Rain Flower - 28 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 28

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Rain Flower - 28

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Wonderful Williams!” Saying so she looked into the other people’s faces once again giving an indication that she was going to ask very important questions. Everyone, including Rose became completely excited.   

“Why did you go into that old palace Williams?”

“Tippu asked me to go.” This time there was no hesitation in Williams.

“Why did he want you to go there?”

“He said if I go and hid behind the iron safe there I could see a very important and interesting thing.”

“Did he say what that important and interesting thing was?”

“No. He did not.” He was answering the questions mechanically. There was no change in him at all.

“Did not you press him to say what it is?”

“I pressed, I demanded. We quarreled also. But he did not tell me about that.”

Then Jasmine remembered Marissa’s words.

“So you went there and hid behind the iron safe.” Rose said.

“Yes. I did exactly like that.”

Once more Rose looked into the faces of Jasmine, John, Liza and Swaroop. She was going to ask the very crucial question now.

“Then did you see what Tippu said that you do see? Have you seen anything by hiding yourself in that palace?”

There were immediately frowns on his forehead again. They understood this time he was trying to remember a particular thing.

“Relax….. don’t be excited………. you can remember what you have seen….……you can….……” Rose was saying.

“Yes, I can.” Williams roared like a lion and shot up from the chair he sat. “Everything I can.” He was yelling at the top of his voice. “Now I understood why I have become mad like that. Anyone in my place becomes mad like that. I go and kill them both now itself.”

Williams tried to go away from that place fast but John pounced on him and stopped. But he had to put all his strength to stop him as Williams using his brute force to be freed himself. Then Liza and Swaroop also came forward and hold him strongly not to move.

Jasmine was transfixed! She could not believe what she was seeing. She did not know whether she has to feel happy that her brother recovered his memory or feel sad that he was becoming violently so.

“Don’t stop me……... Don’t stop me……... I have to go and kill that bitch and bastard.” He was still yelling at high pitch of his voice.

“Brother …….. Who they both are? Relax yourself and tell me?” Jasmine came into this world, holding him with her hands, asked.

“Who…….. You are asking who……...That dirty bitch …..…. Margaret ……... our mother and that dirty bastard………. Dibbu……….They both have been lovers for years……..,.That Dibbu set up Margaret in our father’s office to make our father marry her, only for his property. Our father died with a heart attack after coming to know about their love affair.”

Jasmine was dumbfounded……… She did not expect this……..No one could expect something like this. My God! What is this?

“Brother …….. Is it is true? Is it …..…. Was it really happened like that?” still there was full of doubt in her voice.    

“For what else I have lost my mind you are thinking? I just could not digest it then. But it is not so now. I go and kill them both. Leave me first.”

It had become quite evident to all of them that he was no longer under hypnosis.

“Williams……..you made me the promise.” With a loud voice Rose reminded him. “Have you forgotten about that?”

“No. Nothing can stop me now. I cannot be relaxed until I kill that bitch Margaret and that bastard Dibbu. They caused heart attack to my father. He died because of them both. I came to know everything through their conversation on that day in that room.”

“Its alright Williams………. We shall see that they do suffer for what they did. But I cannot let you do anything violent like that.” Taking his hand into hers Rose said. Tears were flowing down on her cheeks and she was not trying to wipe them at all.

“Are you still loving me….… still loving me….…. even after knowing that I am son of such a dirty bitch?” Williams asked her vehemently.

“Yes. I do love you always. More than the past. Nothing can stop me from doing that.” She kissed on both of his cheeks. “Never ……. never ….… do anything violent that effect our lives.”

Williams slumped himself in the chair again, covered his face in his hands and started weeping. Liza tried to stop him from weeping but Rose said. “Let him weep for some time. It is important. He needs a way out.” Then Liza came back.

After few minutes Williams consoled himself and looked into the face of Rose. “It seems that you have guessed this before, are not you?” he asked her.

“I have guessed that your mom involved in that. It was my hunch that you would have seen some illicit affair of her with some person. The main reason for it she never bothered about the incident which made you mildly mad like that. Moreover recently she asked me particularly to make you not to remember your past which made my hunch even more strong. What else can make a mentally and psychologically absolutely healthy person a dummy like that? But I did not expect that the man involved in this was that Dibbu.”

“I am asking you the same question John. Can you still love me after knowing what type of a person my mother is?”

John hugged her strongly and kissed on her both cheeks. “The same answer to the same question… I do always, always, always love you and it is impossible to me not to love you.”

Suddenly Williams got off from the chair. “Where are that bitch and the rogue? I must see them both now?”

“Williams ………. Do you……….” Rose hastily tried to say something.

“Don’t worry. I am not going to kill them. But I do something that they never can forget. I do expose them to the world. Even it costs our whole prestige and reputation, I do that. I am going to take revenge as they caused heart attack to my father and his death.” He immediately went off from that room.


“I know that you would be here.” Dibbu said when he entered into that room. “You never fail to come here on Fridays. You want that always from me.” There was pride in his eyes.

Margaret remained silent with a blank expression on her face. She was on the bed, there was a handbag in her lap and her right hand was in it. Just seconds before she completed writing in the notebook and put it in the cupboard there.

 “Things have become complicated a lot after your son seeing us so on that day. That dirty Tippu exposed us both just because I did not give him the money he wanted. He was the only person on the earth who knew about our secret love life and I had to get him cut into pieces. It was my mistake that I had given him so much importance and let him know our secret life also. I have to compensate for that so.”

Margaret still remained silent with the same blank expression.

“I said on that day that you would become the richest woman in our country. It just happened like that. You helped me too. You helped me to become the Chief. To build my own empire. Now I am commanding more assets, more power and more richness. Very soon I put a stop to this servant life. Thanks a lot.”

Still Margaret did not say anything. She was just observing him. She wanted so much to explain Raja Prathap what a cheater Stuart was. But she could not do that. She could not stop Stuart from stealing from them even she could control him. She always felt fear to her prestige and reputation if he started something so she allowed him to steal for a long time until Williams became the managing director of Mammooth. Once Williams became the managing director Dibbu could not do what he was doing until that moment.

 Dibbu did not care her remaining calm like that. After Williams turned so Margaret preferred to remain calm most of the time while she was with Dibbbu.

“If you allow me now to do that fierce animal sex, I do say thanks to you again and go back.” Trying to approach towards her he said.

Then she took her hand from the hand bag. There was a pistol in her hand with a silencer to it. She pointed it towards him.

There was panic immediately in his face. He suddenly found the seriousness in her face and did not mistake it. Just in seconds he could understand her intention.

“Why… why is this? don’t shoot me.”

Margaret did not give much chance to him. She squeezed the trigger for two times and bullets perfectly stationed in the chest of Dibbu. He fallen down there and met with instant death.

There were still two bullets in that gun and she pointed it towards her head. With the same ease, with the same determination, with which she shot Dibbu, she shot herself. She slumped on her right side from the bed but before her body met the floor there, the life left her body.


John and Jasmine, Liza and Swaroop got married at the same time. Rose and John have to work a lot to make Williams and Jasmine reconciled, understood the truth and be adjusted to that. Williams was trying but he could not forgive his mother. But he became quite happy when he came to know that Rose was pregnant.

John’s unmistaken deep love helped Jasmine to become her usual self. She was able to forgive her mother and trying to lead a happy life.

Swaroop and Liza were the happiest couple. Swaroop took a decision to study law as Liza advised him to do that.


The End


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