Split Personality - 4 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 4

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Split Personality - 4

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“I want to say something sir.” Rose paused for a second as she felt some uneasiness to mention it so to him then but she wanted. “My husband Williams knows you. He is the managing director of Mammoth Enterprises. He knows about you to some extent.”

“Williams! I know him. We have business connections, we talked with each other on more than one occasion and I can say he is my friend. But it did not happen to know about you through him. It is indeed wonderful to think that my friend Williams is the husband of reputed psychiatrist Dr.Rose.”

“Its alright sir.” Rose’s cheeks were blushed on hearing that. “I just want to mention this to you and I did.”

“You really did a very nice thing Dr.Rose.” Viswanadh smiled.

 “In fact I came to know something about you and your wife through Sahamooti and my husband also. You married your second wife quite recently.”

“If eight months time is quite recent in your opinion, it is just so.” Viswanadh smiled. “Eight months have completed just by yesterday.””

“I came to know that she is a film actress.”

“She just acted in two or so films. And they were too quite unknown to the people as they were produced by small producers and failures.”

“How it has happened that you married this girl? How you came to know about her in the first place?”

“My friend who is a director and producer was a producing a film and he invited me while doing that. She was a supporting actress but she was not able to do that also in a proper way. My friend started scolding her and in fact he was of the opinion to remove her from that role and put someone else in it.”

“Anyhow you fell in love with her, intervened and proposed marriage to her and she agreed.” Rose once again smiled.

“I intervened of course. While my friend was scolding her she burst into weeping. I intervened and admonished him. He made that quite clear that he could not continue the movie with her, she has to be removed and someone else has to be put in her place. While she was too much worrying how to live from then on, I offered her a job in my office and she so happily accepted that. In fact she was vexed with her actress career and wanted a shift.” He paused for a second.

“I see” Rose nodded her head thoughtfully.

“We were coming to my office in my car. I was thinking furiously what job I could offer to her. She did not appear much educated to me either. Then she suddenly asked me.”

‘Sir, you are a divorcee, are not you?’

I really felt angry on her intruding like that into my personal life. ‘Of course, so what?’ I curtly asked her. “Anyhow how did you come to know about it?”

“I heard the conversation between you and your friend. He chided you as you remained unmarried after your divorce such a long time back.”

“Alright then” I was still angry. “What it has to do anything with you?”

‘Can you........can you......marry me then sir? Another unexpected question from her.’  There was a pause again.     

Frowns gathered on the forehead of Rose and she remained silent.

‘My wife and I were divorced nearly twenty years back Dr.Rose when our daughter Prameela was just four years old. I never have thought even about a woman relationship in those twenty years time. My daughter Prameela and my business have become the whole for me. I just want to ask her shut up and never say such type of things again. But I could not say it like that looking into her face.” He sighed heavily and remained silent for few more seconds.

“Just in sometime you are going to see her and can form your opinion on her Dr.Rose but looking into her face then I understood something. She wanted something so terribly and expected to have it from me. What made me like that I did not know but I remained silent.’

‘I shall be a very faithful and good wife to you. Think about it. Please.’ There was pleading in her face.

‘I have a daughter. Probably one or two years older to you. She never agrees to our marriage’ I said.

‘Oh, please! I want a marriage. I want a husband just like you. Don’t say no to this.’ The pleading expression was just so in her face.

Even now also I cannot understand Dr.Rose how and why I have agreed to that but I agreed. We both have become man and wife just in one week after that. Here one more thing which is quite surprising to you to hear.’ He paused again.

“I am very much eager to hear that sir.”  With a curious expression in her face Rose said.

“From the day we both have married and till date, even for one second I regretted marrying her so. She kept her promise. She is indeed a very good wife to me.”

“Very nice to hear that sir.” Rose nodded her head and said. “After your marriage with her, did you try to know about her past? I mean her parents, brothers, sisters and family history?”

“She is an orphan Dr.Rose. She has no parents and no relatives. She has grown up in an orphanage ‘Alambana’. With the help of that orphanage she studied upto degree.”

“Indeed very much pathetic sir.” Rose once again nodded her head with sorrowful expression in her face and leaned back in the chair. “Does she have any friends?”

“No, she does not have any friends. Neither girls nor boys.” Nodding his head in negation Viswanadh said.

“Did you try to know about her background? Wherefrom she has come into that orphanage and at what age, etc?”

