about anymore. I shall fund it enough to run it smoothly in future. We are rich business people and have no problem in helping a public serving organisation like this.”Prameela said.

“I am very happy to hear this! There are very few people who come forward to help voluntary organisations like these.” Suddenly Madhumathi’s face filled with a happy expression.

“Evalla now is the wife of my dad and became a member in our family. Quite unfortunately she has been suffering from a psychological disorder. I want her to be cured fast and become a normal individual. To do that we need more information about her. With the hope that you can give it to me, I came here.” Looking keenly into the face of Madhumathi, Prameela said. Prameela expected a surprising expression in the face of Madhumathi but her face was as usual.

“Is she is behaving like Okatho occasionally?” leaning back in the chair and sighing heavily Madhumathi asked Prameela.

“That means this has not been recent problem to her!” Prameela also did not feel surprise as she also expected that.

“No, this is not a new problem to her.” Madhumathi nodded her head and adjusted in the chair for more comfort. “I don’t know with what name that disorder would be called but she has been suffering from it for a long time. She says her name is Okatho and her main aim is to get the grace of Amsara and take revenge on her enemies.”

“Yes, exactly that!” exclaimed Prameela. “Whenever she becomes Okatho she says like that.”

“So you people want her to be cured from that problem. There is no surprise in your feeling like that. The children here including me sometimes feels fear to her because of her behaviour in such a way. In fact my uncle Manoj also has a sort of fear towards her.”

“Why so? She has just been suffering from a psychological disorder! There is no necessity at all to feel fear towards her.” Prameela said.

“I don’t know and I cannot say.” Madhumathi sighed heavily. “But her behaviour occasionally like that created such fear in all of us. She is very much friendly with me, but I also observed her while behaving like that and I do also have sort of fear to her.”

“Alright. But my main aim in coming here is; to know the past life of Evalla to use it to cure her from her psychological disorder.” Trying not to show her irritation and fear in her face, Prameela said.

“Only my uncle Manoj knows about her more. None of those who were here when she entered into this orphanage, are not now here. Even those who spent considerable time along with her here also went away from this place. My acquaintance with her is only two years and I too don’t know much about her.”

“I do appreciate if you tell me whatever information you know about her that we don’t know. My dad and I are so desperate to make her hundred percent a normal individual.” With a pleading expression in her face Prameela said.

“I do anything so happily that helps Evalla. She is a favourite to me and my uncle also. She shared some of her earnings every time with this orphanage in some way or the other wherever she is. Just ask whatever you do want to ask and I give you the sincere answers.”

“Who took Evalla here? Is there any record wherefrom she has come, who were her parents and what she was with her when she entered into it?”

“No one has taken here. As per the information I have from my uncle she herself came straight to this orphanage.”

“She came straight to this orphanage? I just cannot understand.” Prameela’s face was with full of surprise on hearing that.

“On one day my uncle Manoj found her at the entrance of this orphanage. She was aged twelve years or so by that time and there was no one else with her then. My uncle took her inside the orphanage, fed her and asked her several questions but she did not answer even one of those questions. It was just like she has forgotten all the past till that moment.” Madhumathi said.

“Evalla has such a problem now also. She is feeling difficult to remember certain things in her life.” Remembering her experience with Evalla, Prameela said.

“You are right. Moreover when it comes to her own childhood it was just like all her memory was wiped out! She did not remember anything before the day she came here. My uncle said he has put the name Evalla to her. Why did he put such a strange name to her, I cannot understand!”

“Or......” Prameela said slitting her eyes. “....she just did not want to tell anything to you people about her life till that day.” 

Frowns gathered on the forehead of Madhumathi and the expression in the face of her turned into a sort of suspicion. “Might be. I cannot say. But what would be the necessity to her to keep her childhood a secret like that?”

“We don’t know. As she was such a small child then I cannot say that it was with some malafide intention but she might have her own reasons for not telling anything of her upto that date to you people.” Prameela did not like suspecting Evalla in such a way but she could not remain without expressing her doubt so.

“There is a possibility of what you have said also but that’s it. We don’t know anything about wherefrom she has come, either someone took her and left her here or she all by herself came here, we don’t know.”

“Even in the later on days also she did not say anything about her parents.....”

“As per the information I have from my uncle, no. She never said or could not say about those details. My uncle tried many a time but with the same result.”

“What after that? I mean has she been sent to a school, educated.....”

“Yes, she has been sent to a government high school. The surprising thing here is; even she has memory problem like that, she was an intelligent kid! She passed upto her graduation with excellent grades. But the problem was; she has no particular aim in her life. It was just like she was in lot of confusion not knowing what to do with her life.”

“You may be right.” Prameela nodded her head. “She said that her entering into movie field also not with interest. Someone encouraged her to do that just because she was so glamorous!”

“Could be. She did not discuss much about those details with me. The bad luck is; the two or three films she acted so far were flaps.”

“But she has no worry at all about that. She is feeling so happy that she could become the wife of my dad.” Prameela laughed and said.

“What is the surprising thing in it?” Madhumathi also laughed. “Getting a husband like your dad is indeed a very high thing in her life. There is no surprise in her feeling happy for that.”

“But my dad is little aged whereas she is very young.”

“That does not matter. Once they both do love and like each other so, age difference does not matter at all.” Prameela said. “I sensed lot of happiness and joy in her while she was saying about your dad and her married life.”

“So she comes and discusses the matters with you occasionally?”

“Of course, yes. She comes and discusses the matters with me. She feels such intimacy to discuss her matters with me.” Madhumathi sighed heavily “But not all the matters, either because she has no interest or for any other reason.”

“She never told about her childhood, what caused her to come here like this.” As if for confirmation Prameela said.

“Never” with gathered frowns Madhumathi said. “If she could remember any of that she would have told the same to my uncle and to me also. But I already told you about her memory problem. She has the difficulty in remembering certain things and when it comes to her life upto the point she comes here, it is completely wiped off from her memory.”

“I am thinking her life until that moment may have the reason for her eccentric behaviour, that is, her inability to make friendship with children here......”

“Just wait a moment!” Madhumathi cut her off. “I am thinking that it was not just because of her inability to make friendships she could not make friends. Because of her occasional odd behaviour, the children used to feel fear to her. That was why even she tried to make friendship with children here, they did not give her a chance. By the information I have from my uncle, I can form this opinion very conveniently.”

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)