“She has been found by the proprietor of that orphanage suddenly one day at the entrance of the same. She has forgotten about everything including her name and the name Evalla also has been given by that proprietor. After completing her graduation, she moved herself into a rented flat and started doing a small job. In addition to that job, she was doing roles in movies also. In fact she was the heroine in the first two movies of her. But they were produced by small people and wee failures so she could not get any name.”

“Now, the main point” Rose adjusted herself in the chair. “When you have found the difference in her psychological behaviour and what exactly is the problem?”

“One month or so back she asked me to go to that orphanage in which she has grown up and I agreed. She has been taken there in a car and returned on the same day in the night. From that moment she started behaving differently. Not always but occasionally.”

“What is that difference in her behaviour? Please elaborate.”

“Naturally Evalla is a very mild woman and sensitive! She talks smoothly and pleasantly with me and everyone. But suddenly on that day she talked very roughly and behaved very violently. I did not know why she talked like that.” He paused for a second “And later on also she behaved like that occasionally.”

“Can you say what she talked?” Rose knitted her brows together.

“She said she knows what to do and how to do. She hundred percent fulfils her mission and never fails in that. It is just matter of time.”

“What is that mission? Is it is to become a great heroine and earn reputation?”

“I don’t think so.” Viswanadh adjusted in his chair and leaned back. “After our marriage she did not even for once talked about that movie career. It was just like she entered into that movie field only because she was glamorous and encouraged by her friends. It appears to me she has been hundred percent satisfied with her matrimonial life.”

“It may not be like that sir.” Rose also leaned back in the chair and said. “She may be wishing so much to become a great heroine but just feeling fear to express it like that. Anyhow....” she paused for a second. “..........what would you say if she expresses at you that she wants to enter into the movie field again?”

Viswanadh closed his eyes for few seconds and opened them again before saying. “If she wants it like that, I hundred percent agree to it Dr.Rose. Of course, it’s little bit difficult to me to agree to that but I think I agree.”

“That’s a nice thing to hear sir” Rose said and put herself into thinking about what to ask next. Before she said anything Viswanadh said.

“Here something is noticeable Dr.Rose.”

“Tell me sir, what it is?” once again Rose’s face was filled with a curious expression.

“While she was behaving like that, she said her name was ‘Okatho’.”

“What? She said her name was ‘Okatho?” Rose became straight in her chair.

“She talked like this. ‘Okatho’ never forgets. ‘Okatho’ never fails. ‘Okatho’ fulfils her mission.”

“Did you try to know who is that Okatho? Atleast did you ask her whether she knows anything about Okatho?”

“I did not try particularly to know about that Okatho. But when she has become normal, I asked her why she talked like that as she was Okatho. She said that she did not have any idea why she behaved like that and she never has heard about any Okatho.”

Rose remained silent while thinking seriously about what Viswanadh has said. It was turning out just what Charles and she thought about it.

“Is that Okatho just her imagination?” Viswanadh broke that silence.

“We cannot say like that sir. There may really be a Okatho and your wife is trying to impose her on her. Or as you said.....” Rose paused for a moment before saying again “.....she created an imaginary personality like that.”

“Why she would do something like that? What is the necessity to her to do so?” suddenly there was distress in his face. “Until this episode took place, we both were so happy indeed. I did not find any psychological problem in her.”

“You can be again like that. I am here to solve this problem.” Once again her charming smile climbed onto her lips. “You don’t worry.”

“But.....you may feel surprise that I am feeling at this age in this way. I just don’t know why but I want her to be happy so desperately. If she is happy I don’t want anything else and I am ready to do anything for that. I expressed myself so at her and she believed it also. She knows hundred percent that I don’t object at all even she wants to act in movies again. But why.....” he paused for a second as if to stress what he was going to say “..........she has to behave like that? Imposing characters on her whether they are imaginary or real?”

“Mind is a very complex thing sir, indeed very complex. We cannot understand why our mind itself thinks so, feels so sometimes. Then how can we say why other people’ minds are behaving in a different way? Moreover, even you both are man and wife there are more than one thing you don’t know about her. You don’t know about her childhood, you don’t what took place in her life while she was growing up in that asylum, and movie field is a manipulating field and what she has encountered in it while she was trying for portions in the movies.”

  “May be you are right. I agree.” Viswanadh nodded his head. “So far from what you have heard, can you say what her psychological disorder is?”

“You said that she has behaved like that on number of occasions.”

“On six occasions or so she behaved like that after that day and on each occasion the length of time is ten minutes or so.”

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)